Gatestone Institute. Danish Throughout September, as more Christians were slaughtered and persecuted for their religion—not just by the Islamic State but by “every day” Muslims from all around the world—increasing numbers of people and organizations called for action, while those best placed to respond—chief among them U.S. President Obama and Pope Francis—did nothing. … [Read more...]
Search Results for: pope francis
Why Are We Abandoning the Christians?
Jewish Journal By David Suissa In all the self-righteous talk we’ve been hearing about Muslim refugees from Syria, who’s talking about the Christians? Over the past several years, no religious group has been more persecuted throughout the Middle East than the Christians. And yet, hardly a peep. Yes, the Jewish way is not either/or. We’re supposed to be inclusive. So, … [Read more...]
The Jihadists and the Ethnic Cleansing of the Christians in the Middle East
Israel Thrives, by Michael Lumish It is astounding that as Muslims drive Christians out of the Middle East, Christians beyond the region do not seem to much care. The rise of political Islam, since the misnamed "Arab Spring" - hereafter referred to as the Arab Nightmare - has unleashed waves of violence, chaos, and cruelty the likes of which I have not seen since coming to … [Read more...]
Muslim History vs Western Fantasy: The ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Context
PJ Media One of the primary reasons Islamic and Western nations are “worlds apart” is because the way they understand the world is worlds apart. Whereas Muslims see the world through the lens of history, the West has jettisoned or rewritten history to suit its ideologies. This dichotomy of Muslim and Western thinking is evident everywhere. When the Islamic State … [Read more...]
On Refugees, Be ‘Wise as Serpents’
This article was written for by Ralph Sidway, an Orthodox Christian researcher and writer, and author of Facing Islam: What the Ancient Church has to say about the Religion of Muhammad. He operates the Facing Islam blog. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has announced it will help migrants who have arrived in Bulgaria, but has urged authorities not to let any … [Read more...]
Critic Blasts Obama Narrative on Islam
Note: WND's F. Michael Maloof recently interviewed Raymond Ibrahim on the Obama administration's approach to Islam and the persecution of Christian minorities. It follows: WASHINGTON – The persecution and slaughter of Christians throughout the Middle East has become a major humanitarian crisis, with Pope Francis warning that the atrocities border on “genocide,” according to a … [Read more...]
Islamist “Justice”: Slow Painful Death for Christian Mother in Pakistan
Gatestone Institute Pakistan's authorities appear to have found a solution to at least one of their problems in the international arena: Aasiya Noreen, or "Asia Bibi," a 50-year-old Christian woman and mother of five who has been on death row for six years for allegedly insulting Muhammad. Instead of executing Asia Bibi and further advertising to the international … [Read more...]
Christian Carnage and Western Indifference: Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2015
Gatestone Institute Note: The following represents some of the persecution Christians experienced at the hands of Muslims during the month of April, 2015 alone. After reading this, ask yourself how Western media, politicians, and other talking heads would react if Muslims experienced the same sort and amount of persecution at the hands of Christians or in Western nations … [Read more...]
Turks Glorify Historic Slaughter and Rape of Christians
FrontPage Magazine A recent news report unwittingly demonstrates how Turkey—once deemed the most “secularized” Muslim nation—is returning to its Islamic heritage, complete with animosity for the infidel West and dreams of the glory days of jihadi conquests: A group of devout Muslims from across Turkey prayed before the city’s historic Hagia Sophia on the 562nd anniversary of … [Read more...]
Insulting Religion
Crisis Magazine By William Kirkpatrick We often hear it said that it is simply wrong to insult the faith of 1.3 billion Muslims. Why, then, isn’t it wrong to insult the faith of 2.2 billion Christians? It’s done every day, and sometimes the insults are hard to take. Christians are understandably upset when art exhibits feature crucifixes immersed in urine or portraits of … [Read more...]