Muslims are at it once again—humiliating the despised “other” by forcing them to kneel and kiss their feet. An August 17, 2023 video from Belgium shows a throng of “migrant youth” surrounding a trembling Belgian boy. They force him on his knees and make him kiss their feet while beating him on the head. The post adds, “In Brussels, the country's capital, Muslims already make … [Read more...]
‘Killing Christians Takes Us to Paradise’: The Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2023
Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of July, 2023. The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Uganda: On July 9, a Muslim man murdered his wife, a mother of three, hours after she became Christian. Ten days earlier, Amina Nanfuka, 31, went to stay with a relative while being treated for medical … [Read more...]
King Louis IX: An Archetype for American Christians
Today, August 25, is “Saint Louis” day. The following article—originally sent to me as an email but subsequently expanded by a reader, Joachim Osther—helps underscore its significance. “The life of the admirable King…was one of almost uninterrupted misfortune,” is how one chronicler described the life of the munificent warrior, Louis IX. This King of France (1214-1270), who … [Read more...]
Video: ‘Standing Up for Truth with Raymond Ibrahim’
The Situation Report recently interviewed me on a broad number of topics. The official description and video follow: We're joined today by Raymond Ibrahim, an author, and speaker on Middle East and Islamic topics, to discuss Islam and other ideologies that are looking to choke out and restrict the freedoms that Christians have in our culture. If we're not willing to stand up … [Read more...]
‘White People’: The Only Slavers of History?
In a recent article, we considered the claims of Brittney Cooper, a professor at Rutgers University. She believes that all "white people"— whom she also refers to as "motherf***ers" who are "committed to being villains," in a word, racists — need to be "taken out." [Sign petition to fire Cooper for her racist and divisive remarks here.] One of her arguments is that, whenever … [Read more...]