Because it spotlights the current state of affairs in the West—and all the key players—the recent uprising in Dublin should not be so quickly forgotten. Background: On Nov. 23, 2023, a Muslim man of Algerian origin, with a known criminal record, knifed a group of preschool children attending Saint Mary’s, a Catholic school in Dublin. Three children—two girls and a boy aged … [Read more...]
‘They Hate Us!’ The Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2023
Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of November 2023. The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Pakistan: A Muslim man murdered a young Christian because he was “driven by a strong hatred for Christians and Jews.” On Nov. 9, around 3 a.m., Muhammad Zubair broke into a Christian household while … [Read more...]
Mahdism: The Apocalyptic Ideology behind Iran’s Nuclear Program
The Stream The West’s greatest blind spot concerning Iran’s nuclear program can perhaps be summed up in one word—Mahdism. The Muslim doctrine of Mahdism revolves around an eschatological figure—the Mahdi, or “Rightly Guided One”—who vanquishes evil and ushers in Islamic rule during the end times. Both Sunnis and Shias believe in the Mahdi, though they have different versions … [Read more...]
Video: ‘Raymond Ibrahim on Islam’s War against the West and Muslim Persecution of Christians’
I recently spoke at The Free Press Society in Copenhagen, Denmark. The event description and video follow: On November 13th 2023, The Free Press Society had invited American historian, author and columnist Raymond Ibrahim - who has an Egyptian/Coptic Christian family background - to tell about his ongoing studies of the persecution of Christians, especially in Muslim … [Read more...]
Hamas: Origins, Nature, and Goals
The Stream Although most in the West consider Hamas, which brutally massacred some 1,400 Israelis on October 7, 2023, to be anything from a terrorist to a nationalist organization, the group sees itself first and foremost as a religious—namely, Islamic—movement, dedicated to enforcing Muslim law (sharia), including through jihad. “Hamas” means “zeal” in Arabic and is an … [Read more...]