Published in Translations of this item: Danish French German Plundering the possessions, lives, and dignity of Christians in the Islamic world: is this a random affair, a product of the West's favorite offenders—poverty, ignorance, grievance—or is it systematic, complete with ideological backing? Consider the very latest from the Muslim … [Read more...]
Islamists Project Islam’s Worst Traits onto Christians
Arabic Spanish In recent weeks, we saw how the Muslim world's obsession with gaining converts evinces, in the words of one Muslim intellectual, an "inferiority complex"—a deadly one at that. As it happens, inferiority complex is not the only psychological ailment besetting the Muslim world: some Muslims are also projecting the worst traits of Islam onto the beleaguered … [Read more...]
Der Minderwertigkeitskomplex der muslimischen Welt
von Khaled Montaser Der Prophet Englischer Originaltext: The Muslim World's Inferiority Complex Die gekürzte Übersetzung vom Arabischen ins Englische sowie die Einführung stammt von Raymond Ibrahim Was wenn eine gesamte Zivilisation einen Minderwertigkeitskomplex produzierte? Was für Auswirkungen hätte dies auf die Welt? Wie würde sich ein solcher Wahn im Zusammenspiel der … [Read more...]
Conversion, Adultery, and Savagery Strike Egypt
Published in The true story behind the recent Islamist attacks on Egypt's Copts—wherein over a dozen Christians were killed, hundreds wounded, and their churches torched—is as illuminating as it is sordid. To recap, Islamists—or "Salafists," as many in the Egyptian media are referring to the "Taliban-looking guys in slippers"—demonstrated before St. Mark … [Read more...]
Islam’s Kristne Syndebukka
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Islam's Christian Scapegoats Efter at have nævnt den form for overgreb som kristne i Pakistan lider under - herunder at blive dræbt med "blasfemi" love, konstant "generet og krænket på gaderne af grupper af unge muslimer," gemt væk, og gjort fattige af regeringen - minder en frisk FOX NEWS rapport os om at forfølgelse af kristne bliver … [Read more...]