Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims? Prøv at forestille dig, hvis en amerikansk historiker dukkede op på MSM og insisterede på, at den eneste grund til at europæerne erobrede Amerikas var for at "forsvare" de indfødte amerikanere - der på en eller anden måde havde antaget Kristendommen århundreder før Jesus blev født - … [Read more...]
CAIR Attempts to Silence Raymond Ibrahim
by Baron Bodissey Gates of Vienna Raymond Ibrahim is already known to most readers from his excellent scholarship and anti-jihad reporting, first at Jihad Watch, and then later at the Middle East Forum and other outlets. Mr. Ibrahim was recently invited to speak about Islam at Everett Community College in Washington State. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) … [Read more...]
Notes from Everett Community College event w/ Mr. Raymond Ibrahim
ACT Begin Note: I attended the Everett Community College speaking event by Raymond Ibrahim. Overheard one EvCC rep telling local newspaper reporter about the number of phone calls, emails, and comments on the school's Facebook page that were for or against having Mr. Ibrahim speak. Overwhelmingly most were thankful to school for allowing him to speak. This representative … [Read more...]
EvCC hosts controversial author on Islam
by Debra Smith Herald Net EVERETT -- Author Raymond Ibrahim says he wants to help Americans understand the true nature of Islam. Raymond Ibrahim, the associate director of the Middle East Forum think tank, speaks at Everett Community College Thursday. A local Muslim civil rights organization calls him a bigot and questions why a public college provided … [Read more...]
Muslim group: Community college speaker spreads hate
by Shomari Stone KOMO News EVERETT, Wash. - A controversial speaker at Everett Community College has sparked outrage among a Muslim civil rights organization who says the speaker spreads hate. The Council on American Islamic Relations asked the college not to allow Raymond Ibrahim to speak. But the college didn't budge. Everett Community College invited Ibrahim, an author … [Read more...]