The Stream Pope Francis is at it again, relativizing about Muslim violence, suggesting that it has no ideological component, but is a “perversion” of true Islam, which is peace. In his new book, Non Sei Solo: Sfide, Risposte, Speranze (“You Are Not Alone: Challenges, Answers, Hopes”), which was published in Italian and released on Tuesday [Oct. 24, 2023], Francis calls on … [Read more...]
Deemed ‘Accidental’: The Burning Alive of Christians in the Middle East
Coptic Solidarity Over 100 Christians were burned alive after a fire broke out during a Christian wedding ceremony in Iraq on Oct. 3, 2023; another 150 attendees were seriously injured. Nearly 60 of those killed in the inferno were directly related to the bride and groom. To quote from one report, Tragedy struck the Assyrian Christian town of Hamdaniya in Nineveh province … … [Read more...]
The Muslim ‘Vatican’ Declares Open Season on All Israelis
The Stream The more than 1,400 Israelis who were brutally slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, got what they deserve—according to the most prestigious university of the Muslim world, Al Azhar, located in Cairo. A fatwa, or authoritative decree, issued on Oct. 19, 2023 by Al Azhar’s Fatwa department, asserts that The term “civilians” does not apply to the Zionist settlers of … [Read more...]
Historical Dracula Was a ‘Committed Christian’ Who Terrorized Islamic Invaders: Author
The Christian Post recently interviewed me, and of it came the following article (original here), by CP reporter Ian M. Giatti: Exactly how was an Orthodox Christian aristocrat transformed into the most infamous bloodsucking vampire of all time? And is anti-Christian historical revisionism to blame? While most of us have heard the name Dracula at some point, it's usually in … [Read more...]
Who Is Really Trying to ‘Wage a Fight between the Cross and Crescent Again’?
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan engaged in a bit of wild projection—a longtime favorite tactic of Muslims—over the weekend. According to one report, Erdogan's Islamic-rooted party staged a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul on Saturday that the Turkish leader said had drawn a crowd of 1.5 million. He unleashed a scathing attack at Israel and its Western … [Read more...]