Arabic French Spanish Islam permits Muslim husbands to abandon their wives to rapists in order to save their own lives—so says Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, vice president of Egypt’s Salafi party, the nation’s premiere Islamist party since the Muslim Brotherhood was banned. Burhami’s fatwa, or Islamic decree, is not altogether surprising. Earlier the Salafi sheikh said that, … [Read more...]
Pro-Brotherhood Cleric Issues Fatwa to Terrorize Egypt
Coptic Solidarity French Recently on live TV, Sheikh Abdul Maqsud, an Islamic jurisprudent, issued a fatwa obligating “Muslims” (in this context, Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Egypt) to engage in acts of terror against “infidels” (in this context, the Egyptian government and anyone else opposing the Brotherhood). Maqsud began by quoting the well-known hadith in Sahih … [Read more...]
New Study Exposes Scandalous Fatwas of Brotherhood and Salafis in Egypt
Gatestone Institute As the full ramification of the Muslim Brotherhood’s year in power continues to be exposed, a new study by Al Azhar’s Fatwa Committee dedicated to exploring the fatwas, or Islamic decrees, issued by the Brotherhood and Salafis—the Islamists—was recently published. Al Azhar, in Cairo, is considered by many to be one of the oldest and most prestigious … [Read more...]
Repealing the Edict of Milan: Obama as the Anti-Constantine
by Ralph H. Sidway This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., the historic guarantee of religious liberty to Christians by the Roman Empire. The Edict was of explicitly universal significance in the Empire, as it was agreed upon by both Constantine (who controlled the West) and Licinius (in the East) upon their meeting in Milan in February, … [Read more...]
‘Islamic State in Iraq and Levant’ Calls for Jihad on ‘Infidel’ Egyptian Military
According to a September 1, RT Arabic report, the al-Qaeda linked "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" issued an Internet statement on August 31 calling on Muslims to wage war on the Egyptian military and criticizing the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafi Nour party for stopping the jihad against the Egyptian state. Among other things, the statement argued that the Egyptian … [Read more...]