Published in Translations of this item: Danish Earlier we saw Egyptian preacher Huwaini and Kuwaiti political activist Mutairi call for the reinstitution of sex-slavery. Before dismissing their position as aberrant, that is "radical," for the record, here are respected Islam scholar Majid Khadduri's thoughts on the matter: The term spoil … [Read more...]
Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated
Published in Hudson NY Islamic attire for women—the burqa and hijab—are back in the news, though with a twist: In America, where they are legal, problems and lawsuits are arising, while in France, where they are banned, Muslim women are happily complying. There is an instructive reason for this; but first the stories from this week: A Muslim-American woman, Kulsoom … [Read more...]
Rationalizing Pedophilia in Islam
Published in Jihad Watch Earlier this month we saw—or rather, were once again reminded—that Islam permits pedophilia in the guise of "marriage": Top Saudi cleric, Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for girls to marry, "even if they are in the cradle," and that the only criterion is that "they are capable of being placed beneath and … [Read more...]
The Brutal Mind of Al-Qaeda’s New Boss
An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim By Jamie Glazov in FrontPage Interview's guest today is al-Qaeda expert Raymond Ibrahim. His work includes the al-Qaeda entry for the World Almanac of Islamism; an analysis of al-Qaeda's worldview for the Middle East Review of International Affairs; and most recently an article on Ayman al-Zawahiri for Bloomberg. He is … [Read more...]
Leder af Det Muslimske Broderskab fanget i løgn – mens han sværger ved Gud
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Muslim Brotherhood Leader Caught Lying—While Swearing to God Sobhi Saleh, en topleder i Det Muslimske Broderskab der blev valgt af Egyptens Højesterets Råd for at være med i en forfatningskomite gav fornyligen en tale, hvori han insiterede på at Broderskabets mænd kun burde gifte sig med Broderskabs kvinder, da de er "andre muslimske … [Read more...]