Translations of this item: German One of the difficulties in discussing Islam's more troubling doctrines is that they have an anachronistic, even otherworldly, feel to them; that is, unless actively and openly upheld by Muslims, non-Muslims, particularly of the Western variety, tend to see them as abstract theory, not standard practice for today. In fact, some Westerners … [Read more...]
Was Muhammad a Messenger from God or Satan?
An Account by Fr. Zakaria Botros Part 1 Father Zakaria Botros recently ran a show dedicated to answering the question, "Was Muhammad a messenger from God or Satan?" As usual with these shows, viewers were asked to call in and respond to this question, with poll results revealed at the end of the show. His co-host in this particular show was an ex-Muslim woman turned … [Read more...]
Islamistische Perfidität und westliche Naivität
Was ist tödlicher? Englischer Originaltext: Islamist Perfidy and Western Naivety In einem Blogeintrag für Islamist Watch zeigt David J. Rusin, wie das Wort "Jihad" im Westen weiterhin beschönigt wird. Trotz der eindeutigen Darstellung durch das islamische Gesetzt als militärisches Unternehmen zur Machtverbreitung des Islam wird der Jihad immer noch als "nichts anderes … [Read more...]
Islamist Perfidy and Western Naivety
Which Is More Lethal? Pajamas Media Translations of this item: German In a blog entry for Islamist Watch, David J. Rusin shows how the word "jihad" continues to be euphemized in the West. Despite Islamic law's unequivocal portrayal of it as a military endeavor to empower Islam, jihad is still being peddled as "nothing more than a student laboring to pass algebra, a mom … [Read more...]
Are All Religions Equally Violent?
by Michael Rubin National Review Online Regarding the ongoing discussion of Islam's role in terrorists' justification of their actions in general and Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's self-justification in particular, there's a tendency among the government, academics, and the media to engage in religious equivalency and suggest that Islamic extremism is really no different than Jewish … [Read more...]