WARNING: This page contains graphic images that tell of Christian persecution under Islam — images that rarely if ever appear on mainstream media. It is meant to supplement the pictures that appear in Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.
While graphic in nature, we feel it is necessary to show these pictures to give a better understanding of the true sufferings of Christians under Islam.
This first set of pictures that follow are from the 2010 Islamic raid on the Our Lady of Salvation Church in Iraq. Armed jihadis stormed the church during worship service, opened fire indiscriminately at the Christian worshipers, before detonating their suicide vests, which were “filled with ball bearings to kill as many people as possible.”

I agree
isn’t that the christian thing to do…
No it ain’t the Christian thing to do and Christians are the least of your worries, Muslims are gonna end up destroying themselves.
i ain’t no christian and i will say million times NUKE MECCA…mean every word when i say NUKE MECCA…..
are you a muslim or a Christian? so it matters more to you if its a Christian thing to do than the pain and the sorrow coused by islam to my sisters and brothers
I AGREE 100%!!!!
evil beget evil. What would the reaction of good muslim people if you destroy their most secret area of prayer. World war 3. think about the consequence before saying such thing. otherwise you won’t see your children grow up.
shut up or you will get your ass nuked along with them..sacred my foot..toilet paper quran reading lowlifes..
I disagree!!! One thing you can’t tell me is that God would allow man to destroy something he made / created!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! It will be attempted and tried I’m sure but completely destroy??!! Nah…..
I doubt that……Islam is up against an almighty God…….Do you fear Islam or do you fear Jesus? I ONLY FEAR JESUS!!!! Muslims bleed just like the rest of us!!! They don’t scare me period!!!!
there is NO good in islam….NONE!
The “threat” of retaliation, is the most effective tools of pislamic supremacy. They build their mosques, on the rubble of the previous cultures, to signify their dominance. They built the mosque of asaqua
on top of a Jewish temple. They even attempted to destroy the Churrch of the Holy Seplichure. They have no problem with destroying the most sacrid Christian/Jewish sites, but cry foul, when even the threat of harm to one of their’s. How many churches are burnt to the ground on what is now a weekly basis? They are well on their plan of “ethnic cleansing”, while we(the victims) are the ones worried about how the other side(the persicuter) will feel. TAQQIY at it’s finest….
yeah if we were pagan moon worshipers monkeys like those Muslim’s who believe an eye for eye perhaps we would nuke right away but are God teaches us to forgive even those these faggots are testing are true religion in Christ . This is the devils new agenda use Islam same like he used the Nazi ideology .Im not white but these bearded monkey Muslims behaving like Nazis need to wake up your not white and your dirty halal meat is nothing like clean Kosher the Jews are the cleanest people on the planet and we Christians bless them ,He who curses Israel is cursed you dirty Muslims are cursed
No. Nuke Riyadh and all the Wahhabi supporting people.
I’m glad someone like you is well informed on what is really going on. I wish more Americans were as enlightened.
I don’t believe it would be Christian to Nuke Mecca: Muslims didn’t destroy the Church of the Holy Sepulcre; as many evil things as most of them may do, I think the least we could do is not destroy their grandest mosque, too.
satan(islam) does not allow anyone to worship different. islam is a totalitarian state of affairs telling you how to live from birth to death. islam needs to be eliminated!
Amen to that!
How is his opinion dumb?
Because self defense is NOT satanic and ONE can eliminate islam. The post did not say murder all muslims BUT destroy ISLAM. Learn the difference between people and ideals.
Hey! Just call it a “Mercy Killing!” Kinda like their “honor killings”.
Your absolutely right and I 100% agree!!
Yeah, you don’t sound exactly like them at all… Why don’t we just do the same thing to them? That’s the right thing to do, right? Take the same mindset and destroy them in even worse ways. Sounds perfect (sarcasm). I wonder why Satan got cursed from God’s presence. Hmm.
KEVIN there is a HUGE difference in eliminating a DEATH CULT and doing that to people! WAKE UP! ONE can OUTLAW violence and ANY cult that promotes it and reeducate the ones who cant seem to leave it. BUT if attacked I am ALL for self defense and this is NOT satanic.
No, it’s not revenge. It’s called learning to speak their language! We will give to them, what they give to us. And once we are through “translateing”, rest assured that we will have no further problems with them. We will be speaking their language, and they will be understanding us!
Yeah…….lost in translation, because I don’t see your point at all…….Why would ANYONE want to “speak” their language? Kill others who don’t follow, agree, worship and pray in the same God I do isn’t on my bucket list things to do. They have not 1 right to take someone’s life for doing EXACTLY what they do. Who made them the “religion police”? They need to be stopped!! I said NOTHING about revenge!! I said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It’s in the Bible, but in God’s hands and on his terms. Not kill a Muslim because he/she killed a Christian. If you purposely take a life maliciously “just because” you forfeit your right to live!! And I’m done with this stupid Muslim vs The World bull, and I am NOT learning to speak their language because I’m not in the market of killing anyone different than me PERIOD!!!!
Simple. That is the only thing they understand. Kindness, understanding and generosity(our language) are all seen as weakness. We’ve tried it. Their only outcome is for pislam to dominate all other religions/political/socail systems. Then, as they say, peace will follow. Bottom line is that we either live or die. I will make it plain. We are faced with extermination! Would you choose to prevent it? If so, then how?
I’m not kissing no Muslims behind just to live. They aren’t required to kiss mine!!!! I’m not gonna deny my God, out of fear either. I’m not gonna lie to make them happy nor am I gonna be fake just to prolong my life. Now, again, why are you telling me to stoop to their level just when I have every right to pray, worship, believe and follow ANY religion/God I want to, just like they do, Minus the murder?? At least in Christianity God tells us to “Love thy neighbor” meaning ALL MANKIND not just who you live next to. You can be another Peter and deny God because your to scared to stand up. I WILL NOT!! AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!!!! The same Lord that gave his life for all of us, the same Lord The Old and New Testament was written about. The same Lord that John 3:16 describes. Those Muslim extremists/terrorists aren’t just killing Christians for not converting but they are also the same people behind the mass abduction of the girls in Africa, they’re the same bastards that shot up the school in Pakistan a few weeks ago. I WILL NOT affiliate with them WHATSOEVER under ANY circumstances!!!! I will not stand with men who are to coward to handle business themselves and send in women and kids as martyrs. I will not stand with men who circumcise baby, toddlers and teenage girls to keep them from having affairs but they can have all the wives they’re heart desires. I will not stand with men who marry girls before they even turn 10. I will not stand with men who abduct get
innocent school age girls of all ages and rape them and torture them. I will not stand with me OR women who kill other people for not being like them!!!!! Bottom line is I’m not gonna agree with them just to keep them happy. It won’t get any better either. You do whatever tickles you pink. I’m not a coward I won’t be standing with anyone like that no matter the cost!!!! I officially have NO RESPECT for you, don’t reply to me after you read this, IF YOU READ THIS!!!!! And I’m done!!!!! IF YOU DONT STAND FOR SOMETHING, YOU’LL FALL FOR ANYTHING!!!!!!
He meant speak their language metaphorically. If all they understand is killing and brutality, then we shall speak killing and brutality. You need to start reading Calvin and Hobbes.
In the bible it says you have heard eye for eye and tooth for tooth but I tell you do not resist an evil man. But I think we should take a more aggressive stance but still follow God. We do this by convincing countries to send troops in and kill those murdering bastards and conquer their countries with tanks. And stay there to give the country a more modern mindset. But remember the end times are upon us. P.S. Seventh day Sabbath ten commandments not refuted anywhere.
And one major way to eliminate Islam is for Christians to continue to show the love of Christ to their persecuting Muslims by forgiving these persecuting Muslims for their random attacks and share the Gospel. The jihadis just know and do what they were taught since childhood. The only way to eliminate Islam is to change the hearts & minds of those who follow it to its fullest degree.
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn about their hearts or their minds.
you are you a naïve fool. even Jesus would grab a gun or sword to kill these muslim barbarian monster bastards!!!
there won’t be any Christians left in the middle east with this turn the other cheek and run to Europe crap. muslims are taking over Europe anyhow and north America is next, where are you going to run to next?
It’s gone way past turning the other cheek. This is outright murder devoid of any humanity. They are the minions of satan and, well, this has been expected and coming. Unfortunately, things are going to get far worse before it gets better.
Thank God that people are catching on. Those leftist media is seeing so much utter depravity, that they are starting to ‘weakly’
admit that something is wrong……
We have a RIGHT to self defense, a natural law AND God-given RIGHT!
No. Kill them.
That’s the problem right there. I’ve been listening to “bleeding hearts” the “do good doers” who insist that the “love of Christ and forgiving the persecuting Muslims” will change how Muslims think and act. Don’t you realise that it is nonsense to change how Muslims are brainwashed from birth to follow Islam and the teachings of Mohammed? You are living in la la land. Get real!
As Milo said Fk their feelings !!
What these Islamic jihadist don’t realized is that the ‘Day of the LORD’ is coming upon us very very soon…
Acts 2:19-20 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:
They may have done these atrocities to Christians, but the suffering that those Islamic jihadist will suffer during the ‘Day of the LORD’ will be far more severe than anything that they could even imagine! These Christians died as a result of the phyiscal injuries they suffered at the hands of those Islamic jihadist, but the life is in the hand of the LORD which God had let go upon impact of their bodies!
One would think that these is nothing more severe, in human suffering, than what has been shown in these picture, but there is! A little hint ~ Because life is in the hand of the LORD, try to imagine this, the LORD turning up the intensity of the sensation of physical pain from injuries suffered while one’s own body is being destoryed while at the same time death is very slow in coming!
Revelation 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
It maybe easy to read these words, but to live out these words will be a whole other horrific experience! The second truth that those Islamic jihadist need to realized is that through their own actions they are determining who will live actually live on the land in the country of Iraq. The more the destruction of death they, Islamic jihadist, heap upon Christians, the more blessings God will imposed upon those very same Christians!
It’s the jihadist that will suffer intensely towards their elusive death during the ‘Day of the LORD’, after which all those dead Christians will be granted a firstfruit resurrection (Leviticus 23:17) in which they will all rejoice in their gladness and wonder where are those wicked jihadist…
Psalm 37:10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and IT SHALL NOT BE!!!
All those dead Christians have this waiting for them which will happen very very soon for they are the LORD’s ELECT!!!
Isaiah 65:22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
Saying that “The day of the Lord is coming” is simply a way of excusing the act of inaction. That means, by saying God will somehow sort this out means you don’t have to do anything. Just sit back, watch some football and shop at Walmart. The people who did this are given weapons by the U.S. Maybe God will do something about that too!
He is absolutely right Arf!! Christians are taught to pray and love thy neighbor and love thy enemy. Love COVERS a multitude of sin. If we abide he will provide!!!! Again who cares who gave who what and where weapons came from and why they have them. I HAVE A GUN that my government ALLOWED me to have the rights to own. I’m not out busting caps JUST BECAUSE I CAN!!!! Im not a disgruntled Christian out peeling back muslims scalps. STAND UP AND TAKE THE BLAME INSTEAD OF POINTING FINGERS!!!!! And FYI stop blaming the US like we manufacture firearms. My gun was made and assembled in Germany and Germany IS NOT part of the US!!!
I agree. Christians need to awaken to the reality of what our God has instructed. We are to love & respect others but to also uphold justice & virtue. Our Founders rose against the atrocities they experienced. Their actions established the Judeo-Christian inspired governmental structure we enjoy to this day. As such, we need to take action against those who deny civil liberties to any people group. We need to be a strong & courageous flock, not afraid of evil & willing to fight for justice & peace.
I agree AshleyJordan!!
Well said, I’m sick and tired of the god bothering death cults (all of them) destroying this world arguing over which version of the big sky fairy is really god, if all that energy and passion was put into making this life better instead of arguing over an alledged afterlife……
Big Sky fairy?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read in this entire forum. Your theory would never work either. Unfortunately there are people that can’t even agree on how to keep a plant alive much less peace on earth. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t care what when where how and who you serve worship pray to or believe in, WE WERE NOT CREATED TO KILL OR DESTROY ONE ANOTHER!!!!! PERIOD!!!!!
Well if we took the money that a manned mission to Mars will cost, we could eliminate starvation,water, and water borne diseases for about 40 to 50 years.Do you think that mankind matters? Nope, its all about money.
Amen!! I agree!!!!
I disagree with your thoughts on Christians being happy in Heaven and wondering where the wicked jihadists are. Once you make it in Heaven your NOT gonna be bothered with or worried about those who didn’t make it or where the person is that cut your life short. There will be no worrying, fear, tears, sadness, anger, racial religion or political divide NONE OF THAT WORD stuff. It’s too beautiful glorious scenic and perfect…….All those worldly feelings WILL HOWEVER be sensitive 10 times worse in hell……
I decree the firstfruit resurrection of all those dead Christians in the next week! This I decree as a Jewish believer in Christ in the name of Jesus the Crhist!
Photo Reminders that Representatives of “The Religion of Peace” greeted Christians on Sunday in a Baghdad Church.
When you compare followers of Islam to the Aliens in the parody “Mars attacks” it all makes sense.
In the movie the Aliens repeated the Mantra “We come in Peace” as they slaughtered the naive and the willfully blind. Even the U.S. Government administration and it’s white President are willfully blind to the truth and die accordingly.
We now have an Alien in the White house.
This person quite literally an “Alien” is telling the world on behalf of Islam “They (We) come in Peace”.
But he speaks not a word as Islam increases it’s slaughter of Christians and anyone else world wide.
The Movie Mars Attacks is a parody of an Alien invasion of both America and the World.
In truth Martian Aliens don’t exist and are not attacking – so where is the parody?
Is the Movie actually a Parody of Islam? Are Islams Aliens invading nations, attacking and killing anyone anywhere in the world who objects?
One has to wonder how is it that CAIR has not sought to have “Mars attacks” the movie banned as insulting to Islam.
The Christians in Baghdad were very much aware that the Moslems are Demonic Alien invaders very much like what were in the movie “Mars attacks”.
Why are most other Christians willfully blind? Or is it most Christian’s in the West think Islam is merely a Parody of “Mars Attacks” and that reality doesn’t exist?
White President?? Our President is African American what are you talking about??!! What does any body’s skin color HAVE ANYTHING to do with who is right or wrong, who’s belief and faith is accurate or inaccurate ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SO LETS KEEP THE RACE CARD IRRELEVANT FROM THIS……..GOD SAVES YOUR SOUL NOT YOUR SKIN…….
You give the appearance…perhaps…of knowing what you are talking about.
But it needs be asked “Are you either functionally illiterate or zealous to jump to conclusions so as to pull the “Race Card”?
In the movie Mars Attacks the President happened to be White.
This seems to completely escape you as the current non-fiction administration is mostly black – but I wasn’t talking about them. I was talking about the movie “Mars Attacks”.
This race card thing you bring up; is this because of your “fear of the evil eye” of political correctness?
It also seems on your part hypocritical as you yourself readily label Black Islamic leaders as “racist” as you said in your reply to Nahal Musafee a month ago.
Perhaps you need “read and think” before you type ar are you one of what I mentioned in my post…Christians who are “willfully blind”.
(Willful blindness does make it easier to pull the race card)
You give the appearance…perhaps…of knowing what you are talking about.
But it needs be asked “Are you either functionally illiterate or zealous to jump to conclusions so as to pull the “Race Card”?
In the movie Mars Attacks the President happened to be White.
seems to completely escape you as the current non-fiction
administration is mostly black – but I wasn’t talking about them. I was
talking about the movie “Mars Attacks”.
This race card thing you bring up; is this because of your “fear of the evil eye” of political correctness?
also seems on your part hypocritical as you yourself readily label
Black Islamic leaders as “racist” as you said in your reply to Nahal
Musafee a month ago.
Perhaps you need “read and think” before you
type or are you one of what I mentioned in my post…Christians who are “willfully blind”.
(Willful blindness does make it easier to pull the race card)
Lord please wake the sleeping.
This is sadly what the American Christians may be facing soon. We need to put a stop to the Obama reign. Islam is moving quite quickly into the mainstream here at home. And this will be what we are facing. The Day of the Lord is near and you who have not surrendered your heart to The Lord Jesus need to . God Bless America!!!!
Leslie. Other Christians are facing these crimes now and funded BY america, aka egypt, $1.3B/yr to slaughter Coptic Christians.
so nice to see that not everyone is in the dark about this, or buying into all the media bull**** that is trying to cover up our role in everything. The older I get the more ashamed I am to be an American. What happened to all the good we used to stand for?
amen, it is truly sad…
I wont be facing this. I will not stand there and watch as people around me are shot. I will Gladly attack the buttmunch Jihadist that I see holding any kind of weapon. They are idiots anyway. Cowards.
Jihadists don’t want none of the US!!!! Take Jihadists to the hood and see who survives lol *ALL my money is on the hood lol*
they would convert “da hood” niggers are so stupid as to know they are converting to the cult who gelded and enslaved their ancestors.
I’m from the hood I’m not black I’m white finished high school went to college and i was born and raised in the mean streets of Atlanta Ga drop those towel head camel jockeys (since you wanna call out names like the N word) off in my hood I GUARANTEE they wouldn’t bust 1 cap, detonate 1 bomb NOTHING cause they’d be in face down in the street. I have my life together great job wonderful kids and BAD husband and you’d NEVER know where I was from talking to me either. I CAN SHOW YOU THOUGH!! YOU KEY BOARD GANGSTA LMBOOOOO
We are pass all of that enslaved ancestor bull crap!!!! They wouldn’t make it out of the United States!!!! After all of us got through with them!! I bet you won’t say NIGGERS ARE STUPID to the face of someone BLACK!!!! EVERYBODY has balls online these days lolol thanks for the laugh though……
I’ll be right beside ya Mark!!!! And repent when we’re done…..
You are so right Leslie. And quite frankly I for one am scared to death. God bless and help us all.
that, will never happen here, like u see in the pics, cause the Christian rebel gun carrying south would start its own holy war…….
Except they would never be able to if Americans forsake their right to bear arms. It all is connected
Islam’s goal is world domination. NWO goal is to depopulate 80% of the world. And now there is 1 king in charge of both. HE will never be my king.
Amen!! I stand in agreement
I agree, Nuke Mecca now…
Striking mecca with a nuclear bomb will achieve nothing. Muslims are spread all over the world and it would result in thousands of Christians being murdered.
Something has to be done – I would suggest forcibly ejecting every muslim from the west back to their islamic lands.
Jesus did not teach us to exact vengeance on the scale you suggest. God will take care of the people who kill our bodies but cannot kill our spirit.
Amen Dave!!!
Its time to speak the truth. This is the future of the world under Islam. People blown apart and lying in pieces on the floors of churches, temples and synagogues in every nation on earth. Islam is pure evil and no sane human being can deny the truth any longer.
To the liberal bleeding hearts who claim this is the act of a few misguided fringe fanatics, go to any city in any Muslim majority nation on a Friday WHEN MUSLIMS GATHER FOR PRAYERS and listen to the words spoken in the mosques and at the public rallies WHERE THOUSANDS OR EVEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF EVERY DAY MUSLIMS SCREAM FOR JIHAD AND THE DEATH OF INFIDEL CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND JEWS. THIS IS REAL FACE OF ISLAM.
Wow!!!! Amen!!! I agree!!
Soso stupid
So so wrong!!
Horrible inhumane and a huge travesty..
Agree!! It’s so sad honestly……
For someone who uses the word ‘stupid’ so much, you should learn the difference between ‘then’ and ‘than’. Fool.
No one is better than the other… all people are the same and equal! you have to deal with it!
What’s “equal”, and is that your opinion?
don’t you know the meaning of “equality”???…also:YES! this is MY opinion…about humanity and human beings! I treat the others as i want they treat me!…this is an unwritten law for me!
I just ask because for many these days it also amounts to forcing egalitarianism on everybody–if there’s a Bill Gates while others are poor….then there’s “inequality” and people are wanting more gov’t to change that. But can’t people have equal value without equal wealth, talents, etc etc.??
And….when you say all people are the “same”….that sounds noble, but people AREN’T the same–there are the very gifted, very bright, mentally balanced, or unbalanced, unmotivated, disabled, etc.
Let me know what you think.
my answer is under MY post….(by mistake :))) ) —>Guest —>nahamenalegame…read it *then laugh for my fail*
I completely agree with what you’re telling… (my disagreement was with someone under the nickname: I’m better then you) now: When I say we’re all the same i mean that we have the same rights as beings, not that we have the same attributes as a mental or physical beings. .i hope to enlightenment you from around what i think and the way that i think about it! (sorry for my english are not perfect) 🙂
Tell that to the mudslimes! You, a kaffer, have no value. Under sharia, killing you is not a crime. That’s where the conversation starts. How long can you spout your “love and peace” crap with your throat slit?
It’s folks like you who urge others to keep their heads in the sand.
There is no equality under pislam.
1>Islamists who cut heads shall be understand that they are puppets of Americans who fanaticizes them to do their job (geopolitical games and petroleum) and they do not even know that they’re puppets! 2>Allah does not talk about murders nor for revenge …3> if we start to kill each other in the end not one remains on earth!Brilliant!!! 4>People like me want everyone to have access to feed and water and knowledge then nobody can take advantage of them or fanaticism,,,
Your second point: Muhammad does. The koran does.
Your first point: Islam was founded around 610 (1400 years) while America was founded in 1776 (240 years). So quit trying to blame the behavior of Muslims on Americans. Muslims have been doing this since the 600s with no help from “Americans” who didn’t even exist then.
What’s really stupid is that these islamic terrorists have no fear in death because they are brainwashed to believe that they will be met in the afterlife with infinite concubines in paradise and be waited on hand and foot and will not want for nothing lol boy when they open their eyes I guarantee it’s nothing like they were told!!!!
I don”t think cursing comes across their minds, i mean their biggest problem just started, when they are totally engulfed in flames!
I agree with that too!!
F O R E V E R………..Couldn’t happen to more deserving filth….
Actually it’s 72 horis with “lustfull eyes”(who regenerate their virginity nightly), an eternal erection and a bottomless cup of wine. Except for the virginity part, I can get that here!
You got the numbers wrong. Check this out.
Notice how Islam even extends its subjugation of women to the afterlife. They will get only ONE man in paradise and they will be satisfied with him. But apparently the islamic men are insatiable.
Thank you.
The “perfect” woman gets only one man………..
Her husband?
Never!!! Her husband cannot settle for less while others are in a perpetual orgy with eternal erection.
I feel that real pain raw with emotion. Some day soon that will be erased from your memory. Until then I ‘ll remember you in my prayers.
For once, the pictures aren’t censored, maybe that’s why it feels different.
Also, while I totally loathe murder, I find wishing the badguys would use better cameras when filming their atrocities, don’t know why.
I didn’t know that camels could regenerate their virginity nightly. !! As I understood it they ran out of virgins since around 700 AD and the camels where used to fill in.
Goats will suffice.
For goodness sakes, how is this unlike the fairy tales our own religions would have their parishioners believe?
The greatest problems in this world are caused by these “My religion is better than yours” fanatics.
And yes we’ve got a lot of them in this country and, alas, we’re allowing more to take up residence here every day.
I dunno-mine says thou shalt not kill.Maybe we could look to anti-religious examples, like Hitler , Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini. Still many ethnic cleanings going on, and not in the name of any religion.
The same as the crusades, the inquisitions, witch hunts, etc… They all have one thing in common and its not religion.Its religious intolerance.Thats the common denominator.
There are many mis-understandings/mis-prints. Actually it’s “thou shall not murder”. That makes a big difference.
Bear in mind, the term “murder” didn’t exist in Old English; people were expected to read further on in order to differentiate what the Word of God meant.
Keep in mind the Crusades were a reaction to Islam which had been expanding territory for hundreds of years. The Islamists were turned back from the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Booting them out of Spain took longer. A concise history by Dr. Bill Warner is on You Tube.I learned a lot.
….”the greatest problems in the world are caused by these….fanatics..”
No–it’s the exact opposite–as horrific as what we see here, the scope of anti-religious/atheistic regimes is exponentially worse, AND in a much smaller timespan in history.
Sorry you’re wrong. No other religion that I am aware of, and certainly not Christianity. goes around trying to enforce its beliefs by rape, murder, torture and terrorism.
You need to read the Koran, and see it’s not a religion, it’s a totalitarian ideology.
There is no choice with islam, submit or die, if you get the choice, these guys in the pictures didn’t get a choice.
So true. We as humans have a tendency to fix things when they brake. Obama gave the go ahead and now there is no stoping them. They are one step ahead and we can’t catch up to fix anything.
50% of the population are now muslims. How do we get rid of such a big number?
One bullet at a time…..
Everyone knows this by now. What shall we do?
Perfectly said Wolff Bachner. And this was three years ago. It is even more pertinent today.
The other truth is that islam must be completely eliminated from planet Earth. There will never be peace with them on it.
You are failing to understand one vital thing. They DO KNOW.
Their refusal to face it is simply fear. They cannot stand to face it. They are cowards.
Tell that to our president.
It IS Satan’s death cult, his MOST sinister slap in the face of God: spread his blood sacrifices, globally, for hundreds and hundreds of years, killing MILLIONS, while brainwashing the KILLERS that THEY THEMSELVES are ‘holy’ and ‘religious’. Satan gets a twofer: DEAD VICTIMS annnnnd brainwashed killers, murdering their way into Hell, gleefully…
cull the herd on our own soil, make it illegal for those pigs to be here
Amen I soooooooo agree 100%
How can these people set around in fear and do nothing to stop this? They need to check everybody coming to the church for bombs and weapons. Have a couple of guards watching over the area. Come on! They should know by now. Its their own fault for not taking any precautions to prevent this. Now they know but its too late.
They were ambushed, not by anyone inside. It was done from the outside. It’s not their fault. They were minding their business. Why should they have to have security for worshiping who they want? They weren’t bothering nobody.
Why is this kept from the American public?
Good day brothers and sisters, I beg to differ as Islam does not teach this kind of butchery. Those who chose to behavior as animals go against the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
All religions have at some point oppressed or behaved in a manner which is against the teachings of their religious beliefs towards others.
I firmly believe that a few sour apples on a tree does not mean that all are the same.
The butcher of any human, is considered a major sin in Islam and this behavior is definitely that.
I pray that God Almighty bless those who have lost their lives due to the insensitive and callous behavior of these so called “Muslims” and may he guide those against the peaceful religion of Islam to understanding. As a Muslim I am taught that doing harm to a single human being has a ripple effect to society as a whole.
Yeah right, thats why we see millions of muslims demonstrating around the world against the suicide bombers !
Amen Marc!!!!
Send Obama over there. Maybe we can get rid of the piece of shit president.
I honestly can’t see any truth in your statement, although I want to. If your against your brothers and sisters in the Islamic community YOU should take a stand AGAINST them. I don’t care why when where how and who YOU believe in or worship, WE WERE NOT CREATED TO HURT DESTROY OR KILL ONE ANOTHER!! Unfortunately there are TOO MANY WANNA BE CHEIFS AND NO INDIANS!!!! Every religion has it’s downfalls, ignorance, closed minded followers. But muslims are a whole nother breed and SHOULD be stopped!!!! It’s NOT Christians torturing other religions because they chose not to be a Christian. It WAS, HOWEVER, Christians that was traveling ALL OVER THE WORLD to witness, save and help others REGARDLESS of they served or believed. It WASN’T Christians that took over the planes on September 11th 2001!!!! It WASN’T a Christian that ordered that attack and caused the devastating outcome. You DON’T see muslims witnessing you see muslims TRY to dominate and take control. It’s not Christians running a muck in Egypt Syria Libya and the middle east in general killing innocent people because they DON’T follow THE ONE TRUE GOD THE ALPHA AND OMEGA THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS THE ONLY ONE TRUE MESSIAH THE ONLY ONE TRUE MAN THAT BORE CARRIED AND DIED ON THE CROSS AND THE FIRST AND LAST TO DIE AND BE RESURRECTED THE ONLY GOD THAT CONTROLS EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN BECAUSE HE WAS THE ONLY GOD TO CREATE IT. My heart goes out to ALL my brothers and sisters in Christ being persecuted for NOT BEING MUSLIM, but those true followers of JESUS CHRIST who endure death because they follow Christ will be met by Christ. “INSTANT DEATH, INSTANT GLORY!!!!” Muslims DO NOT follow the same God as Christians. Hence 2 DIFFERENT BIBLES!!!! WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT, MUSLIMS WILL BE THE ONES WHO SUFFER IN THE END!!!!
Nalah I’m not attacking you I just don’t agree and don’t like the nation of Islam muslims or anything it stands for and implements. ESPECIALLY after watching the movie Malcolm X. Yall follow a self proclaimed man who labled himself a prophet who is violent a womanizer boastful proud at the same time he is also STUPID IGNORANT WRONG DUMB has kids scattered to and from north and south of the equator. He has no credibility and is always in need of ego boostinghe Iis hateful and racist!!!!! GOD IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS. If Islam isnt about any of those things that you claim are wrong then why does every public muslim leader I.e Farrakhan Malcolm X Elijah Muhammad teach racism hate discrimination???!!!! Bottom line is GOD SAVES YOUR SOUL not your skin!!!! If Islam is different than those HEADS teaching it, then maybe the “Good” muslims should stand up against those teaching otherwise!!!!! Please remember that muslim officials that yall pack house to see and hear are put into those positions by all of muslims like you!!!! If they’re wrong, who’s duty is it to remove those leaders that REPRESENT YOU?!?!? One thing about Christians, we are all different but we don’t mind blasting a questionable leader and pulling him out of his position!!!!! I.e Bishop Eddie Long, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Jones etc etc……..Again I’m not attacking you, I’m just on the outside looking in……And this is what the world see’s…….And I’m not alone!!!
As the Muslim you say you are, I don’t know what Quran you are reading. Maybe it’s just that the Quran’s and Muhammed’s definition of “infidels” means “non-human”, so the butchering is okay. I tire of hearing how Islam is peaceful; and that the Quran does not condone killing non-Muslims. I’ve read in the Quran to see what it says, and it definitely condones the violence, among other thngs.
I could ask you as to which Quran you are choosing to read as there copies which have been altered.
I harbor no ill feelings as I firmly believe that man responds according to his circumstance, upbringing, and external and internal situations
I accept your feelings but understand that it is human beings who give a good/bad repution to a religion. May God guide us all.
said, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Hadith
Al Buhkari vol.
“Slay the idolators [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them captive,
and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. Fight against such of those
who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the last Day…. Go
forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives
in the way of Allah! (Sura 9:5,29,41).
said, “I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none
has the right to be worshipped but Allah” (Al Bukhari vol. 4:196).
:190-292 “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress
limits, for Allah does not love transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch
them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out: For tumult and
oppression are worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque
unless they first fight you there; But if they fight you, Slay them. Such is the
reward of those who suppress faith.”
Alright now Bev!!! Good job with the proof coming straight from the islamic resource!!!!
Nah I disagree…….I see Islamic muslims terrorizing, torturing, killing, causing chaos, pushing their religion on Christians by any means necessary. NOT CHRISTIANS!!!! And if Islam doesn’t teach that and that’s not what muslims stand for then why is there so many islamic muslims doing it? It’s not just over seas it’s in the United States too. It’s Christians that was on missionary missions all over the world to help teach love give those hungry food to eat…….Not Islam nor muslims……BACKTRACK YOUR COMMENT
And yet we are here in America with our Joel Osteens “Your Best Life Now” “Everyday’s a Friday” comfy mega churches while our brothers and sisters are poor being slaughtered overseas. I am ashamed that I ever thought I was “suffering” for our Lord living in this country.
Persecution NEVER hurt the church, only prosperity. -Paul Washer
Father, PLEASE wake us up from our blind, comfortable, self absorbed, lukewarm Laodicean faith.
(2 Timothy 3:12)
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted
(1 Peter 4:12)
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
(Philippians 1:29)
For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake
(Philippians 3:10)
That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
(2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
(Psalm 34:19)
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all
(Romans 8:18)
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
AMEN RM and ty I share this prayer…
God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The savages who committed this atrocity are supported by the U.S. The United States sends them the weaponry they need to commit these crimes. Thank Obama, Kerry and McCain. And the people who voted for them.
Obama Kerry and McCain didn’t force them to kill or pull the trigger. Are you gonna follow or lead!!?? Stand before God and say “Well Obama told me to do it” YOU are responsible for YOUR actions!!!!! God ain’t gonna give you the opportunity to use that excuse cause at the end of the day YOU did and YOU DIDN’T have too!!!! If I give YOU a gun and say go blast my neighbors head off ARE YOU GONNA DO IT??!! And let’s say you do, who you think gonna pay for the crime the person who done it or the person who told you to do it???
Your right!! They are trying to take our firearms rights away from us too but I dare someone to knock on my door asking for mine!!!! I would hate to have to use mine but I am a mother and I’ll protect mine from anyone trying to take mine……Sorry…….Two wrongs don’t make a right and I know there is no coming back from death but I will not bury my kids or husband because somebody wants to steal instead of working hard to buy your own!!!!
Wow, this discussion, the pics posted above and all the war and terror going on just further shows me that I am on the right team following my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything going on in the world lines up with his word and warnings and I know HE is the ONLY TRUE way!!!! It’s obvious….
We record history so that we can learn from it.
I read the title of this article and thought I would take a look. I know there are faiths out
there that want to hurt and or kill other faiths because they “know” that their
faith is the one true faith. I also know so many people misunderstand the Islam
Faith. Many people in America don’t even know an Islamic person yet they pass judgment on all of them as a whole. To believe that acts such as you see here are what all Islamic people believe is like saying the Westboro Baptist Church, The Evangelical Church and acts of christian faith such as what happened in Waco, Taxes or the ones that believe that it is ok to force girls to start having kids as soon as
they start ovulating or the ones that believe that woman, black people and homosexuals are inferior are the christian “norms.” Yet we all know that not to be true. Many may not want to admit it but there are many different versions of the christian
bible. The most famous one being from The Church of Ladder Day Saints. Just the
same is true for the Islamic Quran. You see these images time and time again,
but what you don’t see from over there is where there are mass gatherings of christians to protect Islamic people during their services from many of the people that
want to destroy them such as you see written in the comments of this article. What you see even less of is of the opposite. Where there are Islamic people protecting christians from being hurt while doing their services. Those of you that want to destroy another’s faith because you think you are justified in doing so based on the deaths that some in that faith caused onto your faith, is that what your religion teaches? That it is ok to pass judgment and sentencing? If that is true then christians should stand by that teaching and take the terms dished out. Never has there been a faith so full of death and destruction such as the world has seen then by that of the christian faith. Don’t believe me? Medieval Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition, The Witch Hunts, all The Crusades combined is estimated to be between 25 and 75 million people dead. Add Hitler’s Holocaust at a combined total of around 26 million people and you can start to see why so many other religions have issues with the christian faith. Anyone that has read Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” and studied his history can tell you that he was indeed a christian.
“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior
as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a
few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to
fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as
a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the
passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the
scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific
was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two
thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever
before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the
Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have
the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything
which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that
daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.’
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922
I guess what I am getting at is that maybe we need to stop looking at our differences and start looking at what we have in common and accepting that we all have different views.
Let us see our destructive past like planting a garden, you first work the soil so that it is ready to take on new life, now we have to position the plants that will coexist and thrive in an environment that can stay gorgeous and thrive off of one another. Pluck the weeds so that we can help maintain it tranquility. Water it so that stays vibrant and clean. We know how to. We just need to do it.
Do you really want your faith to be about hate or about love?
We record history so that we can learn from it.
You point is taken, but go read ‘The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent.’ I’ve taught Muslims,I’ve loved a Muslim, and for the post part, they do try to please God, but it’s a God who is not a Father, He is not a God of love, but more of judgment and because they’re trying to ‘please Him’ of their own strength, of their own works, it fosters a kind of ‘self-righteous’ attitude of do’s and don’ts. Christians might call this legalism, but the bottom line, is, having read the Quran too, and even practiced Ramadan, though as a Christian, they live in ‘fear’, and fearful people, one,won’t speak out against those who are killing others in the name of ‘Islam’, and two, the radicals behavior is SO ungodly, and needs to be contested by all. Can we do it in a spirit of love and mercy? Their souls after all are what we should be concerned about (I’m speaking for myself as a Christian) so, I wrote a lot more before to respond to you and unfortunately forgot my password and it erased what I elaborated upon, talked about being in Yad Vashem, and acknowledging how some took Martin Luther’s words to justify anti-Semitism and the Dalai Lama’s words on Christianity in its imperialistic history (and worse), true, but LOOK AT THE WORLD now. And yes, there are, even on ABC news last night, it was a Muslim man who saved a Christian family in the Nairobi mall, but hatred, violence needs to be contested, and as a Christian it is disheartening that there is not more outrage. God have mercy on us and this world, help us not be fearful to speak out against a religion that can be interpreted as ‘trying to make all Muslims’, Paul says, ‘love does not impose itself on another.’ (Paul, who was Saul who used to persecute Christians til Jesus called him out, and he ended up writing most of the letters in the New Test.). Thanks for caring. And remember ‘gospel’ means good news. God made all, and came for all and sent JEsus for all, so responding with love, and mercy, and trying to share the truth, the truth as I understand it based on the Word of God, is how it’s gotta be approached.
I know plenty of muslims and your Americans don’t know anyone Muslim comment is a lie. America is full of muslims and I’ve worked with tonssssss of them!!!!!!
The evil never will be beaten with evil. Evil is going to be beating with love. We christians over the world have to pray for them.
what would be truly evil is denying justice to the victims and the aggresors.
I agree!! HOWEVER, they’re reward was met when they were killed in the house of the Lord worshiping God. We as humans may NEVER see justice for them on earth, BUT BEST BELIEVE it WILL NOT go unpunished or overlooked by God!!! Remember his wrath is immeasurable!!!! Can’t no human handle or out do his wrath!!!!
yep and I LOVE MY LIFE and ALL LIFE that does NOT support VIOLENCE. SO let me ask you this. When a robber come to YOUR home and steals your things and murders your child do YOU call the police or do you simply pray to love them? Do you believe in justice, because your post reads that you do not.
gracias por dar a conocer estas imagenes . . .
This makes me truly ill…. Love and acceptance of differences. That’s what we need. I would be murdered too. I’m a Christian and I will NEVER deny it. Even in the face of certain death. I’ll be praying for the poor folks.. Man oh Man.. my heart hurts!
What is WRONG with us? If this were 1945 there would be an international task force to hunt down and deal with these vermin. Today, you have to search on the internet to decide which news item of Islamic evil you care to read about.
I don’t! ! I don’t follow Allah or Muhammad nor do I care about the Muslim faith or follow Islam laws. It doesn’t have NOTHING to do with me and I don’t wanna know about it. If it’s not a King James Version Bible or Christian anything, I don’t bother reading or watching.
YOU are an idiot then. and it DOES have to do with YOU and YOURS! WAKE THE frick UP! as tomorrow they will NOT be knocking at YOUR door BUT breaking it down to murder YOU….
IM A CHRISTIAN!!!! There is NOTHING in the QURAN that interests me WHATSOEVER!!! They can bust my door down, but I PROMISE you they’ll leave DNA at the scene cause I’m unloading a clip BEST BELIEVE THAT!!!!
Why does ANYONE who ISNT Muslim need to read the Quran just to be knowledgeable and 2 steps ahead when Muslims are fighting each other on what it says???? MUSLIMS themselves are confused AND I SEE WHY!!!!! With them fighting each other on this verse means this and it does say to kill that, why would I benefit? I’m not reading that book of HOT GARBAGE just to be able to say “I READ IT!!” That’s like telling an Atheist to go read the Bible. If they don’t believe or worship God, that would be an oxymoron!!!! I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE QURAN PERIOD!!!!
This is an urgent and serious problem and has been for a long time. But you who say: “nuce mecca” or want the muslims to be “sent back from the west to the middle east” or whatever – it makes me sick to read these comments. You have the same mindset as those people who caused this tragedy in these photos above. The only difference is that you don’t live in a context where this is easy to do. You just don’t have access to the tools. But you already have the hateful mindset. That makes me scared no matter if you are a “christian” or not, that’s not important.
Something has to be done. Now. But to blow up the kids and mothers of these boys is not a part of the solution. I can’t believe I have to say this! I hope you are not being serious but I just could’t let that pass…… ;(
I’ll agree to your Outlook Undone because your absolutely right. I personally feel like Christians will never line up with Muslims and vice versa. There are Christian extremists just like there are Muslim extremists. I personally feel like this: I don’t care who what where why and how you praise and serve God, we WERE NOT put here to hurt kill and destroy one another!!!!! Love ABSOLUTELY covers a MULTITUDE of sin. Love thy neighbor and love your enemy!!!! Do you know how much would change if we could just love no matter the neighbor or enemies race religion sexually preference political views it would be so much more safer and quiet on this planet WE ALL SHARE!!!! We will NEVER make everyone happy and EVERYONE will never agree on the same things that goes for 2 Christians or 2 muslims!!!! LOVE IS THE KEY WORD!!!! LOVE IS THE HARDEST WORD TO SAY FEAR AND ACT OUT!!!! It isn’t for me!!!! I make it a point to go out of my way to help speak and console someone I know I don’t like or even if I get a bad vibe off of you. I run to them first!!!! It’s a tough action to follow through but someone has to be the bigger person….I do it from my heart PERIOD not because I have to!!!! Its all about change!! It’s all about love!!!
I so AGREE it is all about LOVE. I LOVE MY LIFE and I LOVE the LIFE of my family, friends, and this nation I live in. HENCE I will defend MY LIFE from EVIL. The EVIL called islam and if this means I need to kill another to defend LIFE and the innocents, so be it! JESUS NEVER EVER said we could NOT defend our own life.
If you want to end this problem you need to cut off the finances for Wahhabi terrorists coming from Saudi Arabia.
WAKE UP! IF you do NOT know that this “SAME” mother,and her children will take a AK to YOU and YOURS your a blind dumb FOOL. This is why we are in the predicament we are in NOW! YOU are truly an IDIOT, if you do not believe ALL MUSLIMS condone these murders. The actual killings are done BY the extremist who take the knife, the moderate ONLY hold the person down to be murdered. Where do YOU think EVERY penny that these so called “MODERATE” muslims go to? The money given to the clergy of their mosques GO TO FUND TERRORISM!!!!!!!!!! WAKE up as YOUR kind are helping them to do this!!!!!!!!
I vehemently question the fact that there is some war going on between Islam and Christianity and suspect this is one of israel’s false flags to divide and conquer. Islam and Christianity are close in nature. Islam recognizes Jesus, it’s the jews who don’t, “He hasn’t come yet”, or the ones who do, such as the Talmudists say he’s in hell burning in hot excrement. Don’t buy into this nonsense. It’s not Islam that complains about Christmas trees and the Ten Commandments in public places, it’s the jews. Oldest trick in the book, false propaganda. The jews succeeded in turning the world against Germany with a lot of lies and propaganda, why not try it again.
BOOOOOOOO DON’T BLAME ISRAEL for the Devils work!!!! Those who curse Israel, God will curse them……Those who turn their heads from Israel, God will turn his head from them!!
Okay, shabbus goy, useful idiot, you believe that nonsense. God will reward me for not supporting the Children of Satan who have stolen Palestine and murder innocent men, women and children on a daily basis. News flash, even if what you say is true, the jews occupying israHell are not the same mentioned in your beloved bible, they are mostly atheists from Russia. Don’t be so naive.
Don’t be stupid you USELESS idiot!!!! ISRAEL IS NOT FULLEST OF ATHEIST RUSSIANS!!!!! Your “god” (in quotations cause he don’t exist) is a deceiver and isn’t a “god” ( in lower case letters cause “he/she” is irrelevant) GODS WORD SPECIFICALLY SAYS, “THOSE WHO TURNT THEIR HEAD TO ISRAEL, I WILL ALSO TURN FROM!! THOSE WHO CURSE ISRAEL, I WILL ALSO CURSE!!!! THOSE WHO CAUSE HARM TO MY MY PEOPLE (Israel) SHALL FEEL HARM SO MUCH WORSE THAN THE CHAOS YOU INFLICT!!!!” PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF IT!!!! I can PROMISE you YOU WILL see those words you SO IGNORANTLY spoke again!!!! You WILL NOT like the outcome!! I PROMISE YOU THAT!!!! Israel is DOING NOTHING WRONG by defending themselves!!!! Yall are messing with Israel not the other way around. If you are tired of seeing your people get killed, KEEP YOUR NOSES OUT OF ISRAEL. THEY ARENT BOTHERING THE PALASTINIANS…….THE PALASTINIANS ARE BOTHERING ISRAEL……ON THEIR LAND!! KEEP ALL THOSE IGNORANT “martyrs aka suicidal terrorists out of Israel with bombs stuck on and in them and your suicidal terrorist PALASTINIANS idiotic uneducated USELESS bodies and souls out of Israel and you won’t loose anymore live bait dummy palastinians!!!!! POINT BLANK!!!!! THEY DON’T BOTHERING YALL…….YALL BOTHER THEM!!!!! YALL ARE A BUNCH OF UNWANTED IRRELEVANT BULLIES TRYING TO TAKE WHAT DON’T BE LONG TO YOU!!!!! LEAVE THEM A LOVE AND THEY ‘LL LEAVE YOU ALONE……….
You are an illiterate baboon. Go to school and learn how to spell before you defend anything. You may be surprised that it’s you israel supporters that God punishes, so take it like a man when it comes down, Whigger!
Here choke on this, you uneducated idiot.
Go to HELL you contradicting double standard hypocrite!!!!! GO DIE you waste of air and space slut!!!!! You should have been flushed and not born!!!!! But you have yourself a nice one though and remember A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE!!!!
Wow, such hatred coming out of a Jesus Freak. LOL I love getting you christian zionist fools in a tether. Ha!!!
Hear, read some more from Joe Cortina. He’s got their number.
I said go to hell not i hate you ……Hooked on phonics can help with those reading skills you lack….
And you need to be deprogrammed! You’re the stupid goyim that the jews laugh at every week in SINagogue. lol
Deprogrammed?????? Didn’t know I was a software or a computer LMBOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS
You are a computer, you’re programmed to spew pro-jew propaganda. You know nothing about the real israHELL. Did you know there are over 200 strip clubs in the Holy Land. Did you know ectasy is made in israel and smuggled into this country and around the world? Did you know that your precious jews are the number one White Slave owners. Promising Russian women jobs as nannies, teacher’s assistants, etc., get them to israel and turn them into prostitutes. Did you know when Christians go to the Holy land to visit Jesus’ birth place, as they’re touring jews walk up to them and spit on them. Had a friend who went there with his orchestra, as they were going through the checkpoint they told the jew soldier they were Americans, he took his passport, wiped his ass with it and said, “This is what I think of your American passport.” Ungrateful bastards. That piece of shit country, the size of NJ wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the US, and the billions of dollars they get a year that they never have to pay back. Find another race of people to idiolize. At least the Arabs recognize Jesus, your jews in their TAMLUTT say he’s burning in hell in hot excrement and they call the Virgin Mary a whore. Shame on you for buying into the Chosen People bullshit. God would never choose the people who murdered his son to be his Chosen. Think about it!!!!
I think this is you:
No hate whatsoever. ….when I said go die I meant that from the bottom of my heart 🙂
Ditto, when I told you to eat matzo and die, it was from the depths of my soul. 😉 Friggin Jesus Freak loser!
And when I told you to go slit your wrists and throat and go burn in hell, I was being ugly cause your gonna bust hell wide open without my gracious wishes. You don’t need me to TELL you what you already knew anyway. Who am I to stand between an annoying idiot and her eternity vacay????!!! Only apology I owe you is, being sorry thinking you didn’t know that already <<< I assumed you didn't know, my bad BEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOTCH LOL!!!!!
You can stop now, you’ve already earned your honorary yarmulke, jew-loving fool. 🙂 Don’t worry what I think, it’s God’s wrath you better worry about.
I’ll stop when your stupid ass stops. Who the fuck are you?! If God said in the Bible, “THOSE WHO CURSE ISRAEL, I WILL CURSE. THOSE WHO TURN THEIR HEADS TO ISRAEL, I WILL ALSO TURN MY HEAD TO. THOSE WHO BLESS ISRAEL, I WILL BLESS.” Where do you get the idea he would be on YOUR SIDE? He says Israel is the apple of his eye. What the freak are you reading that states he is against Israel? Keep your coward ass ducking and dodging shit starting throwing baby bombs and running ass Palestinian cameljocking towel head ass cowards out of Israel and them dummies won’t die!!!! If they cross Israels line BLOW THEM FAGGOTS UP AND WHOEVER DONT LIKE IT GO TELL ISRAEL AND CROSS THEIR BOARDER SO THEY CAN BLOW YOUR ASS UP TOO!!!!!! NOW……DONT LIKE THAT……..
You are the dumbest of the dumbest christian zionists. You buy into that God will punish those who don’t stand by israel crowd? And just what if the opposite were true, what if God is going to punish all those who stand by and support the murderers of his son? The bible has been rewritten over 200 times until it was favorable to the jews. Stop being so naive. I know I will be validated some day, and you’re the one who will have matzo on your pathetic face. So since you’re into and believe the stupid bible, what about God calling them the Children of Satan? So what is it, are they the Children of Satan or are they his Chosen? I’m sorry you only got a GED and didn’t have time to get a real education but I”m glad there are fools like you on the Internet to keep me entertained.
You’re tough sitting behind a computer, you wouldn’t be so tough outside the ghetto with a Glock pointed to your worthless head. Watch who you make idle threats to., Brotha.
I am convinced that God created africans for purely entertainment reasons since they have proven time and again to be quite worthless as a race. Living in mud huts with no running water. I curse every White man responsible for bringing slaves to this country.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO try snapping a little harder next time boo boo cause words don’t hurt me and NOTHING you can say will sway how I feel………
Obviously words do hate you because look out your lashed out, you ebonics-speaking fool! You love israel so much, move there and join their filthy army and give you life for that Shitty Little Country. Shalom, Shabbus Goy!
Words do hate me? Who needs to learn how to spell and put a correct sentence together now???? I didn’t understand that last comment because I speak English not jibber jabber!! The only filthy army that exists is yours. It’s sad your a follower and not a leader. But hey, if you like it, I LOVE IT!! PEACE OUT, KEYBOARD GANGSTA
I’m a follower? LOL What a hypocrite. Accuse others of what you’re guilty of. You are the one following the murderers of Jesus whose name you like to use in your screen name. I have solace in the fact that boy are you going to get yours for your treachery. You wear that honorary yarmulke with pride for now because when judgment day comes you and your filthy yarmulke will be burning in hell with the Children of Satan.
Every time you spew a ridiculous response, I’m going to post something to put your yarmulke in a bunch.
Can you learn how to READ (snap) in your own words instead of copying and pasting what I post when I read you? Bum Bitch…..GO DIE!! KILL YOURSELF…….
You are a fu**king hypocrite, you dare to use Jesus’ name and then spill suck hatred? I’m not a Jesus freak so allow me: Eat matzo and die, you brainwashed, shabbas goy, jew puppet!
When did you care about my username and what you CLAIM I’m spreading???? If you REALLY cared, you wouldn’t be against Israel, HIS chosen people and Israel being the apple of his eye…….Those who curse Israel, He will curse!! Those who turn their heads to Israel, He will turn his head to you!! Those who BLESS Israel, HE WILL BLESS!!!!! THATS ALL THE PROOF YOUR DUMBAZZ MEDIA WORSHIPING AZZ NEEDS TO SHOW YOU YOUR WRONG…….It’s not HATRED to me, HOWEVER, it IS rocket science to you though!!!! In God’s eyes your NO different than those causing harm, spreading chaos and lies and hurting his people……..You can hang up your ticket to Heaven!!! Palestinian Slutbucket flunkie!! #Devil’sEntourageFlunkie
Smooches and tools BUM BEYOTCH!!!!!
http://mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com/2014/10/08/the-eternal-evil-of-the-jew-is-so-cruel-and-sadistic-that-he-has-made-himself-the-mortal-enemy-of-all-mankind/#more-1147 You can’t believe in Jesus and side with the jews, can’t have it both ways, you oxymoron fool! It makes absolutely no sense that God would refer to the murderers of his son as his Chosen. Your stupid bible has been rewritten over 200 times until it became favorable to the Children of Satan. You will be burning in jew hell along with the people you worship.
“I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you”
(Gen 12:3)
“You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Jesus – to the Jews; in Matthew 23:33)
“My opinion of Christian
Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful
idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu, at the time a
former IsraHELL prime minister.
Awwwwww I’m sorry, I don’t understand jibber jabber. …….
You don’t understand because the truth hurts. Chump! How the jews laugh at your kind at SINagogue every week.
You are a typical brainwashed Christian. The jews would call you a shabbus goy, a useful idiot.
Not true!!! I swear what we are talking about ain’t rocket science. It obviously is to you!!!! This news article CLEARLY STATES; Graphic Images of CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION Under Islam…..Not Muslim persecution. …….Since you CLEARLY can’t read, I’ll ignore you!!!! It’s not nice to “DEBATE” with people who have disabilities and handicaps.
So kosker, resort to name-calling. You believe what you want, just accept your punishment and wrath from God when you judgment day comes.
Your gonna feel the wrath your the one cursing and turning your head to israel. Not I you coward. I remember you starting the name calling so dish it out if you can’t take it lol……Judgement won’t be something i endure because i anticipate getting into heaven. Only those who don’t make it through them gates stand before God to be judged on judgement day. I’ll repent for the couple of choice words i used BUT THATS ALL I’LL REPENT FOR.
I know I will be validated someday. And maybe you need to watch Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ and watch those hooked-nosed jews screaming and foaming at the mouth for the death of your Jesus.
What a pussy you are.
Child please!!! Yo mama ain’t on here for the last time!!! Yall are THEE MOST gullible, mediocre, oxymoron, jackasses I’ve ever ran across on the internet, and do you know how many people are Internet accessible? ?? <<>> Watch the names you throw because every name you throw out to me you also are. I’m doing the same thing you are only difference is I’m right!!!! Yall are so dumb if the media told you to jump you’d beg to ask how high…..or in your case how low….answer will be low…….IN HELL…….You have an awesome one 😉
N**gga, please! What a laughingstock. Love how I brought out the real you, an uneducated, ebonics-speaking, matzo-ball eating shabbas goy. lol Shalom!
If you EVER come to Atlanta, PLEASE let me know!! I got some balls for you and learn how to snap on your own and stop biting me to get you along. I know you like my style, you copy EVERYTHING I SAY like a child because you can’t hang with a REAL BITCH like me. PLEASE don’t EVER pass through my city without the chance of meeting me. While you keyboard thug bumbitch shit, I’ll show you how we get down here in GA!!!! BASTARD ASS RACIST COWARD WHO LIVES ONLINE AND IS A COPYCAT CYBER GANGSTA AND I BET YOUR BITCH ASS WONT TAKE YOUR ASS OUTSIDE AND SAY NIGGA OUT LOUD….ONLY ONLINE…….FAKE ASS BASTARD ASS SLUT
I copy everything you say? What a laugh, why would I want to mimic an uneducated, illiterate, ghetto-trash, ebonics-speaking fool like you? lol I love how I get a rise out of your sorry ass. Pathetic, worthless., What was God thinking when he created you? You pick a screen name that pretends to portray you as some God-fearing Christian and then look at the trash that comes out of your mouth. I would love to meet you in a dark alley too but I wouldn’t be caught dead in crime-infested Atlanta. So youze a brother, huh? lol Explains a lot. Okay, go eat your fried chicken and watermelon for dessert and chill out!
Watch out, heard the Klan is reorganizing down there. 🙂 Planning on running you worthless people to Liberia where Lincoln intended to dispose of you.
Thanks for keeping me at the forefront of your mind!!! I love to inspire followers 😉
N*gga, please. lol What’s at the forefront is what God was thinking when he created your worthless race.
Following much lol When was the last time i sent you a message racist keyboard thug????? Don’t call someone a Nigga and and block out a letter it comes from the same place spelled out or blocked!! Your a follower you repeat EVERYTHING I send to you and btw glad I inspire you and motivate you to be just like me imitation is the highest form of flattery and I’m glad you really love the way I put words together for you to use. Now if we can work on creating you a life of your own and stop looking at this old ass out of date post you can’t seem to leave…….I hope you don’t have kids with all the time you spend in this one lonely old post you must be pretty pathetic in your household. Are you irrelevant at home like you are in this post? FYI……….if your tired of Israel kicking Palestinian Idiot Ass, tell the Palestinians to stop sneaking into Israel and stop being cowards strapping bombs to baby’s and women and little kids and man up (won’t happen though) cowards always send others to do what they can’t and with jackasses like you pushing them from behind lolol……Israel doesnt leave their land to kill kids. If Palestinians can shoot rockets into Israel, ISRAEL BETTER SHOOT IN RETURN!!!! THEY ARE STILL UNDEFEATED AND YOUR STILL A LONELY NO LIFE FOLLWER!! I said all I’m gonna say. I will not respond to another irrelevant non factual idiotic not true non credible unvalidated bunch of typed out of your ass set of words you post. THE FACT IS AND STILL REMAINS THAT ISRAEL IS STILL UNDEFEATED AND HAS ONE OF THE SMALLEST ARMY’S IN THE WORLD AND NOTHING YOU SAY WILL CHANGE THAT YOU POOR POOR LIFELESS LOSER!!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS THOUGH LMBOOOOOOO #YouAreOfficiallyDismissedForever
Show me one example where I repeat everything you say, you ghetto trash, ebonics-speaking loser? You are delusional. lol You have yet to say anything intelligible on here. You’re like a parrot with tits who repeats everything your jew masters tell you to repeat. Get a life. Go read a book and stop kissing jew ass, it’s not going to open the pearly gates but find you in hell burning in hot excrement as the jews like to say in their TalMUTT. israel is the most evil country on the planet, to believe otherwise goes against your Jesus and God is going to punish your black ass for supporting the murderers of his son.
Israel don’t have JACK to do with this forum and muslims killing Christians. All of this is happening between HATEFUL RACIST EXTREME ISLAMIC TERRORIZING muslims and INNOCENT Christians that were praising and worshipping God not bothering anyone. Leave Israel out of this and it’s people like you making nonsense idiotic remarks that don’t have jack to do with the issue at hand!!!! Watch yourself talking about Israel too……..GOD AINT GONNA LET YOU MAKE TO MANY MORE REMARKS ABOUT HIS LAND AND HIS PEOPLE……..WARNING COMES BEFORE DESTRUCTION SO CONSIDER YOUR SELF WARNED!!!!
You’re the one who is going to be punished for supporting the murders of Christ, I will be validated! You can burn in hell with the Children of Satan you so dearly love. Take your bullshit threats and shove them up your honorary yarmulke!
Won’t happen dummy……LoL
Okay, Shabbas Goy, we’ll see! What a fool you’ve made of yourself on this forum. The jews love it though, keep up the good work they shriek through their adenoid-challenged voices.
I’ll bet you really hated Passion of the Christ, seeing all those ranting and raving jews screaming for your Jesus’ blood!
NOPE IT WAS ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD….GLAD TO SEE YOU TRYING TO PREDICT WHAT I LIKE AND YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM……..It wasn’t close to what Jesus REALLY endured but I got the storyline….The jews are still his chosen people and Israel is still the apple of his eye!!!! I’m not accountable for them…..I’m accountable for me!! But while you throwing stones and hiding your hands, you can run and hide all day but you’ll never run or hide from God and you’ll eat these words in the end. Keep pointing fingers at Israel all you want. You opening up doors you ain’t gonna be able to close. Keep it up……The devil don’t love you or have love for you. Keep doing his work……
You’re the one who will be eating your words. Wipe that matzo off your mouth from all the jew ass you kiss!
Just so your up to date on me and be accurate with your opinion like I’m accurate on you with facts, I know 1, jew personally. That’s it. And he would give and has gave the shirt off his back, kept his employee from getting their car repossessed, helped to prevent a guy he practically raised from being homeless, helps out in his community, owns a pawn shop and several other businesses, well known for his charity etc has no crooked nose and doesn’t laugh at ANYONE that doesn’t match his stature SILLY IDIOT SLUTBUCKET SATAN WORSHIPER…….GO GET A JOB AN IDLE MIND IS THE DEVILS PLAYGROUND AND HE IS HAVING MAYDAY IN YOUR EMPTY JELLO SKULL!! GO PLAY IN 5 O’CLOCK TRAFFIC downtown in Atlanta in the heart of spaghetti junction on a friday!!!!! You dunce from hell…..I smell your frying ass all the way over here. Let me know if your EVER in my city so I can make plans to visit you face to face and see how much you run those soup coolers and see how much shit you talk then. I BET YOU WONT!!!
Until then Happy Holidays
Satan’s sidekick!!
Whippity doo, you met one decent jew. I didn’t say they were all bad, as a matter of fact there are a lot of jews that are anti-zionist but are afraid to speak out because they will be labeled self-haters and terrorized. I’m a Satan worshiper? lol Your God is the one who called the people you idolize, Children of Satan, but that’s the part of the bible you choose to ignore. It’s fools like you, useful idiots, shabbas goy that the jews laugh at at SINagogue. What an absolute chump you are and just wait until judgment day when you get yours for defending the murderers of God’s son.
I have a job, you’re the loser that sits on her 24/7 trying to earn an honorary yarmulke. Chump to the max. Hope you get hit in the eye with a matzo ball!
“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”
Israeli Binyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu
What is matzo? Matzo ball soup? Never heard of matzo before…….who taught you that word, Satan?????
Matzo is a staple of the jew diet. Takes like cardboard. So fitting for them to eat. Hard to believe you don’t eat it on a regular basis. How you going to get that honorary yarmulke?
I bet your mama is proud of you with your good talking face ass lol……..she raised a GRADE A LOOSER TO THE FULLEST……..Not threatening whatsoever i promise what i say to you in here I WILL SAY TO YOUR FACE!!!!
I’ll just bet you wouldn’t be afraid to say it to my face, and put a knife into my chest also. You are a typical christian zionist with a tendency towards violence for daring to criticize the Children of Satan. In any event, I can’t thank you enough for the entertainment. Lots of laughs.
The jews have tons of blood on their hands, from the 60 million Russian Christians they murdered during the Bolshevik war to today and you are an aider and abettor. Enjoy those flames in hell.
Not a problem!! I do aim to please…..The ONLY thing I’d put In your chest would be some lead and that would ONLY happen if you were uninvited inside my house trying to illegally take what I worked hard to have or threatening my family!! Children of Satan though, NEVER. THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, THE ONLY ONE TRUE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA AND THE ONLY GOD WHO SENT HIS SON TO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR YOU AND I PLAIN AS DAY SAID; “THOSE WHO TURN THEIR HEAD TO ISRAEL, I WILL TURN MY HEAD TO YOU!!” “THOSE WHO CURSE ISRAEL, I WILL CURSE THEM!!” WARNING COMES BEFORE DESTRUCTION. KEEP PLAYING WITH FIRE!!!! If you tired of seeing innocent kids die in Israel, tell the blind deaf and dumb Palestinians to stop handing over their kids to Hamas Cowards!!!! Israel WONT be defeated!!!! They haven’t yet and their army is so small in numbers compared to the cowardy thieves TRYING to get Israel lolol……I DIDN’T KNOW ISRAEL WILL NOT BE CONQUERED WAS ROCKET SCIENCE LOL……YALL ARE REDUNDANT AND STUPID………
You are the most naive fool on the planet. You actually think those atheist pieces of crap who stole Palestine are the same Israelites in your stupid bible? And what if you’re wrong and God punishes you for aiding and abetting the murderers of his son? We’ll see, you bible-thumping, shabbas goy idiot!
Fuck the Palestinians who want something that don’t belong to them. Only cowards ambush. And only cowards applaud those cowards that ambush. The Palestinians are am bushing Isreal BUT STILL CANT BEAT THEM LOL……HILARIOUS………..NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU HATE IT OR DISLIKE IT THEY CANT AND WONT BE DEFEATED!!!! Don’t point fingers and judge my username and get it twisted. You worried about MY FACTS AND TRUTHS over your rumors and lies!! Please don’t sit back and act like you care about what God does and does not stand for when he specifically is for Israel when he warns us all about bringing conflict and chaos to his people on land he gave them. If the ragady ass Palestinians was supposed to have it, then why was it documented and confirmed in 1948 that Israel belongs to the jewelry AND NOT GIVEN TO THE PALESTINIANS? BITCH PLEASE GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. TELL THE STUPID ASS PALESTINIAN FUCKERS THAT ONLY COWARDS SEND MARTYRS TO DO A MANS JOB!! ID BE SCARED OF ISRAEL TO!! YOU DESERVE TO BE THROWN OVERBOARD WITH BIN LADEN MEGATRON STYLE JUST LIKE WE DID HIM. IF YOUR GONNA CALL SOMEONE NAMES THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS DO IT IN ENGLISH AND USE NAMES THE OTHER PARTY WOULD KNOW LIKE I DID YOU!!! YOU ARE TOO MUCH FUN AND TOO EASY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!
lol!!!! You’re obsessed with me. I love it when I get you christian zionist idiots into a tizzy. What an asshole you are. The Palestinians want something that don’t belong to them? You actually believe the athetist jews from Russia who have never even seen a grain of sand, have rights to Palestine? Man the jews have done a good job in brainwashing you. An african from deep in the jungle with an IQ of 70 is smarter than you. Go move to israHELL and stand at bus stops, you pathetic excuse for a christian. I’ve got some ocean-front property in Arizona, want to buy it? lol
Aiding and abetting is when I’m hiding a fugitive in my house. Go take a language arts class and study the dictionary before you add to the stupidity level your already beneath. Get your research together booboo. …….know what your talking about when your going to word war lolol…….
I’m in the legal profession, I know what aiding and abetting it and what you’re doing in the Christian world is exactly that, you are giving comfort to the murderers of Jesus. You are validating them as God’s Chosen, which they are not. You’ll find out on judgment day, what you did. Karma is going to be swift and harsh, brace yourself.
Wow, you really are 50 cents short of a dollar. I wonder what your remarks would be if you were in that Church while your beloved muslims were hacking your head away from your body?
You don’t know what really happened anymore than I do. There are a lot of staged events around the globe. Don’t be so gullible.
Take your own advice your right there are staged events around the world SO DONT YOU BE SO GULLIBLE, Don’t tell him he is wrong because he is going off the same info and news you get. Don’t be a contradicting hypocrite……..Ooops to late!!
So they knew he was the messiah and murdered him anyway? Jesus, fu**king Christ! And if you’re going to spew your stupid bible knowledge, learn how to spell, Mesiah? And change your screen name, you oxymoron fool! How dare you use Jesus’ name, you matzo-ball eating traitor! Watch Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ.
I hope you realize that the Muslim extremists aren’t living by Muslim principles…they are wolves calling themselves sheep. Most Muslims are peaceful and do not approve of this behaviour, just as most Christians do not support the Westboro Baptist Church. Each religion has its’ terrorists, so stop thinking you are so special and scot-free, and generalizing that all Muslims are like this.
I don’t hear about Christians terrorizing muslims so that “scott-free” name or comment is irrelevant to me. These were muslims terrorizing their own people who chose to follow a different God than them and they all lost their lives in the process. NOT CHRISTIANS KILLING MUSLIMS!!!! ITS MUSLIMS KILLING CHRISTIANS CAN I GET A HELLO UP IN HERE!!?? To the Christians in these photos that were murdered I pray to God no one suffered and they all passed instantly!! INSTANT DEATH INSTANT GLORY!!!!
Did you forget about the US invasion of Iraq?
What does that have to do with my point?
The US invasion on Iraq was retaliation from the 9/11 terror attacks on the above mentioned World Trade Centers and the Pentagon and those on the plane that fought back and crashed in Philadelphia. Please don’t act like the Iraq invasion was a “JUST BECAUSE” attack. Don’t do that!! They attacked us WE WENT IN DEFENSE AND TAKE OUT THE ENEMY MODE!!!!!
What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
AGAIN……..The US invasion on Iraq was retaliation from the 9/11 terror attacks on the above mentioned World Trade Centers and the Pentagon and those on the plane that fought back and crashed in Philadelphia. Please don’t act like the Iraq invasion was a “JUST BECAUSE” attack. Don’t do that!! They attacked us WE WENT IN DEFENSE AND TAKE OUT THE ENEMY MODE!!!!!
Again, what did Iraq have to do with 9/11? You’re not answering the question.
AND AGAIN, I ANSWERED IT NOW 3 TIMES…….AGAIN……..The US invasion on Iraq was retaliation from the 9/11 terror attacks on the above mentioned World Trade Centers and the Pentagon and those on the plane that fought back and crashed in Philadelphia. Please don’t act like the Iraq invasion was a “JUST BECAUSE” attack. Don’t do that!! They attacked us WE WENT IN DEFENSE AND TAKE OUT THE ENEMY MODE!!!!!
Among your lengthy rambling you completely failed to answer the basic question: Why was Iraq invaded when it had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks?
Pertaining to you asking what my last comment had to do with your point…It’s kind of ridiculous that you had to ask that……That was common sense… Those islamic terrorists invaded our territory, planes and country causing chaos and murdered more than 2000 people…….how did my question/comment NOT have anything to do with your point? It was self explanatory. …
Breanne, I bet you won’t tell a Muslim extremist to his face he isn’t a “Real Muslim in the name of Islam, but a wolf in Sheep’s clothing” they are killing and being killed all in the name of Islam…….They’ll kill you for saying that!!
Obviously they’d kill me, regardless of what I say, That is not what I am talking about.
I am saying that they call themselves Muslims, but they do not live the Muslim principles.They are extremists calling themselves Muslims. No matter what religion they followed, they would still be extremists. They could have been born Jews and done the same thing.
They are muslims following the principles of Sura 9 of the quran. They are doing EXACTLY what their religion commands them to do.
Why don’t you translate it?
It’s already translated. Go to Quran dot com and take your pick of translations.
Why is it, no one complains about the Bible being mistranslated but the Holy Koran can only be understood properly in Arabic. “One Thousand and One Nights” appears to have been translated into many language without any misunderstanding. Why should the Koran prove such a problem?
It’s not just the language translation, it’s the literal translation. Is your mind too narrow to process that concept?
“It’s not just the language translation, it’s the literal translation” WTF? I think your mind is too brainwashed to accept another viewpoint
Your last comment made no sense. I’m not going to further try to communicate with you since it seems to be really difficult for your to coherently express a valid viewpoint. Good bye! 🙂
Good. No point talking to a brick wall.
And your mind is OBVIOUSLY skipping over “KILL THE INFADEL??!!”
Or are you just brainwashed from seeing the truth??
Because it PLAIN AS DAY states…….KILL THE INFADEL (non muslim)
WRONG!!!! Never seen a “Jewish Terrorist” nor a “Christian terrorist”
They’ve all been muslim!!
You are right. It’s the Wahhabi ideology. It has huge support from Saudi Arabia and therefore is able to spread worldwide.
those same people, those are the same ones here in America crying how ISLAM is a peaceful nation and muslims are peaceful people,,,, and are taking over and living by the 1,000;s in DEARBORN MICHIGAN,,,,,,,,,,, google it, youtube it,,,, muslims kill Christians in the middle east and killing the Christian way of life in America, and hide behind the constitution and MUSLIM BARACK HUSSEINE OBAMA……… they are turning London and the UK into a muslim state, look at the Philippines … that what you see is coming to America, hell, its already here, just waiting to attack,
Allah is a pussy and his Koran is nothing more than toilet paper to wipe my ass with ,,,,,, allah, the only voice men will blow themselves up for but the media says ” preaches peace “………… allah is as fake as his message and my goat pisses in the mouth of muhammed and allah,,,,,,,, and if weren’t for the Christian nation of America , ragheads al over the middle east would starve, cause the UAE, DUBAHI, IRAQ, YEMEN, SUDAN….Their people beg daily for food, cause allah aint listening carpet surfers, but the nation built of JESUS CHRIST is, and you get to eat because of that nation…..
“nation built of Jesus Christ”, you mean the one where thousands or millions rather were forced to convert or die?
Nope that would be Islam that forces others to convert or die!!!! Hence the topic of this story that we’re commenting on; “Graphic Images of Christian Persecution Under Islam”
Not Muslim persecution under Christianity
Imma need YOU to pay attention before you post an irrelevant off topic comment
You guys are stupid, go educate your selves on religion. with that kind of thinking you are no better then the individuals who killed all see people
Your the stupid one!! Get your head out of that cloud of smoke and wake up!! You don’t know anymore than any one of us voicing an opinion. If we’re stupid your an idiot…….
Yea! Invade Saudi Arabia and eliminate the Wahhabism ideology responsible for all this terrorism.
We did!!!! Remember finding Sadam Hussein and hanging him????? Didn’t work!! Clearly the wrong person was sought after because although he was defeated, including the defeat and death of Bin Laden, nothing is changing. Why is it so hard to see the truth? What about the Shiites????? How is it Israels fault for defending what’s rightfully theirs??? They wouldn’t retaliate the way they do if they weren’t being attacked first. What about the Palestinians strapping bombs to newborns and women just to get into Israel to attack them???? They can’t get through to Israels line of defense ON THEIR LAND!!!!! I wouldn’t be against taking out Muslims for good at all…….And Kat you can go with them for all I care. I don’t necessarily care about your views or opinions nor the bull that’s being typed off your fingertips in this forum because IM NOT ACCOUNTABLE for you OR your stupidity. You can go jump off a cliff I promise I won’t loose any sleep!!!! Your NO different than the COWARDS who caused the bloodshed and death of those innocent CHRISTIANS in the article above. Notice how I type muslim in lower case……….cause they are lower case cowards just like you sweetie pie…….God Bless!! It’s not to late to repent, God WILL forgive you!!!! But only if you repent with the intentions of not doing this again. Keep playing with your life by talking about Israel……..you gonna end up in the same HELL as those 9/11 terrorists, Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein and all the dummies that died for them as you defend and condone……
It’s not “Islam”, it’s Wahhabism. Do you see Shiite Muslims blowing themselves up or crash planes into building or behead people on camera? Think about it. 99% of all so-called Islamist terrorism is Wahhabi terrorism. Wahhabism has destroyed Islam’s reputation in just 30 years.
ARE YOU kidding me or trying to? IT IS islam! Read the koran and KNOW. Look at IRAN do you think they are WAHHABIS …all of them? WAKE UP
Have you read the Quran in the original language? If not then how can you really be sure?
I’m gonna leave out on this…….Satan’s days are numbered and he knows it. This is why our world is in so much chaos and turmoil because he is so busy using idiots like muslims to do his dirty work because they are gullible naive and stupid!!!! They don’t know any better but when they finally find out the truth, it’ll be too late and you’ll live in hell with Satan, the devil you chose to run with and follow through for!!! Now who’s stupid again??!! If it’s cool for Islam to follow Islam then it should be cool for a Christian to follow JESUS Christ!!!! PERIOD POINT BLANK………
Judgement is for the Lord! I am appalled at the crude, disrespect, and disregard for God’s plan shown in the comments I have just read. God may be a great and powerful God, but He is also a God of mercy and the perfect judge. Why is it for us to judge them? The very God who is the only one deemed worthy to judge them is also the same one who let thousands crucify Him for the sake of His love. Should we not follow His example? The greatest form of love, forgiveness, and grace is birthed out of suffering, brokenness, and pain. Yes, this is gruesome and I don’t deny that these Jihadists will be judged for their actions in eternity, but what blatant disregard for humanity and for God’s plan have I seen in these comments! It makes me ashamed to be affiliated with these opinions. Secondly, not all members of Islam are terrorists. I know a great many Muslims. I have a few close friends. They are pacifists! These are the Lord’s children, no matter how far they have strayed. If God so loved us, despite all that we have done, and if expect God to love and forgive us, how can we expect to harbor bitterness in our hearts. For it is written ‘But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.’ (Romans 5:8) We also held our Savior and Lord on the cross! It was our sin as well. Can we so blatantly disregard this fact? The Lord has poured love into our lives, even after we have betrayed Him. If you have not experienced His grace, which we all have, then you can hate all you want. For Jesus, our very Lord, the one we worship, said to people about to stone an adulterous woman, ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ (John 7:53-8:11) The people one by one left, not a scratch on the adulterous woman! Our God is a God who’s grace goes beyond when it’s easy to love. The Lord commands us to love. I challenge you to do a New Testament concordance search of the word ‘love’ and see how many times the Bible commands us to love. The Lord has loved us so graciously, even as we sin against Him. I admit, I was so angry when I read the comments below these pictures. I hate the effects of violent terrorism, but God oversees it all. Should we not follow in His example of love? I was very angry at all who posted, but the Lord knows your heart. I want to say that I love you all, as the Lord loves you. May the Lord bless you in all you do. Please forgive me if my passion has been offensive to you. I just feel as if something truly had to be said.
I’m glad for the brethren that were slain there in the church. The have and will receive heir reward for being slain for Christ! We’ll see them in heaven!
I support the founding of a new State in the middle east where Islam is forbidden and all those who wish to leave that ‘religion’ will have a safe place to go. When Islam booty is captured it will all be turned over to this new nation: the Republic of Nullislam.
Dear brother & sisters First of all, in Islam you are not allowed to kill any innocent person, whether Muslim or non Muslim if you do that you are not a Muslim, then These acts are done by individual people or group why people blame Islam and all the Muslims for these acts we don’t blame all the Jews for what is happening in Palestinian, we don’t blame Christianity for the deaths of innocent kids and families due to drone strikes, there is too much hate in this world brother we all can live in peace and tranquillity if we share kindness and gentleness this should be our mission and life goal….
Actually the Qur’an states only that “you are not allowed to kill any innocent person” so Christians who worship a false profit can be deemed NOT innocent as many others who do not follow Allah. BTW: It is odd that a Muslim pacifist would choose a name like Saladin.
That’s actually not true. The Quran says you must protect religious minorities.
The Jews are defending what GOD GAVE THEM!!!! Isreal DOES NOT belong to Palestinians IT BELONGS TO THE JEWS!!!!! Muslims are killing Christians and Jews not the other way around. Innocent lives being taken is just the casualty of war. If they’d stop sending pregnant women children and unborn babies over the lines of Israel using them as martyrs to get through, then women and children wouldn’t be dying. There are no reports of Christian women who strap themselves full of bombs going over to Muslim territory killing Muslims because we want what’s theirs. It’s not Jewish people strapping their women and children full of bombs to get through either. It’s Muslims that think they are being martyrs for God and brainwashed by thinking they will crossover to paradise for sacrificing their lives, their kids lives and even unborn babies. NO JEWS OR CHRISTIANS ARE PERSECUTING Muslims!!!!! It’s MUSLIMS persecuting them/us!!!!! Stop pointing and blaming when the evidence is written and seen right before your closed eyes!!!! ISRAEL WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!!!!
You know, I find it odd people keeping talking about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East but not the Shiites. Thousands of Shiites have been murdered by Wahhabi terrorists. Their mosques bombed and people murdered and no one says anything. They call it “Muslims killing each other” which isn’t true. It’s Wahhabi terrorists murdering anyone different and the western media refuses to address the Wahhabi problem.
Setting us up to lose a war.
A few months back in Southern CA , the police was called by a man who was scared that his son had a knife and was having a bipolar episode. When the police arrived to the location the son attacked the police with a sword while screaming Allah-Akbar. The police shot him ….with bean bags ( PC ?). What a joke! The creep was taken to a local hospital for observation. In spite of the seriousness of the situation the police used bean bags to subdue the man while in other cases they use real bullets. The paper reported the incident in a small area inside the paper. The increasing numbers of the followers of the religion of peace are evident everywhere in the area and mosques are sprouting all over. The whole situation spells trouble for America as we see what happens to non muslims in other countries when muslims becomes a majority or their numbers reach a significant level.
A Muslim will say there’s one God and kill another man for hate of his religion and then say Jihad.
These atrocities will go on and on unless governments state clearly that suicide bombers will be buried sewed in a pigskin.
i na kraju ovih fotografija vi stavite svoju reklamu ledo i vatrenei i Bog vam srce dao od mesa ne od kamena, sramite se
I can ONLY hope they died instantly,but I would guess not all did.RIP. I pray for the islamic suicide bombers family they may come to know how this is murder and not what ANY GOD calls us to do…may all muslims realize that GOD is not death….
Sea beast (Islam – Middle East) & Land Beast (Communism – Russia) REVELATION FULLFILLED !
Mr. Raymond Ibrahim ….
I believe in you, that the best educated people (like you), ought not to attempt to divide the peace on this earth, we are all people of God, whatever religion we profess, I’m sure all teach love, and I sure that your images show it is not from the effects of the Lord’s teachings, you opine with your way of thinking, but remember that the way you pointed out to us (the reader) may not equal to those who truly believe in a religion like that you mean. Remember, you are one of the elements of your faiths, religions and ways of thinking you do not like you, even your LORD, do not think like you, so be wise if you do not judge other religions, we do not know whether the perpetrators of such scenes pictures you post it is really the people you think are people who believe in religion you mean. LORD only knows, my question: What do you learn in deep you mean religion (Islam)?, and do you also learn in depth about the religion you profess?, Syukron Katsiira, Wassalam
This is sick, very sick religion and no one say’s anything or no outrage. The phony war in the Middle East by Hamas is hatred that is allowed. The phony war that Russia is waging to take over the Eastern part of Ukraine for access to the Black Sea and shooting down an airliner. No world outrage? No world outrage? Why? But we see all over the world news protests by the phony religion protesting Israel? Why no outrage. Are we tone deaf now to the murder by islam? Tell me.
it seems that many have become complacent these days with disasters like these… and the fact that many are also condemning Israel for defending itself doesn’t make the world a better place. those in the west who wish death upon the state of Israel are only wishing death upon their own freedoms since Israel’s enemies are our enemies, too.
Read What John has written in the revelation.
21 vers 8.The Lord zend them all direct to Belzebub in the Hel.
such hatred and savage brutality against innocent persons; they must be demonic
So what exactly is the reason they don’t want to bury dead Jihadists in pig carcases?
General Pershing knew how to stop this and it worked.
The Pope wants to talk to these people? The Pope must save the faithful he leads by fearless avoidance of political correctness, because this will misguide the Christians, make them believe in possibilities that do not exist, endangering the Christian world.
A country, whose media leads them to believe it is torture to have prisoners drink “Ensure”, a dietary drink, is not, in my estimation, ready to do battle with these nut cases, who care little for their own lives.
Shucks, we’re too busy taking guns away from retirees, to ease our own Communist takeover, to notice what’s going on amongst these fanatics.
These pictures should be posted in Churches throughout the world with the heading “Christian church service after Muslim Jihadi visit. How did your church service go today? It can’t happen here?” Or maybe the pastor wants to cover it up and not allow the display.
Dear Lord please help us ALL these are very evil people and now obama has opened the gates to U.S. These people are so bad Those people only Loved our God
And to think that things will be much worse before Judgement Day.I cant fathom hating a religion just because its different, especially killing infants.These people were accused of forcing Muslims to convert to Christianity.I didn’t see anybody there in chains, forced to sing hymns.Its more likely that Muslims ran from their faith when they saw how peaceful and happy Christianity is compared to Islam.
God help us all !
I have spoken many times with so called ggod muslims and after an intense conversation they true image magnifies itself. THIS religion should not exist!!!!!
This is Islam. Islam is a disease and Muslims are the symptom.
and fix the goddamned share function.
It’s a question of values. They value death to project faith. Christians value life to project faith in the one true God. Theirs is satanic. Ours is righteous and divinely inspired by God’s Bible. God is the ultimate judge. In the meantime, I will, with God’s help, defend my American values, and will protect myself, my family, the innocent and powerless. If you agree with the attached Principles and Values pass it on. It’s time to stand up for Liberty and Justice. It’s time to defeat Satan.
There are several nations that possess nuclear weapons , incluse tactics .
If you want to stop these sanginários who use the name of God ( Allah ) , these nations should launch hand of all weapons that are within reach .
The world can not see and allow these thugs to destroy the lives of innocent people. This insane view of these groups must be combated mercilessly by the nations that are being hit .
Holy shit , that cowardice with these people …. are murdering unarmed people without a chance of defense.
Why doesn’t our Supreme Being stop this? If it is a “lesson”, we get it. Strike down our leader.
I ve seen so many images and watched so many videos, graphic videos, and my question is; how can someone be so sub human to commit these heinous acts?
This is the TRUTH about Islam, deniers need to look at “Scripture” and decide what type of Ideology they follow. Jesus always spoke of Love and Forgiveness and NO VIOLENCE if one wishes to enter Heaven. Muhammad said the opposite, to kill and slaughter and steal and enslave……..what part of that message do people NOT understand????? May God accept the souls of the Victims of Jihad, Satan’s War CRY! pbwy
When will Western leaders realise that we are at WAR with Islam? Start by shutting down all mosques and expelling Muslims from Western countries. If Islam wins, and history tells us this, then ALL infidels will be forced to convert to Islam or die. Those spared will be slaves and women used as sex slaves. Others allowed to live, will so as second-grade citizens paying high taxes to their Muslim lords. How much more evidence do people need not to realise this fact? Start by reading “The truth about Mohammed”. Muslims, and there are already more than 1.6 billion in the world today and growing every day, know, that by terrorizing the world, they will “divide and conquer” the masses, most of whom are in denial of the fact that is blindingly “staring them in the face”. Islam and Western countries CANNOT co-exist. We must not allow “History to repeat itself”, as it always, unfortunately, does.
we condem this kind of persecution. its terrible!!
A significant space of time has elapsed since I ceased to entertain the possibility that a person could profess islam to be true without being a liar. All Muslims are evil, either because they are blasphemers or because they are idolaters.
I wish we could bring back public whipping and start with our insane leaders in Washingdumb, DeCeased who protect and defend equally insane Koran-fulfilling butchers!!!
People should start focusing on Mark Zuckerberg and his fascist “Community Standards” policy that he uses as a club to silence those who dare criticize Islam. Zuckerberg is a social predator, the same as any other social predator and ideological soul mate to our Traitor in Chief.
From the petty — such as his buttinsky remarks regarding Britain and the EU, to the tragic — his failure to support the 2009 Iranian revolution — Barack Obama and his “Smart Diplomacy” has been an absolute catastrophe to the United States and her allies, and a huge boon to those countries that wish us harm. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle lays out the most egregious examples, so be sure to watch as much as you can bear.
Barbarians Inside the Gates: Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and the Cultural Evisceration of the U.S. Navy by Craig Luther.
Our Estranged Generals: Our Generals Are Not on the Same Page as the Rest of Us. In Fact, They’re Not Even Reading From the Same Book by Caroline Glick.—-This is an article about the General Staff of Israel’s Defense Forces. But you could practically superimpose every fact in this article on what is happening in our military.
Proof enough that Islam is from the devil as it fulfills the Antichrist agenda of evil spoken of as coming and of the martyring of those who hold on to their testimony of Truth… Revelation:6:When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also.
we do this to unborn babies in the womb EVERYDAY by the THOUSANDS in America….and its perfectly legal. WAKE UP!
People need to pray for the Church in America to get their head out of the sand to stop this from coming here!!!
A Christian “detective” would quickly recognize this work as from WILD MEN. The accursed sons of Ishmael.
And when Yahuah CURSES someone it is a most TERRIBLE thing.