FrontPage Magazine Inasmuch as Salafis are vile and violent, so too must they be credited with being refreshingly frank and honest, especially in comparison with the “moderate”—that is, mendacious—Muslim Brotherhood. To understand this, one must first understand that Salafis are simply modern day Muslims who closely pattern themselves after the very earliest Muslims, … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Christians: Caught in the Middle
Published by Gatestone Institute While the conflict in Egypt has largely been portrayed as a conflict between secular Egyptians, or “moderate Muslims,” who oppose full-blown Sharia, and the Islamists, led by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis, who want Taliban-style Sharia to govern the nation, largely missed have been the Christian Copts in the middle, who find themselves … [Read more...]
“Whoever Fights Us, Fights Islam”
Published on Gatestone Institute In the ongoing conflict between those Egyptians who strongly oppose a Sharia-based constitution—moderates, secularists, non-Muslim minorities—and those who are strongly pushing for it, Islamists are currently evoking the one argument that has always, from the very beginnings of Islam, empowered Islamists over moderates in the Muslim … [Read more...]
Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time
Investigative Project on Terrorism Around 1985, current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri fled his homeland of Egypt, presumably never to return. From his early beginnings as a teenage leader of a small jihadi cell devoted to overthrowing Egyptian regimes (first Nasser's then Sadat's) until he merged forces with Osama bin Laden, expanding his objectives to include targeting … [Read more...]