Danish, Portuguese What made non-Muslims convert to Islam, leading to the creation of the Islamic world? Early historical sources—both Muslim and non-Muslim—make clear that the Islamic empire was forged by the sword; that people embraced Islam, not so much out of sincere faith, but for a myriad of reasons—from converting in order to enjoy the boons of being on the “winning … [Read more...]
The Ongoing War between Islam and Europe
In the following video, Hanne Nabintu, historian of religions, interviews me on the history of Islam and the West. Topics include the original (but forgotten) Arab conquests, the (demonized) Crusades, and why the modern West’s notion of “history” is immensely skewed: … [Read more...]
Obama’s Christianity: A Political Tool to Silence Christians
FrontPage Magazine Here in the United States, where Americans are used to hearing their president always invoke Christianity in a manner that silences Christians, United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent Easter message was moderately refreshing. Among other things, Cameron made it a point to say “that we should feel proud to say, ‘This is a Christian … [Read more...]
Useful Video-Map of Crusades and Jihads
Speaking of the Crusades (as Obama recently did ), Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has created a nifty video (below) that maps out the location and amount of jihads throughout the centuries versus the location and amount of crusades throughout the centuries. The sheer volume and ubiquity of jihads radically dwarfs the much more maligned crusades … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim on Fire Fatwas and the Sword of Allah
On February 12, I was interviewed on the Denice Gary Pandol Radio Show. Topics included the Islamic fatwas that justify burning people to death -- including one that mysteriously disappeared from a Qatar-run website -- and the "Sword of Allah." Click here to listen and fast-forward to around the 34:30 mark. … [Read more...]