On May 11, the Kuwaiti Constitutional Court rejected an appeal by MP Nabil al-Fadl to adjust citizenship laws in order to allow Christians to become citizens. The current law, according to Article 4.5 of the Citizenship Act of Kuwait, holds that he [a potential citizen] be an original Muslim by birth, or that he has converted to Islam according to the prescribed rules and … [Read more...]
Boy Set on Fire for Being Christian in Pakistan, Dies in Hospital
On April 10, two young Muslims in Lahore assaulted and set fire to a 14-year-old boy after they discovered he was Christian. They were on their way to mosque for Friday prayers when they happened upon the Christian youth, known only as Nauman. They forced him to stop and asked him which religion he followed. When he confessed his Christian faith they immediately began … [Read more...]
Easter under Islam, Churches under Attack
FrontPage Magazine As millions of Christians around the world were celebrating Easter Sunday, the Christians of the Muslim world were again under attack. The April 2 Islamic jihad attack on a Kenyan school—where the Islamic murderers made sure to slaughter only Christian students, sparing fellow Muslims—was only the most spectacular attack. On Easter Sunday itself, as … [Read more...]
Muslim Strength Decides if Christian Churches Stand or Fall
Coptic Solidarity A video recording made on December 14, 2013 of Dr. Yusuf al-Burhami, a leading cleric in Egypt’s Salafi movement, was recently publicized on Arabic media due to its controversial nature. In the video, Burhami says that “Destroying churches is permissible—as long as the destruction does not bring harm to Muslims, such as false claims that Muslims are … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim on The Glazov Gang: Jihad on the Offensive
I was on the Glazov Gang during the recent David Horowitz Freedom Center's West Coast Retreat. FrontPage Magazine's description of the panel, and the video of it, follow: This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by scholars Bruce Thornton (Freedom Center Shillman Fellow), Raymond Ibrahim (Freedom Center Shillman Fellow) and Robert Spencer (Director, JihadWatch.org). The three … [Read more...]