Post de Veille Translation of the original text: Destroying One Koran vs. Destroying Many Christians En Afghanistan seulement, une vingtaine de personnes, y compris des employés de l'ONU, ont été tuées et décapitées aux cris de «Allahu Akbar ! » Des leaders occidentaux à travers le monde, y compris Obama et des membres du Congrès, ont condamné sans équivoque les actions de … [Read more...]
Destroying One Koran vs. Destroying Many Christians
Published in Translations of this item: French Italian The now infamous Koran burning by Florida pastor Terry Jones has created hysteria in the Muslim world. In Afghanistan alone, some twenty people, including U.N. workers, have been killed and beheaded to screams of "Allahu Akbar!" Western leaders around the globe—including Obama and … [Read more...]
Ideals Trump Interests in Obama’s Libya Policy
Published in Hudson New York President Obama's recent explanation for militarily engaging Libya is yet another example of how U.S. leaders increasingly rationalize their policies via sentimental and idealistic platitudes, rather than reality or the long view—or just plain common sense. In a speech replete with moralizing intonations, Obama did manage to evoke U.S. … [Read more...]
Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia
Published in Not only does last week's jihadist rampage against Ethiopia's indigenous Christians highlight the travails Christians encounter wherever Islam has a sizable population, but it offers several insights, including some which should concern faraway, secular nations with Muslim minorities. According to Fox News: Thousands of Christians have been … [Read more...]
The Secularist Delusion
by Bruce Thornton Hoover Institution: Advancing A Free Society The dubious received wisdom rationalizing our current intervention in Libya was crystallized in Senator John Kerry's recent essay for The Wall Street Journal. For Kerry, the rebels in Libya are the same as those in Egypt, "peacefully demanding freedom and dignity." Long oppressed by tyrants and dictators, young … [Read more...]