Ari David recently interviewed me on the Glazov Gang. The main topic of discussion was my recent article, How Nazism Explains 'Moderate' and 'Radical' Islam. The 12-minute video follows: … [Read more...]
The Islamic Roots of the Yellow Badge of Shame
Editor’s note: The following account was written for by an American teacher in the Muslim world. Last week, while reading different articles on the Islamic State's persecution of Christians in the Middle East, I was made aware for the first time that following the fall of the Iraqi city of Mosul in July of 2014, the Islamic State spray painted in red the … [Read more...]
How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam
PJ Media Portuguese If Islamic doctrines are inherently violent, why isn’t every single Muslim in the world—that is, approximately 1.5 billion people—violent? This question represents one of Islam’s most popular apologias: because not all Muslims are violent, intolerant, or sponsor terrorism—a true statement—Islam itself must be innocent. Let’s briefly consider this … [Read more...]
When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors
Portuguese Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: and whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions – Koran 3:28 Days ago, after the Islamic State [IS] entered the Syrian city of Hassakè, prompting a mass exodus of Christians, a familiar, though often … [Read more...]
Egyptian School Principal: ‘As long as I am present in the school, no Christian pupils will be accepted’
Coptic Solidarity The principal of a preschool to primary school in Sohag, Egypt, has been openly refusing the enrollment of Christian students, simply on the basis of their religion. When Copts and others protested—the current law of Egypt is on their side—the principal unabashedly declared that “As long as I am present in the school, no Christian pupils will be accepted … [Read more...]