Published in Center for Security Policy As prepared by the Center for Security Policy, the following summarizes Raymond Ibrahim's participation at a recent Congressional hearing, and includes his written testimony, videos of his remarks at the hearing, and more. Center for Security Policy | Dec 08, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim testified before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in … [Read more...]
Search Results for: taqiyya
Congressional Testimony: The Worsening Plight of Egypt’s Coptic Christians
Raymond Ibrahim's written testimony submitted for the record at Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission's December 7 hearing titled "Under Threat: The Worsening Plight of Egypt's Coptic Christians." TESTIMONY OF RAYMOND IBRAHIM TOM LANTOS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Since the year 641, when Muslims invaded Egypt, the Copts—Egypt's Christian, indigenous inhabitants—have been subject to … [Read more...]
Grand Mufti Distorts Word ‘Infidel’ to Dupe Infidels
Soon after reporting that Egypt's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, had pronounced all Christians "infidels," I received several emails forwarding what looked like a response from Gomaa. Some websites—such as the ever-hysterical "American Muslim"—published it, providing the following additional information: Prof. Faroque Ahmad Khan took it on himself to investigate [the … [Read more...]
Le massacre des Chrétiens en Egypte
ce que les media ne veulent pas savoir La couverture par les media occidentaux du récent massacre des Chrétiens Coptes au Caire, en Egypte – lors duquel l'armée a massacré des dizaines de Chrétiens et en a blessé plus de 300, a été – comme on en a parlé un peu plus tôt, déplorable. Elle n'a fait que répéter la fausse propagande des media complices de l'Etat dirigeant, sans … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Massacre of Christians
What the Media Does Not Want You To Know Published in Hudson New York Translations of this item: French Spanish Western media coverage of the recent massacre of Coptic Christians in Cairo, Egypt—in which the military killed dozens of Christians and injured some 300—was, as discussed earlier, deplorable. It merely repeated the false propaganda of the complicit … [Read more...]
The Closing of the Muslim Mind
Last week, "Saudi Arabia's religious police arrested an Indonesian housemaid for casting a magic spell on a local family and 'turning its life upside down.'" The maid "confessed" to using sorcery, and "commission experts took the magic items to their office and managed to dismantle and stop the spell." Far from being absurd aberrations to be dismissed, such accounts, which are … [Read more...]
Islam’s Predictability: Apostasy, Execution, and Lies
Published in Jihad Watch As one ponders the fate of Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian pastor on death row for refusing to renounce Christianity, it is well to reflect that, for all the talk that Islam is perpetually "misunderstood," it is actually immensely predictable and consistent; not only do its patterns cross time and space, but their manifestations are often … [Read more...]
When Muslims Are More ‘Radical’ than Islamists
What are the differences between the traditional Muslim and the so-called "Islamist"? As words dealing with Islam continue to morph and multiply, it is important to differentiate, for there are real, if subtle, differences. A recent Arabic talk show on Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak's trial sheds some light. The question was whether Mubarak, in the sight of Sharia law, … [Read more...]
Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble
To develop a thorough understanding of Islam, one must learn to "connect the dots." For instance, Muslims who adhere to non problematic aspects of Islam, indirectly indicate their acceptance of problematic aspects of Islam—such as enmity for infidels, death for apostates, subjugation for women, and so on. Consider the Muslim beard. Because Muhammad wanted his Muslims to look … [Read more...]
Abdo’s Loyalty to Muslims Always Meant Disloyalty to Americans
Published in Pajamas Media To anyone familiar with Muslim doctrine, Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo's actions—from refusing to deploy to Afghanistan lest he kill fellow Muslims, to plotting a terror attack to kill fellow Americans—make perfect sense and accord especially well with Islam's dichotomous doctrine of wala wa bara, often translated as "loyalty and enmity." Built atop … [Read more...]