Raymond Ibrahim recently appeared on “Embracing New Life,” a satellite television show hosted by Isik Abla, a former Muslim woman who fled Turkey and Islam and converted to Christianity. Ibrahim’s book, Crucified Again, and the phenomenon of Muslim persecution of Christians were the primary topics of discussion in the half-hour episode: … [Read more...]
The New York Times’ Propaganda War on Egypt
A recent New York Times article exemplifies why the Times simply cannot be trusted. Written by one David Kirkpatrick and titled “Vow of Freedom of Religion Goes Unkept in Egypt,” the article disingenuously interprets general truths in an effort to validate its thesis. Much of this is done by omitting relevant facts that provide needed context. For example, Kirkpatrick … [Read more...]
Islam: ‘Appalling and Abhorrent’ in the Eyes of a Blind World?
A few days ago in Sudan, an eight-month pregnant wife and mother was sentenced to death by hanging for refusing to renounce Christ and embrace Islam. According to the LA Times: Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, who has a young son and is married to a Christian from South Sudan, violated Islamic sharia law, the court said. She insists she was raised Christian, not Muslim. The court also … [Read more...]
U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution: Muslim Persecution of Christians, January 2014
Gatestone Institute Danish Human rights organization Open Doors published its 2014 World Watch List in January, highlighting and ranking the top 50 nations that persecute Christians. The overwhelming majority of countries making the list—and nine of the top ten worst offenders—are Muslim, and include nations from among America’s allies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) and its … [Read more...]
Christians ‘Crucified Again’ for Refusing Islam
Greek To the awe of its readership, a recent Daily Mail article reports that the “jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and Levant [ISIL],” which is currently entrenched in Raqqa, Syria, “publicly crucified two Syrian rebels in northeastern Syria in revenge for a grenade attack on members of their group.” While the Daily Mail is to be commended for exposing these barbaric … [Read more...]