Original em inglês: The Silent Extermination of Iraq's 'Christian Dogs' Na semana passada, um acadêmico muçulmano iraquiano emitiu uma fatwa que, entre outras barbaridades, afirma que "é lícito derramar o sangue dos cristãos iraquianos." Incitante como a "fatwa" é, também é redundante. Enquanto o ataque à igreja em Bagdá de outubro passado, que matou cerca de sessenta … [Read more...]
Iraq: il silenzioso sterminio dei “Cani Cristiani”
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: The Silent Extermination of Iraq's 'Christian Dogs' La scorsa settimana un Saggio musulmano ha promulgato una fatwa che, tra varie barbarie, afferma che "è lecito versare il sangue dei Cristiani Iracheni". A parte l'esplicita esortazione, la fatwa è pure pleonastica. Anche se l'attacco dello scorso Ottobre a una Chiesa di Baghdad che provocò … [Read more...]
Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims?
Danish German Imagine if a top American historian appeared on the MSM insisting that the only reason Europeans conquered the Americas was to "defend" the Native Americans—who somehow had adopted Christianity centuries before Jesus was born—from being persecuted by heathen tribes. While that would create a maelstrom of outrage and derision in the … [Read more...]
Zakat is not about charity, but jihad by Andrew C. McCarthy National Review Online 'In the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation," President Obama claimed during his 2009 Cairo speech. "That is why I am committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat." This statement … [Read more...]
Islam in America: What EvCC wants you to know
by Mohsin Jhankhwala The Clipper This year EvCC's Humanities Center is organizing a series of Islam-related programs titled "Islam in America." In the past four years, the humanities center has organized a series of programs, namely about memories, happiness, dreams and inquiries. But this year the main focus is on Islam in America. "Our centric idea is to educate the people … [Read more...]