Gatestone Institute In a video of Hosni Mubarak when he was still Egypt's president, the strategies of which he accuses the Muslim Brotherhood have come to pass. What follows are Mubarak's words from a conference in Egypt (date unknown; author's translation): So they [Brotherhood and affiliates] took advantage of the economic situation by handing out money, to one man 100 … [Read more...]
Egyptian Military Warns Obama: ‘Supporting Terrorism’ in Egypt is ‘Red Line’
According to a report titled "Sisi to Pentagon: We will not turn back, sovereignty is a red line,” published in Watan newspaper (Saturday, August 17 edition), Egyptian Maj. Gen. Muhammad al-'Assar has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Pentagon, on behalf of the Egyptian military council, saying, among other things, "We will not retreat from fighting terrorism; the … [Read more...]
Video: Coptic Church Set Aflame by Muslim Brotherhood Supporters
One week ago, I wrote, anti-Christian fury [from the Brotherhood and its supporters] is far from sated and has taken on genocidal proportions. While Al Jazeera was covering (and distorting) events in Egypt, a Libyan man named Tamar Rashad called in and said “I want to offer the good news to [Pope] Tawadros that, Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again … [Read more...]
In Egypt, Media Sympathizes with Muslim Brotherhood, Persecution of Christians Ignored
National Review Online While Western media, following the lead of pro-Brotherhood Al Jazeera, continue demonizing the Egyptian military’s attempts to neutralize the Muslim Brotherhood terror bases – where people have been tortured, raped, and killed, all according to Islamist fatwas (yes, including the rape, more on this later) the media portray them as “sit ins” where … [Read more...]
Syrian Child Raped and Brutalized by Jihad
According to the "Largest Syrian Christian Group on Facebook," the above is a picture of a young girl in Syria, before (L) and after (R) the U.S.-sponsored jihad reached her. The Arabic caption along with the picture reads: "Syrian child, tortured, raped, her face disfigured at the hands of the Saudis and others from among the psychos and criminals of the revolution." In fact, … [Read more...]