The Subtle Side of Christian Persecution Published in Translations of this item: Danish Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity's Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C., titled: "Will Religious and Ethnic Minorities Pay the Price of the 'Arab Spring'?" Panelists included Middle East specialists, prominent members of the … [Read more...]
New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as ‘Marriage’
Translations of this item: Danish French Indonesian Muslim "child-marriage"—euphemism for pedophilia—is making headlines again, at least in Arabic media: Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia's highest religious council, just issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim is back!
by Robert Spencer Jihad Watch I am enormously pleased to announce that Raymond Ibrahim, whose writing appeared at Jihad Watch in 2008 and 2009, is coming back on staff and will once again be contributing regularly to Jihad Watch. Raymond is a historian and writer on the Middle East and Islam. A Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, he maintains his own section … [Read more...]
David Horowitz Freedom Center Press Release: Raymond Ibrahim Joins the Freedom Center
Political News Now Noted Islamic Scholar Raymond Ibrahim Joins the Freedom Center For Immediate Release July 15, 2011 David Horowitz Freedom Center Contact Michael Finch 800-752-6562, ext. 212 [email protected] The David Horowitz Freedom Center is pleased to announce that Raymond Ibrahim, a popular Islam specialist, has joined the Center as a Shillman … [Read more...]
Egypten: Ønsket om penge —Jizya—giver anledning til angreb på kristne
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Egypt: Desire for Money—Jizya—Prompts Attacks on Christians Hvis et øget antal muslimer i Egypten har et brændende had mod alt der er kristent - fornylig så udpræget demonstreret ved nedbrændingen af 8 kristne hjem på et rygte om at en kirke skulle bygges - så lad os ikke glemme at dette had er et værktøj, at det økonomisk kan betale … [Read more...]