by Raziqueh Hussain Khaleej Times The story of Osama bin Laden is now over, so how did authors record the mystery behind the hidden terrorist? Raziqueh Hussain finds out It's a fact that the death of a famous — or infamous — person spikes sales of books about that individual and often bumps books onto bestseller lists. Now, there's a scramble to get books out there on Osama bin … [Read more...]
Hvordan islamiske absurditeter beviser islamisk vold
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: How Islamic Absurdities Prove Islamic Violence Forleden dag så jeg en video med en sheik der advarer muslimer mod at se bort fra Muhammads sunna, eller de regler og sædvaner som profeten beskrev for muslimerne. Til støtte for sin pointe læse han en hadith, hvori Muhammad fortalte muslimer: "Når du vågner af din søvn for at bede, da … [Read more...]
Zakaria Botros: Islam’s Scourge Returns
Published in Father Zakaria Botros, also known as Islam's "Public Enemy #1," is back. From around 2005-2010, this 76 year-old Coptic priest was Islam's bane. Appearing weekly on Arabic satellite, where he was viewed by an estimated 60 million people worldwide, mostly Muslims, he meticulously exposed any number of theological problems with Islam—all … [Read more...]
Is Simple Attention the Islamists’ Greatest Enemy?
Published in Pajamas Media In a world paralyzed by political correctness and warped philosophies, attention is proving to be one of the greatest enemies of Islamist encroachment. Consider the difference between pre- and post-September 11: A decade after the 9/11 jihad got the West's attention, many people — perhaps not unlike yourself — have become aware of Islam and its … [Read more...]
Egypt: Desire for Money—Jizya—Prompts Attacks on Christians
Published in Translations of this item: Danish If growing numbers of Muslims in Egypt have an intrinsic hatred for all things Christian— demonstrated days ago by the torching of eight Christian homes on the rumor that a church was being built—let us not forget that this hate has instrumental, that is, economic benefits: the extortion of money … [Read more...]