Last week I reported how the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Levant had, among other stipulations, issued a decree "banning" women from sitting on chairs. This information was derived from a Syrian news clip (link in original post). But no reason was given for this seemingly bizarre rule. However, digging around through some fatwas and opinions, apparently the fear … [Read more...]
Jihad Leader Arrested Disguised as Woman in Syria
Yesterday, many Arabic-language Internet news websites posted the following pictures, purporting to be of the leader (or "emir") of the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra ["Victory"] Front, which is in Syria waging jihad. According to these reports, Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani had managed to pass several military checkpoints dressed as a woman, until he was arrested by the Syrian army in … [Read more...]
Invisible Women: The Aftermath of Jihad
Massacres, beheadings, rapes and the rest often take place whenever and wherever Islamic jihadis take over. Lesser known but no less eye-opening, however, is the aftermath of occupation—the everyday “rules” and laws the jihadis enforce once they’re in charge. Consider the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL) recent occupation of Raqqah, a city in … [Read more...]
The Muslim Who Amputated His Hands, ‘According to Islamic Sharia’
“Infidels,” or non-Muslims, or the wrong kinds of Muslims (Alawites and Shia for example) are often seen as the natural recipients of Islamic violence, or jihad, as prescribed by Islamic law, the Sharia. Few, however, are aware exactly how Sharia can cause individual Muslims to do violence upon themselves. Last week, December 5, Arabic news website Masrawy published a full … [Read more...]
‘Muslim’ Jesus Demands Sharia Law and Jizya Tribute
Time and again, Muslims, especially those in Egypt, project Islamic thinking onto Christians: thus the Coptic church has been accused of smuggling and storing weapons in its churches to take over the nation (when in fact mosques are regularly exposed housing illegal weapons for the jihad); of kidnapping and torturing Coptic girls who convert to Islam (when in fact Muslim … [Read more...]