by Ashley Stewart and Claudia Furmanczyk The Clipper EvCC once again found itself on the stage of controversy surrounding the year's humanities theme when a contentious speaker was invited to campus. Raymond Ibrahim - editor and translator of a book entitled "The Al Qaeda Reader" - was invited to present his interpretation of Islam as a part of the "Islam in America" … [Read more...]
Obama’s Middle East Speech
Published in NRO: The Corner One of the problems with Obama's Middle East speech was that parts of it were so deliberately balanced — so meant to appease all sides — that they go nowhere. For example, look at the portions where he discusses democracy in the Middle East versus the alternative — Islamist rule, which he does not name. One sentence seems to say that a "true" … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim 1, CAIR 0 (by KO)
By Jamie Glazov in Translations of this item: Danish FrontPage Interview's guest today is Raymond Ibrahim, associate director of the Middle East Forum, author of The Al Qaeda Reader, and editor of FPM's new section on Muslim Persecution of Christians. Introduction: On May 5, he gave a talk on Islam at Everett Community College (EvCC) in … [Read more...]
Speaker spoke truth about Islam
by Roger Creswell Herald Net Regarding Tuesday's letter about Raymond Ibrahim's lecture at Everett Community College. ("Speaker's view of Islam distorted") The letter writer says he is a consultant for the National Interreligious Initiative for Peace in the Middle East. Why doesn't he go to Egypt and all the other Muslim countries and do something about the Muslims that are … [Read more...]
Hamas-linked CAIR and other Islamic supremacists defame freedom fighter Raymond Ibrahim and others — MSNBC plumps for CAIR
by Robert Spencer Jihad Watch This mainstream media story about Hamas-linked CAIR's ongoing jihad against free speech, and its smear campaign against Raymond Ibrahim, is almost fair, but ignores the mountain of evidence of CAIR's true allegiances besides its unindicted co-conspirator status. Above all, the article ignores the particular elephant in the living room that is made … [Read more...]