The Stream As the Muslim nation of Azerbaijan resumes its genocide of Armenian Christians, the question arises: When it comes to savage hate for “infidels,” what, exactly, is the difference between Islamic terrorists—whom we are regularly admonished have nothing to do with real Islam—and Muslim statesmen? The Islamic State (“ISIS”), for example, was widely condemned … [Read more...]
‘We Christians Are Like Animals to Them’: The Muslim Persecution of Christians, August 2023
Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of August 2023. Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches Pakistan: All hell broke loose on Aug. 18, after some Christians were accused—falsely, it was recently revealed—of desecrating a Koran in Jaranwala. Thousands of enraged Muslims rampaged against the … [Read more...]
This Week in History: Christians Take the Offensive against Islamic Tyranny
This week in history witnessed the launch of a daringly amazing campaign dedicated to defending and liberating Christian lands from Islamic oppression. The year was 1442. After having suffered countless atrocities from the invading Turks, “everyone [in the West] spoke of making war on the infidels and driving them out of Europe”—and it was entirely due to the martial exploits … [Read more...]
‘Where Is the Equality? Where Is the Religious Freedom? Where Is the Law?’ Egypt’s Christians Wonder
Coptic Solidarity On September 5, 2023, a Muslim mob rose against and attacked a Coptic Christian man’s property on the false assumption that he was building a church. The incident occurred in the village of al-Khiyari, in the Abu Qurqas center. The Muslims apparently confused two developments. Because the village has no church, a Coptic priest had been traveling to and … [Read more...]
Banned Video: Muslims Smash the Cross
Back in 2015, I watched a 1-minute video of Muslims connected to the Islamic State (“ISIS”) breaking crosses inside and from atop churches. Because the video had for some days been going viral on Arabic social media, I, in an effort to bring Western peoples up to speed with Muslims—to show them what Muslims around the world were watching—uploaded it onto YouTube. YouTube’s … [Read more...]