Published in Post de Veille Translation of the original text: Islamists Target Christians 'Wherever They Can Reach Them' En 2006, lorsque le Pape Benoît XVI avait cité une phrase historique qui fut considérée comme diffamatoire pour l'islam, les chrétiens dans le monde entier en ont payé le prix : des émeutes anti chrétiens avaient suivi, des églises brûlées et une nonne … [Read more...]
Islamister har kristne som mål: ‘Hvorsomhelst i kan nå dem’
Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Islamists Target Christians 'Wherever They Can Reach Them' I 2006 da Pave Benedikt citerede fra historien, som blev bedømt som krænkende af islam, betalte kristne i den muslimske verden prisen: Anti-kristne optøjer fremkom, kirker blev brændt ned, og en nonne blev myrdet i Somalia. Det var dengang. For nogle dage siden, da en kristen i Ægypten blev … [Read more...]
Islamists Target Christians ‘Wherever They Can Reach Them’
Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Danish French Portuguese In 2006, when Pope Benedict quoted history deemed unflattering to Islam, Christians around the Muslim world paid the price: anti-Christian riots ensued, churches were burned, and a nun was murdered in Somalia. That was then. Days ago, when a Christian in Egypt was accused of dating a … [Read more...]
Muslims Project Islam’s Worst Traits onto Israel and the Jews
Published in Hudson New York Sometime back, I noted that Muslims have been projecting the worst aspects of Islam(ism) onto the Copts, Egypt's Christian minority. This raised more questions: Is Islamist projection onto the Copts a unique phenomenon? Do Muslims project against other non-Muslims? Is there a trend? To answer this question, it seemed logical to begin with how … [Read more...]
The Incontrovertible Dead-End of Islam
by Edward Cline Family Security Matters Raymond Ibrahim, associate director of the Middle East Forum, recently published an article, "Offensive Jihad: The One Incontrovertible Problem with Islam," in the Middle East Forum and on Pajamas Media(October 30th). This excellent article for the first time (known to me, at least) addresses one of the fundamental problems of and with … [Read more...]