Published in Pajamas Media Depending on whether Islamists address Americans or fellow Muslims, the same exact words they use often relay diametrically opposed meanings. One example: when Americans hear Muslims evoke "justice," the former envision Western-style justice, whereas Muslims naturally have Sharia law justice in mind. Islamists obviously use this to their advantage: … [Read more...]
Islam’s “Public Enemy # 1 “
Den koptiske præst Zakaria Botros bekæmper ild med ild. Spydpigen Översättning av originaltexten: Islam's 'Public Enemy #1' Skønt han kun er lidt kendt i Vesten, har den koptiske præst Zakaria Botros kaldet Islam's "Public Enemy # 1" af den arabiske avis al-Insan al-Jadid - skabt røre i den islamiske verden. Sammen med kolleger/missionærer - for det meste muslimske … [Read more...]
Senza precedenti: il governo egiziano sopprime la dottrina cristiana
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine Il fatto che il governo egiziano faciliti la persecuzione dei copti, la minoranza cristiana indigena del paese non era evidentemente abbastanza: ora il governo pretende di intervenire direttamente nelle questioni che riguardano la dottrina della Chiesa. Secondo la Assyrian … [Read more...]
Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine
Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Italian It is not enough that the Egyptian government facilitates persecution of the Copts, Egypt's indigenous Christian minority. Now the government is interfering directly with the church's autonomy concerning doctrine. According to the Assyrian International News Agency: The head of the Coptic Church in … [Read more...]
Losing Their Religion
by William Kilpatrick Although many won't admit it, we are in the midst of an ideological war with Islam. And since the advantage goes to the side that fully realizes they are at war, the West is losing. The propaganda war is going in favor of Islam precisely because the West doesn't realize it is supposed to be fighting one. The ability of Islam to rally … [Read more...]