PJ Media Speaking at the Council of Foreign Relations on March 13, CIA Director John Brennan said that “the Islamic State had ‘snowballed’ beyond Iraq and Syria, estimating that at least 20,000 fighters from more than 90 countries have gone to join the militant group, several thousand of them from Western nations, including the United States.” “Left unchecked, the group … [Read more...]
The Madness of Our Age
Truth is the new ‘Hate Speech,’ and True Islam is not Islam by Ralph H. Sidway In the ‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers’, that collection of the wisdom of the early Christian hermits, there is recounted a saying of St. Anthony the Great, founder of monasticism: Abba Anthony said that the time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will … [Read more...]
CIA Chief John Brennan’s Deceptions About Islam
FrontPage Magazine By constantly projecting Western standards on Islamic jihadis, CIA head John Brennan has come to epitomize the U.S. intelligence community’s intellectual failures concerning the true sources of the jihad. Last Friday, March 13, Brennan insisted that Islamic State (IS) members are not Islamic. Instead, “They are terrorists, they’re criminals. … [Read more...]