FrontPage Magazine Islam’s Rule of Numbers holds that, wherever and whenever Muslims grow in numbers, the same acts of “anti-infidel” violence that are endemic to the Islamic world grow with them. This has become especially evident in one Western institution that has a disproportionately large number of Muslims: prisons. Several anecdotes just surfaced last month … [Read more...]
Teacher Savagely Whips Coptic Christian Boy 40 Times
Coptic Solidarity An Egyptian teacher of Arabic language whipped a 10-year-old Coptic Christian boy with 40 lashes using an electric wire last week in a Cairo school. The doctors who later examined the boy’s wounds “could not believe that a teacher could do this," said the child's father. The incident occurred on October 21, during the Coptic student’s last class of the … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim Discusses the World’s ‘Most Dangerous Ideology’
I am the featured instructor in the latest Prager University course: “Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology.” Since the video was published on YouTube less than 24 hours ago, it has been viewed almost 150,000 times. Watch the course below and share it on social media: … [Read more...]
Al Azhar Promoting ‘Anti-Christian’ and ‘Anti-Infidel’ Violence
Coptic Solidarity While discussing how the Islamic State burns some of its victims alive—most notoriously, a Jordanian pilot—Egyptian journalist Yusuf al-Husayni remarked on his satellite program that “The Islamic State is only doing what Al Azhar teaches… and the simplest example is Ibn Kathir’s Beginning and End.” Located in Cairo, Egypt, Al Azhar is the Islamic world’s … [Read more...]
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS
Gatestone Institute Not only does the West facilitate the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, but in the West as well. According to a recent NPR report, the U.S. supported “moderate” coalition fighting both Bashar Assad and the Islamic State in Syria “has extremists in its own ranks who have mistreated Christians and forced them out of their homes”—just as IS has … [Read more...]