Not only are many Western secularists totally indifferent to the plight of Christians and other religious minorities under Islam—they inadvertently exacerbate it, thanks to the Muslim penchant to conflate Western behavior with Christianity. Thus Charlie Hebdo’s satirical caricatures of Muhammad are now being pinned on the Christian faith by Muslims who seem not to realize that … [Read more...]
Christians Burned Alive: Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2014
Gatestone Institute Both in the Islamic world and the Western world, Muslims continued to attack and slaughter Christians. In Pakistan, "A mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack," reported NBC … [Read more...]
Only Muslim Schoolchildren Lives Matter?
FrontPage Magazine Earlier we looked at “how Western mainstream media enable Islamic terrorism,” specifically by employing an arsenal of semantic games, key phrases, convenient omissions, and moral relativism to portray such violence as a product of anything and everything—political and historical grievances, “Islamophobia,” individual insanity, poverty and ignorance, … [Read more...]
Christians and Churches Attacked in the West: Muslim Persecution of Christians, September 2014
Gatestone Institute The Muslim persecution of Christians in September made prominent appearances not just in the Islamic world, but also in the West—in America, Australia and Europe. In the United States, in Columbus, Indiana, three churches were vandalized on the same night. The words most frequently sprayed were "Infidels!" and "Koran 3:151." The verse from the Koran … [Read more...]
Christian Nurses Betrayed by Muslim Colleagues in Pakistan
Editor’s note: The following account was written for by an American teacher in the Muslim world. Even though I have been living in the Islamic world for almost three years, the events in this story surprised even me. I guess the idea of being betrayed by a friend or a co-worker with whom I have had a long and cordial relationship is still hard for me to … [Read more...]