One week ago, I wrote, anti-Christian fury [from the Brotherhood and its supporters] is far from sated and has taken on genocidal proportions. While Al Jazeera was covering (and distorting) events in Egypt, a Libyan man named Tamar Rashad called in and said “I want to offer the good news to [Pope] Tawadros that, Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again … [Read more...]
In Egypt, Media Sympathizes with Muslim Brotherhood, Persecution of Christians Ignored
National Review Online While Western media, following the lead of pro-Brotherhood Al Jazeera, continue demonizing the Egyptian military’s attempts to neutralize the Muslim Brotherhood terror bases – where people have been tortured, raped, and killed, all according to Islamist fatwas (yes, including the rape, more on this later) the media portray them as “sit ins” where … [Read more...]
Walls of Hate: Anti-Christian Graffiti Vandalizes Egypt
With the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, the homes and churches of Egypt's Christians are seeing an unprecedented rise in anti-Christian graffiti. The following are some of the pictures that were recently disseminated, captioned with translation of graffiti and location information. The name of Coptic Pope Tawadros especially appears repeatedly, and is a … [Read more...]
Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood
PJ Media In the eyes of tens of millions of Egyptians, Senators John McCain’s and Lindsey Graham’s recent words and deeds in Egypt—which have the “blessing” of President Obama—have unequivocally proven that U.S. leadership is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptian media is awash with stories of the growing anger regarding this policy. A top advisor to Egypt’s … [Read more...]
The West’s Blind Spot Towards Russia
By Ralph H. Sidway, guest contributor Perhaps there really is a “colonial mentality” afflicting the Western Powers after all. How else to explain the succession of disastrous foreign policy choices by Barack Obama, David Cameron, and the NATO alliance regarding the “Arab Spring,” which are not merely ill advised, but downright immoral. It’s one thing to put forth a … [Read more...]