Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Danish Dutch As Muslims prepare to erect a mega-mosque near the site of the 9/11 atrocities, it is well to reflect that the sort of tolerance, or indifference, that allows them to do so, is far from reciprocated to churches in the Muslim world. I speak not of Islamist attacks against churches—such as the New … [Read more...]
Our every effort to make Islam more “moderate” only makes it more radical
by Lawrence Auster View From The Right It is an axiom of the liberal and center-right American establishment that bringing Muslims into contact with American style democracy and modernity, whether by exporting democracy to the Muslim world or by importing Muslims into the West, will leach the dangerous extremism out of the Muslim community, thereby turning Muslims into … [Read more...]
Somali Pirates?
More Like Jihadists With Sea-Doos by Doug Giles Townhall How do you think the media would report a story if a radical Christian cult, such as Westboro Baptist Church, had a group of their idiots patrolling the Florida Keys with AK-47s in Go-Fast boats, ripping off yachts, taking seafarers hostage and giving their stolen loot and ransom cash to their Apocalyptic Dipstick Fund … [Read more...]
Arab World Uprisings
KPNW: Wake Up Call … [Read more...]
Egyptens identitets krise
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Egypt's Identity Crisis Med Egyptens "juli revolution" i 1952 var egypterne for første gang i stand til at prale med at en indfødt egypter, Gamal Abdel Nasser skulle regere deres land: Lige siden deres sidste faraon blev styrtet for næsten 2500 år siden var Egypten blevet behersket af en hoben af fremmede invaderende - perserne, … [Read more...]