Yesterday I appeared on Colliding Worldviews, hosted by Tony Gurule. Although the episode is titled "Christian Persecution and Islamic Extremism," we discussed a number of other related topics, past and present, and all relevant for today. The one-hour long interview follows: Colliding Worldviews: “Christian Persecution & Islamic Extremism” (Ep. 13) from Tony … [Read more...]
A 1,389 Year-Old ‘Phobia’?
FrontPage Magazine A direct correlation exists between Western ignorance of history and Western ignorance of Islam’s “troublesome” doctrines. It is this connection that allows Islam’s apologists to get away with so many distortions and outright lies meant to shield Islam. Take Reza Aslan, CNN’s resident “cannibal”: he recently claimed that “Islamophobia”— defined by CAIR … [Read more...]
Trump to American Muslims: Embrace Christianity, Pay Jizya, or Die?
As American liberals/leftists continue to portray Donald Trump’s immigration ban on seven Muslim nations in the worst possible terms—from “racist” to “Islamophobic”—and as Muslim activists continue to claim “shock and trauma,” a lone Egyptian man has asked some relevant questions that few Muslims care to face. Dr. Ahmed 'Abdu Maher is a researcher and political activist who … [Read more...]
The Return of Islam’s Child-Soldiers
Past and present, Muslim militants continue relying on the same inhumane tactics to terrorize “infidels.” The devastating effects of one of these occurred last August in Turkey: a child “recruited” by the Islamic State blew himself up in a suicide attack that left at least 51 people—mostly fellow children—dead. This child was one of countless, nameless, faceless children … [Read more...]
‘We Are Not Weak’: Does Islamic Claim Stand Up to Scrutiny?
PJ Media Abdul Razak Ali Artan -- an 18-year-old Muslim refugee from Somalia, who was receiving aid from Catholic charities -- recently rammed his car into a building at Ohio State University. He then got out and stabbed people with a butcher knife, sending 13 people to the hospital before he was gunned down by police. In a Facebook post that Artan wrote -- and which the … [Read more...]