I was recently interviewed again on Reel Talk with Audrey Russo. Topics covered included Muhammed’s abhorrence for the cross, the Conditions of Omar, the desecration of crosses at cemeteries, Islamophobia in academia, and the true analogy between Islam and Nazism. Click to listen to the interview. … [Read more...]
Islamic Jizya: Fact and Fiction
Portuguese The Return of Jizya Muslim demands for non-Muslim “infidels” to pay jizya on pain of death are growing, even as the West fluctuates between having no clue what jizya is and thinking that jizya is an example of “tolerance” in Islam. In the video where the Islamic State slaughters some 30 Christian Ethiopians in Libya last April, the spokesman repeatedly pointed out … [Read more...]
The Ongoing War between Islam and Europe
In the following video, Hanne Nabintu, historian of religions, interviews me on the history of Islam and the West. Topics include the original (but forgotten) Arab conquests, the (demonized) Crusades, and why the modern West’s notion of “history” is immensely skewed: … [Read more...]
Islamic Jizya: ‘Protection’ from Whom?
French Is jizya—the money non-Muslims historically paid their Muslim conquerors—meant to buy them “protection,” including from outside enemies, as modern Western academics maintain? Or was it simply extortion money meant to buy non-Muslims their lives, as Islam’s scriptures mandate? The word jizya appears in Koran 9:29: “Fight those among the People of the Book … [Read more...]
How Historic Revisionism Justifies Islamic Terrorism
How important, really, is history to current affairs? Do events from the 7th century—or, more importantly, how we understand them—have any influence on U.S. foreign policy today? By way of answer, consider some parallels between academia’s portrayal of historic Islamic jihads and the U.S. government’s and media’s portrayal of contemporary Islamic jihads. While any … [Read more...]