Coptic Solidarity A makeshift bomb was found near a church in Egypt on January 22. Father Paul of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt found what he described as a “foreign object” next to the garbage bin outside of the Virgin Mary Church in Aswan. He took it in to the authorities for analysis, and it was discovered to be a makeshift bomb. Makeshift bombs have been found … [Read more...]
Liars or Fools: Which Govern America?
CAIR Blames America for San Bernardino Massacre
Another Islamic terrorist attack has taken place on American soil—in San Bernardino, where 14 people were murdered—and none other than that unindicted co-conspirator of Islamic terror, CAIR, is saying it’s America’s fault. … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim on Caravan to Midnight: Postmodernism and Jihad
On November 20, I appeared on Caravan to Midnight, a subscription video podcast and syndicated radio talk show hosted by John B. Wells. Because the Skype video interview lasted nearly 90 minutes, a number of interesting but peripheral topics I normally don’t address were discussed, including how postmodern Western culture is a chief enabler of the jihad. The video is below and … [Read more...]
Radio Interview: Raymond Ibrahim on the Paris Jihad and the Western Enemy Within
Yesterday I was interviewed by Al Kresta on Ave Maria Radio. We discussed last Friday's Paris jihad and the Western enemy within. Click here to listen to the interview. … [Read more...]