Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of September 2023. The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Nigeria: As the multi-year genocide of Christians continued, a Sept. 1 report found that “Of the 5,500 Christians who were killed last year because of their faith, 90 percent”—or about 4,950—“were … [Read more...]
Will the Muslim Hedgehog Defeat the Western Fox?
The Stream One of the reasons that so many Muslims around the world, who ostensibly have nothing to do with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, were so elated by Hamas’s recent terror attack on Israelis is because Muslims have a sense of “purpose.” As strange, or even offensive, as this claim may seem, allow me to explain: Muslims around the world are inspired by the otherwise … [Read more...]
Today in History: A Forgotten ‘Braveheart’ Delivers His Homeland from Islamic Terror
Today in history, in 1450, a man who would come to be known as the "Albanian Braveheart" delivered his homeland from a brutal Muslim siege following a series of events that still boggle the mind. Nearly four decades earlier, this same Albanian, George Kastrioti—better known as Skanderbeg (“Lord Alexander”)—was taken captive as a small child by the Ottoman Turks, and trained to … [Read more...]
‘Muhammad’ Is Taking Over the World
The demographic jihad is taking the non-Muslim world by storm. According to a Sept. 11, 2023 report, “Muhammad” is the most popular name for newborn baby boys in Israel (followed by Adam, Joseph, and David). Although Israel is a Jewish nation, it is also right smack in the Middle East, so this finding may not be overly surprising. What, however, does one make of the fact … [Read more...]
Canceled: How Islam ‘Erased’ Christianity from the Middle East
The Stream While Muslims continue to “purge” all physical vestiges of Christianity’s ancient history and heritage—most recently in Armenia—lesser known is that Christianity’s historical role and presence in Muslim nations is also being expunged from memory. Consider the following words recently spoken by a young Palestinian Christian: In view of the economic hardships and … [Read more...]