Ari David recently interviewed me on the Glazov Gang. The discussion revolved around the topic of my recent article, "How the Islamic World was Forged: An Exercise in Common Sense." The 10-minute interview follows: … [Read more...]
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS
Gatestone Institute Not only does the West facilitate the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, but in the West as well. According to a recent NPR report, the U.S. supported “moderate” coalition fighting both Bashar Assad and the Islamic State in Syria “has extremists in its own ranks who have mistreated Christians and forced them out of their homes”—just as IS has … [Read more...]
Coptic Shop Bombed by “Muslim Brotherhood”
Coptic Solidarity The shop of a Coptic Christian located in Qena, Egypt, was bombed earlier this week and severely damaged. The first, failed attempt was caught by the shop’s security camera. In it, a bearded Salafi looking man comes into the shop holding two bags. He purchases nothing but surreptiously leaves one of the bags behind in the store before he leaves. The … [Read more...]
How the Islamic World was Forged: An Exercise in Common Sense
Danish, Portuguese What made non-Muslims convert to Islam, leading to the creation of the Islamic world? Early historical sources—both Muslim and non-Muslim—make clear that the Islamic empire was forged by the sword; that people embraced Islam, not so much out of sincere faith, but for a myriad of reasons—from converting in order to enjoy the boons of being on the “winning … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia: The World’s Greatest Hypocrite
[adsenseyu1] Saudi Arabia recently preached to the international community about the need to confront "intolerance, extremism and human rights violations." If this sounds surreal, consider the following excerpts from a July 26 report in the Saudi Gazette (emphasis added): Saudi Arabia has reiterated its call on the international community to criminalize any act vilifying … [Read more...]