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Hey, you liberals ok with this? If not then how about at the very least speaking out against President Obama and his administration’s support of terrorists! The Muslim Brotherhood is the Muslim Brotherhood no matter where in the world they are. The Obama administration has placed some Muslim Brotherhood members government positions, if you did some research on your own you would understand the threat the Muslim Brotherhood along with other Islamic organizations are to our country. I don’t know about you I don’t like when others are suffering, especially when our leaders are supporting the ones causing the suffering. If things go as they plan at some point you won’t have to hear or read about the persecutions of innocent men, women and children in foreign lands because you, your family and mine might be experiencing it for ourselves. I choose not to see your children or mine go through what this little girl did that’s why I stand against terrorists and our leaders who are supporting terrorists and instead support those who stand up and abide by the Constitution of the United States. God Bless America, Israel, the NRA and all Real Freedom Fighting Patriots.
Obviously there are FAR larger perspectives at play here than you know about:
Boston Globe (May 29, 2012): “Mitt Romney urges US to arm Syrian rebels, lead effort to oust Bashar Assad”
CBS News (June 26, 2012): “Condoleezza Rice calls on U.S. to arm Syria rebels”
Bloomberg News (Jun. 16, 2013): Cheney Says Obama Decision to Arm Syrian Rebels May Be Too Late
It ought to be painfully obvious to everyone by now that Syria is a strategic piece of real estate for some reason.
what the hell does it matter if ROMNEY or anyone else said to arm
Look at the quote that I originally responded to, Pattie:
You simply ignored (white-washed, actually) the quote that I responded to just so that you would have an excuse to whip out the political brickbat on me…
You are the clinical definition of a hypocrite (but you don’t even know it).
I wish I could be as blissful in my own ignorance as you are….
It is not a question of liberal or conservative they are both the same snake, hay you conservatives ok with this shut your big fat lying mouths you moron slob idiots.
Lets not let them conquer and divide. If it is “them” that are causing the problem….. sick’em !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pattie, the picture is appalling, that being said Kirsh is right you cast the first party line stone. Obama and Romney are cut from the same cloth
You have to be a real wackobird to make that statement.
Who cares what Romney or Cheney thinks about it? Neither are in the position to know the full facts of what is happening NOW nor are they the ones making ANY of these decisions -when they are and THIS is the decision THEY made – the question can be changed to reflect that fact. The US has no vested interest in the centuries old fight between Sunni and Shia Muslims and supporting one side as they commit more of the same barbaric inhumane slaughter of each other will not endear the US to EITHER side. In fact Obama is supporting the Al Qaeda infiltrated, extremists barbarians in this fight -you know the ones who vowed this was a war with the US to the death barbarians -against the secular barbarians. So who really wins if the extremists win here? No one does no matter who wins here -most of all not us. No national interests are served by subsidizing one set of slaughtering, human rights violating, barbarian murdering thugs against the other and it is a pitiful argument to suggest we somehow become more magically secure by having yet one more nation fall to the religious extremist sociopaths.
You’re either too young to remember the Cold War, or you’re too stupid to recognize how a cold war is conducted:
You just CAN’T be this stupid……Syria has classic Cold War written all over it…the symptoms are UNMISTAKABLE!!
You’re too lazy to even go out to the web to find out what the ultimate objective there is, so I’m probably wasting my time describing to you the easily recognizable symptoms of wars conducted via proxy.
C’mon man!!
Oh yeah-sure. Cold War. Uh huh. And who is playing the Soviet communists today? The federal republic of Russia? Oh sure, we should definitely be arming our good buds the Islamofascist extremists then…Arming and assisting the opposition who are increasingly controlled by anti-western Islamofascists is a great idea, bound to have a happy ending there all around! Maybe and that’s a big maybe IF he had done it before it was infiltrated by Al Qaeda and religious extremists. Too late now and like it or not no matter who wins now, we still lose. The enemy of Russia in this case is still no friend of ours and never will be. Russia understands up close and personal the dangers of Islamofascism for far longer and far better than Obama, community organizer.
You don’t have to have communists involved to have a cold war…
A cold war is the textbook definition of a war by proxy that has existed long, long before there ever was a United States or Soviet Union..
Try to learn how to use Google sometime and you might learn a few things that you didn’t ever know before.
Let’s stay in the modern era. We get your point. Powerful nations have been crushing weaker nations since humans first crawled out of the caves.
If we are discussing the cold war, you might also mention it was the Soviet Union who created the so-called Palestinian movement to counter the influence of the United States and Israel in the Middle East. Without the Soviets and the KGB there would have been no PLO or Black September.
The evil committed by all of the world powers during the last 200 years with their colonial empires is great, but it doesn’t hold a candle to suffering the world will know if Islam ever takes control of the human race. 270 million non-Muslims have died in 1400 years of Islamic conquest.
Just about every nation in the Middle East was Christian prior to the 7th century. Egypt was the cradle of Christianity. Alexandria, along with Rome and Antioch, was one of the three great cities of the Christianity until Islam began its war of Genocide against all non-Muslims in 638 CE.
Conversely though, Al Qaeda was created specifically for the purpose of battling the Soviets in Afghanistan by proxy:
Your memory is awfully selective…..
Are you talking about Soviet Russia or Communist China
where 80 MILLION innocent people were murdered by
the Communists and had no freedom whatsoever ?
No. I’m talking about the fact that you’re too dumb to use Google to even find out what a cold war is…
Cold wars have been occurring for MORE THAN 2000 YEARS. THE Cold War that you are referring to is a specific instance of a phenomenon that has relentlessly occurred throughout history (even the Romans fought cold wars with their enemies).
If you’re not smart enough to research this by using Google, then you’re definitely not competent enough to debate this topic.
What kind of “too dumb” are you to assume that the use of ‘Google’ is somehow an excursion into truth? Get real!
You stupid moron – who cares who said what – Obama
is the one responsible now .
You are obviously not competent enough to debate this topic. Otherwise you would know that the United States Constitution doesn’t allow Obama to do anything without first obtaining the consent of Congress.
Are you brain-dead or something?
How are you not competent enough to use Google, but yet still are dangerous enough to navigate Disqus?
There was a reason the others wanted it done sooner! Romney would have been a fantastic president, unlike the moron we have now. The rebels are now controlled by Alqaeda. Like Cheney said, TOO LATE!
Romney is a serpent as is Obama
That very well may be. However, Romney is not in power and we need to concentrate on the problems at hand. agreed ?
Kirschwasser: Who gives a shit why the bastard is doing the outrageous things he is doing. It needs to stop. It doesn’t matter who started it, or how long its been going on. He is in the Oval Office Now. He needs to stop doing all the monstrous crap that he has criticized everyone else for, and if you love this country, you need to stop the back-door apologetics for this madman.
I’m not apologizing for anyone…
I merely offered an (obvious) observation that Syria is a prize that is obviously coveted for some reason and it matters not whether its Obama, Bush, Cheney, Romney, Rice, etc. who’s in charge.
Unless you are stupid, then it’s clear that there is a pervading anxiety about Syria that seemingly overwhelms BOTH of the dominant U.S. political parties…
That’s the $64K question though…..what is there in Syria that so many people are so anxious to get their hands on?
Here’s a hint (in case you’re not smart enough to use Google): Syria is just the latest chapter in a book that began in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Whether it’s Obama or Bush or Romney, etc. matters not…..in fact, no U.S. president has any choice in this matter because they are required to follow the script.
Also, ask yourself if debt (especially the national debt) can ever be used as a form of leverage or tool of coercion?
Get a clue and look at the big picture….the world is a great big chessboard and you’re so focused on a single square that you can’t see the rest of the board.
I’m not endorsing this by any means….all I’m saying is that there is an explanation for it (that isn’t all that particularly difficult to locate on the web).
If you want to gripe about stuff, then at least be willing to spend a minute or two to look for the explanation.
Kirschwasser, you happen to be right. but some people are to caught up in the fake two party rivalry to realize that Obama is a black george bush and a dedicated globalist.any president that gets america involved in Syria should be tried before a war crimes court.
Its primary about control of the Syrian sea ports and their massive stock of modern weapons. Russia wants to keep one of their best customers and some, not all, western nations would like to keep all those weapons, especially manpads and chemical weapons, out of the hands of terrorists and Islamic militia. Obama just wants to stir the pot, but that’s my opinion.I do believe Obama’s end game is chaos.
Ditto again!
I sure hope all of you sane people are on twitter. It’s been very useful bringing like-minded people together and sending messages directly to our reps…and they watch what’s trending.
He should have done it sooner….this is the results of his indecision….
A proxy war must always be handled with kid gloves because it can get out of hand in a hurry:
This started as a discussion about the Satanic torture of an
innocent little girl and why we do not want Muslims
coming to the U.S. who feel this is perfectly acceptable .
Jesus Christ is Lord . He is the light of the World and His
way is love . He will win in the end .
The little girl featured in this article is a Muslim though.
wrong kind of Muslim. You are overplaying your hand Kirch. You strike me as an intelligent man. Have you spent time in the Islamic world. I have. Be as fair minded as you like, but the simple truth is that Islam will not ever tolerate other faiths. There is no co-existence with Islam, just like there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.To be a Muslim, you must follow the Qur’ an and the Qur’an makes it quite clear that Islam is to be the only religion for all of humanity and non-Muslims are to be killed, converted or made to submit to permanent second class dhimmitude. You know what the Qur’an say about Muslims who don’t follow the teachings of the Qur’an. They are Hypocrites and shirkers who will know the worst of punishments in hell. That’s why there is no such things as a moderate Muslim; if you don’t follow the Qur’an, you are a shirker and to be killed. If you do follow the Qur’an, it is you obligation to make Islam the only religion for all of humanity and to establish Sharia for the entire world. Deny it all you like. I have read the Qur’an.
Aren’t you immediately contradicting yourself here though?…
First you say:
Then you say:
If latter quote from you is indeed true, then you seem to be suggesting that it makes no difference anyway as to what “kind of Muslim” you are…
I see these two quotes from you as being entirely contradictory to one another.
Nonsense. Romney, Rice and Cheney are not the President. Obama is. They are making the same stupid mistake as arming Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Reference this 3 is supposed to support your position?? LOL. Arming radicals and murderers is wrong no matter what party in power. Ignorant hypocrite. I think you need to check your perspective.
Nonsense yourself….
The United States Constitution doesn’t grant the authority to the U.S. President to do this anyway (you didn’t know that did you?)…
So if you want to gripe at somebody, then you should find a mirror somewhere and let it all out into the open….if it weren’t for lazy people like you who have never even read the United States Constitution before and don’t even know what it says, then it’s your own fault for allowing this to happen.
You’ve got a Congressman…so pick up the phone sometime and give him an earful….and while you’re at it, then ask him why he continually allows the Executive branch to engage in activity that isn’t even authorized by the Constitution.
Obviously I’m not the one that you need to be complaining to.
Typical Left wing answer…deflect, deflect, deflect. Let’s blame it on someone else, finger point but not take responsibility. You sir, are an ignorant fraud.
At least you are honest to admit that this is what you are doing…
Apparently English is not your first language. LOL
Let’s review some basic grammar then:
“Let’s” is the conjunctive form of “let us”.
Apparently you don’t understand that you automatically included (as well as implicated) yourself when you used the word “us”.
There can never be a group membership consisting of “us” without YOU.
Let that sink in for awhile and maybe the light bulb will finally come on for you.
You are ignoring the argument and want to talk of grammar? LOL! You are truly pathetic. I am just going to step back now and let you flail away and make yourself out to be an even bigger fool than I first thought. Good job, tool. My work is done here.
I’m not ignoring anything…
You said:
By definition then you have automatically included yourself in that group.
Don’t you know what “us” means??
how do you know he is left wing. He hasn’t taken any sides. He has said both sides are responsible. And as a Libertarian who believes in our constitution and the rule of law, I agree with Kirchwwasser.
What you just said is true, BUT… your arrogant’s stinks!!! Maybe try another approach…
Yes, but these people are NOT the POUS!
Syria and Egypt were states with the military muscle to prevent Israel from committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian territories. Both are being destabilized. The day these govts fall will be the day the West Bank is ethnically cleansed and made pure for Jewish settlers.
There are more satanist individuals in Syria. Need proof? The slaughter of entire Christian villages dont happen in the US. There are obviously people in power in the US who are supporting a rebel group that hates Christians in Syria. I am a Christian and I am in America and there are more Christians here (Thank God) than any other religion. Especially Muslim, who have no place in our country in my opinion. but still we don’t hate muslins either nor do we slaughter them. Actually, muslims come here to our country to try and slaughter us, but a true US citizen will not engage in this satanic behavior. It comes from your country, need I remind you. I do not speak out against my country and I will never speak against my country as it is the greatest country in the world… obviously. However, I do not agree with supporting terrorist groups in Syria that slaughter Christians at all. Why we are doing this I don’t know. If we war with Syria, we should move to destroy all Syrians equally. But why are we involved anyway? Is it even necessary to kill Syrians? they seem to be doing a fine job of that themselves. We should not side with a government that uses chemical weapons on their own people and we should not side with Christian killing terrorists. Not sure what the benefit to us is either way. I say we keep out and let Syria decide their own fate, wither way Syria is a country full of terrorists and they all need to die… we should just not be the ones killing them. It is a waste of our tax payer money to help any side whether the government in Syria, or the satanic rebels. Syria hates the USA, the USA hates terrorists, so we should both go our own ways and only fight if our pats cross in a negative manner.
israel is the one training and giving support to these terrorists.and to start with israel is an illegitimate country and its only normal that you defend obama because he is a monkey like you.go to hell you obama saudi arabia and pissrael
Illegitimate how?
This is a damn big lie. the journalist author is a fanatic Shia and financed by Shia terrorist Iranian groups throughout a comprehensive fierce media program against the Syrian revolution. We Syrians on the ground, liberals, biased, Christians and Islamists know for sure that only the Syrian regime and his supporters SHia Hizb Allah and Iran may commit such action and/or falsify such photos to undermine the Syrian revolution similar to their claim after their criminal Sarin gas attack against civilians in Damascus.
Where is she now? Who is she with? Did they abuse her? is there anyway we can campaign to get her here to the USA? this girl should not have to live in SYRIA at all? Can anyone find out where she is before they hurt her more?
Where is she now? Who is she with? Did they abuse her? is there anyway we can campaign to get her here to the USA? this girl should not have to live in SYRIA at all? Can anyone find out where she is before they hurt her more?
The sickness that caused this girls plight is being invited into America by our leaders… Islam will replace Christianity and Sharia law will replace your constitution. I hope you’re ready… the process is WELL under way.
And to that I say, ‘Lock and load baby!!!’ I’m ready, are you?
Joshua. I will never be ready for islamic and sharia indoctrination that is why I am going to fight it everystep of the way.
Never will happen.. women like me exist. Remember that. Women that care and are not repressed by the pedophilic patriarchal regime. Islam will be erased as quickly as it grows.. the reason is it will kill itself in all it dysfunctional hate
I’m sure that’s what the women of Lebanon thought, before the Christians were persecuted and slaughtered in the 70’s
The christian slaughter hasnt stopped. Its up to us not to accept this anymore. Evolve as one human race
Raymond Ibrahim you are a true Patriot, Thank-you for your posts, they are more news worthy then what some of the biased media puts out. God Bless.
I sent a e-mail of the link to ALL the media …those cowards need to report news and not politics and gossip…
My heart cries for you little innocent girl. Wish i could take you in my arms and protect you from all the evil adults do
This picture is for a small syria girl who what they called themselves syria ripples had chained her to her house gate and made her watch her parternt slutted by cutting their throats with knife, this is one of millions pictures which the media in not showing,
She is from a little village in Syria called HATHLA, who the criminals attacked it after one Kuwati criminial called AlAjami finaliced them to do that, herself the girl and her parent only criminal was that they were from different believe than those criminals and their supporters in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait and unfortunatley USA
I think some Americans should have *their* eyelids cut off and be made to look…
Oboma suport of jihadist army In syria not right speeks volumes what he is capable of doing here at home!!
Motherfuckers ! Dirty motherfuckers!!!!!! Look at that baby even if its not real can you say she is enjoying this
This is sickening and just about par for the course with the Anglo-American Establishment , they don’t care about her or YOU at all, at all!
My god!!!!!!! People what have you done to the USA what kind of monsters allow this
Nusra Front militants are not part of the FSA even through they are also fighting against Assad regime. They have both fought with and against the FSA.
Syria is like a 14 million piece, 3D puzzle, with different images on both sides of the pieces and not pictures to show what the complete thing looks like.
I don’t believe this…
This is a Palestinian Child. Or is she Syrian? http://joarmaz4.blogspot.com/2013/06/israel-tortura-de-ninos-palestinos-y.html.. the same picture is on this site with a different caption. Interesting.
The Palestinians have been doctoring photos and faking stuff for decades. Several western newspapers have printed the doctored photos as factual. Bad press.
The article in the link you provided is posted on 22 june 2013, while the picture posted on this facebook link (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=596642400355823&set=a.279553445398055.69041.279535285399871&type=1&theater) dates from 21 june 2013. Logically the former one is false. But that does not necessarily mean the latter is true… I hope we will know the truth someday
I agree. We may never know. I can only pray for the children being tortured. But then again it brings to mind the children who were being used as war weapons in Vietnam against soldiers.
Another genius heard from – “Obviously there are FAR larger perspectives at play here than you know about:”
That was actually a quote used in a conversation about Muslims – spoken by an American President !
We have had trouble with these chaps since Thomas Jefferson referred to the Barbary Pirates as ‘rag heads’ – just kidding!
There is a ‘right time’ to immerse with rebels – it’s referred to as ‘sooner – rather than later’.
The ‘later’ is now and even months ago when the Islamic zealots were freeing up from Libya and Egypt and loading the elements against the Syrian regime with terrorist cells partial to the Arab Brotherhood – the Caliphate and not friendly to the ‘Big Satan’!
‘Sooner’ you had Syrians who were fighting for a free Syria – ‘Later’ you got the trash of the Muslim world including their Zimbabwean mercenaries.
Blame any party you want to – but the party in power in the United States is led by a Communist – Progressive type – who is a Jihadist influenced – Socialist leaning – Alinskyite!
Now there is my candidate for Guantanamo – along with his many Democratic cretins!
I am a fan of GWBush, but we could have done without GW2. Saddam’s (self-inflicted, he was an idiot) demise destabilized the region. Iran now had no counterbalance, Syria had Saddam’s Sarin weapons, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya had revolutions, and we ended up with a Commie President. All bad..
Islam is at war with the west. People need to realise this.
i think this picture is misleading…it is a horrible pic,but how do we kno she is forced to see those things.cause i also saw the same girl with a diff caption.hmmmmmm????
It’s hard to know if this is real or a staged incident. It could easily be done for propaganda purposes, and there sure are many in Syria who would like to influence western policy right now.
UNIDOS.Judith Gallero I live in argentina and these tipe o caracteristic of person like him have a lots,here in argentina,palestinian people allready are made false publicity against israel and allready people wear t.shirt.by the way,his from Ecuador.!!!!!!
Me gusta · Responder · Hace 9 minutos
Judith Gallero An.other.men..against.Israel..he.is.in.google.gmail.Jorge Armando Zambrano Chumo.these.is.the.face…of.a..lots..of..latin.people.who.are.thinking..like..him..lol!!!!!…;(
Me gusta · Responder · Hace 23 minutos
Judith Gallero I found a page that says the opposite of israel does this!.’s a big lie!, to mess uslo israel and give them the page that has the face of fraud.Fuente:http://www.marchaverde.com.br/
A Marcha Verde
This is what the western countries will be like if they keep letting these muslims in…
USA is a CORPORATE OLIGARCHY – run by secret societies that perform PAGAN rituals (see “1981 ABC report about BOHEMIAN GROVE..A MUST SEE” on YouTube)…
THESE LEADERS ARE NOT TRUE CHRISTIANS – (They are apostates and hypocrites that slander God’s name with lies, greed and murder…)
McCain and Kerry went to Egypt with GE to start bringing the corporations into that country to “save them”…
Number of CIVILIANS killed from 9/11 attacks : 2973
Number of BRITISH CIVILIANS killed in terrorist attacks: 52
Number of US MILITARY killed in Iraq: 3545
Number of CIVILIANS killed in Iraq War : 100,000 to 250,000+
Number of CIVILIANS killed in Afghanistan by coalition forces: 35,000
“Hands that are shedding innocent blood” have been one of the most detestable things to Jehovah ever since righteous Abel’s blood cried out from the ground. (Proverbs 6:16, 17; Genesis 4:10; Psalms 5:6)
The Christian Greek Scriptures outline three distinct ways in which a Christian could become bloodguilty before God:
(1) bloodshed, murder—this would include those actively or tacitly supporting the activities of a bloodguilty organization (such as Babylon the Great – the world empire of false religion – [Re 17:6; 18:2, 4] or OTHER ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE SHED MUCH INNOCENT BLOOD [Revelation 16:5, 6; compare Isaiah 26:20, 21]);
(2) eating or drinking blood in any way (Acts 15:20)
(3) failing to preach the good news of the Kingdom, thereby withholding the lifesaving information it contains.—Acts 18:6; 20:26, 27; compare Ezekiel 33:6-8.
Insight on the Scriptures Volume-1 page 346 Bloodguilt (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society)
Jesus said: “By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35)
Ask yourself, ‘Do members of this religion display love toward all men at all times not only with words but also with actions?’
How true.This picture and story should be made viral to counter the official sanctioned lies that pass for foreign policy.The Vietnam mass murder was halted by a generation of commited activists who stuck two fingers up to their Government lies.Please USA do the same again!
World Peace—Why So Elusive?
The Bible’s answer
Human efforts to bring world peace have failed and will continue to fail for several reasons:
“”It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”” (Jeremiah 10:23)
Humans weren’t created with the ability or the right to rule themselves, so they won’t be able to achieve enduring peace.
“”Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish”” (Psalm 146:3, 4)
Government leaders, even those with the best motives, can’t devise lasting solutions for the root causes of war.
“”In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be . . . fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride.”” (2 Timothy 3:1–4)
We live in “”the last days”” of the present wicked world, a time when prevailing attitudes make peace difficult.
“”Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”” (Revelation 12:12)
The Devil, God’s enemy, has been confined to the vicinity of the earth and motivates people to adopt his vicious spirit. As long as he is “”the ruler of this world,”” we can never live in peace.—John 12:31.
“”[God’s Kingdom] will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [that oppose God], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.”” (Daniel 2:44)
God’s Kingdom, not any human government, will satisfy our desire for permanent world peace.—Psalm 145:16
Can you tell us what happened to this poor litlle girl?
Was she killed too? who took this picture, was it the terrorists to enjoy their crime or rescuers who found her ??
If you have the info, please share it because looking at this picture is so heart breaking…
Oh dear God, if this is true! Oh dear little girl…
We’re about to arm these people too rofl
It’s like we don’t learn about giving arms to the rebels we think are okay only for them to end up in the hands of extremists
Goes to show that Muslims are not a Religion of Peace.
They are a Religion of hate, lust, misogynists greed, torturers, rapists, pedophiles, looters, assassins, lechers.
The Muslims follow humanist values of evil not God’s values. The Muslims abrogated the Quran so much for so long the religion is no longer a religion of God but a Cult of Man’s most base and worse evil humanistic values.
The verse is K.3:7
“He it is Who has revealed the Book to you some of its verses are clear [Arabic: “Mukham”], they are the basis of the Book and others are ambiguous [Arabic “Muttashabih”]; then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is ambiguous seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation, but none knows its interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say we believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those having understanding.”
Stupid idiots who support Obama . Spying on all Americans , then the Europeans and now giving our money to animals who do this ?
the leftish and liberal are all scum, they always try to destroy US from inside. http://vimeo.com/63749370
Democrats support this with their vote and tax dollars.
Well, I am shocked after saw this image and what you people think if I change the heading like this:
“Syria: Child Tied by bashar al assad’s army and Forced to Watch Killing of Parents”
This site is hoax if you want to understand
I want to know what happened to that baby girl after she was cruelly forced to watch her parents being murdered. Where is she, and what are the monsters doing with her?
So the President is solely responsible for all that is happening?
Most people who claim that they want to honor the Constitution, don’t even know the Constitution. The President only signs things into law or vetoes them. Congress does the work to get the act to become bill to become law. The President cannot declare war. That is the Congress’s job (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_war_by_the_United_States). What many people who are so strung up in blaming Obama for these atrocities and becoming so adamant about his administration fail to realize is, it takes more than one man to do all of this. And it’s funny how many here want to blame Kirsch for deflecting or being offensive/defensive, when he makes great points across every point brought his way.
Learn the Constitution before you start making claims. If you want to get to the blunt truth, call your U.S. congressman and ask questions. And then cross check with other districts. Get more information than from one main source. (Reading through this, I can almost tell who listens to O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Glenn Beck, etc.)
By the way: how many of you believe that Obama is a Muslim who is born outside of the United States? How many truly believe that he is in ties with the Muslim Brotherhood? How many believe that he is in support of al-Qaeda?
If he were that in tune with them, how could he have gotten that high up in the U.S. government? Without any credible federal rebuttal? Without any logical, honest, unbiased, non-racial dispute? Everyone with any question of his background were conspiracy theorists, or political opponents who had no substantial backing to their policies.
As far as calling one race or group animals, how much more judgment of them can there be for their actions, when here in America, drug laws are unevenly enforced by race, businesses are sending jobs overseas creating millions of unemployed people, more money, research and effort is put into making sure dog food has all natural ingredients while the FDA allows foreign matter in human food.
Check attitudes and politics at the door. Because trying to put blame on one man for something it takes 545 people to do, is nonsensical.
Where did 545 come from?
435 House of Representatives
100 Senators
9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices
1 President of the U.S.
You are wrong. Presidents have authority to bomb another country if there is a direct and immediate threat to U.S.. Citing ‘Wikipedia,’ a site where anyone can contributable is not credible.
President Obama had a chance over a year ago to arm Syrian rebels, who at that time were more moderate. Now, those fighting against Syria include Al Qaida and other radicals. His ‘bend over and apologize tour’ sent a signal to many dictators that he is weak and would not attack them should they commit crimes against humanity. Through his sequester idea, the military has been gutted. Our one clear requirement in the Constitution cites “provide for the common defense” cannot be done, because political idiots in both parties buy votes through social (unentitled-to-my-money) programs.
Our enemies have the ability to watch our news reports, interviews with politicians etc., where they can see/hear for themselves the squabbles and how vulnerable our nation has become under Obama.
President Obama has changed laws through executive orders. Many other presidents have used executive orders, but not to the extent and profound change to existing laws as Obama. He and his administration (DOJ) have ‘opted’ not to adhere to portions of laws such as providing exemptions to Congress for participation in his ACA law simply by changing existing administrative guidelines in the office of personnel. Nice.
I do my own research and go directly to sources.
1) Deir ez-Zor Governate is entirely under control of the Assad’s regime forces
2) There is no Shiia Muslims in Deir ez-Zor
Its fake people. Get a life
Do not take this the wrong way, but if this photo is not real,the person/people that made this along with this story need to taken out and ***** ! ! I hate when anyone use’s children as pawns to drum up sympathy to their causes ! I hope who ever reads my post here understands what I’m getting at.
I keep seeing–“where is the outrage?” Where is the media that is supposed to be showing this to America? There are honest to God, people that have no clue we are backing the butchers. Oh…I have far worse VIDEO, than this, even. I have a group of those same FSA sonofabitches, with the bodies of dead children, some with throats cut, some beheaded… and they pick up what appears to be a female child in a lovely blue pinafore with white trimming. She is in my guestimation, and I am a nurse that works peds, 2-3 years old. AND headless… As the butcher that picks her up show the camera, he starts that insane “Alahi Akbar” chant until all the group are worked into a frenzy. Then, I have photos of a young girl, Christian, who was raped by 20 + of this camp, then defiled futher after she was dead, and her heart cut out!. Finally, I have a link that will take you to visualize as they have a bound man with his head on a cinder block. They give what appears to be a bush ax to a boy about 7-8 years old, and make him behead the victim… animals are not this evil…so what do you call them–Demons???
This picture is for a small syrian girl who what they called themselves syrian ripples had chained her to her house gate and made her watch her parternt slutted by cutting their throats with knife, this is one of millions pictures which the media in not showing,
She is from a little village in Syria called HATHLA, who the criminals attacked it after one Kuwati criminial called AlAjami finaliced them to do that, and there is a video showing this Kuwaiti criminal admit proudly of the attack and of cutting the throats of the people of this village adults and children infront of media camera, herself the girl and her parent only crime was that they were from different believe than those sunni wahabi criminals and their supporters in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait and unfortunatley USA.
This picture is for a small syrian girl who what they called themselves syrian ripples had chained her to her house gate and made her watch her parternt slutted by cutting their throats with knife, this is one of millions pictures which the media in not showing,
She is from a little village in Syria called HATHLA, who the criminals attacked it after one Kuwati criminial called AlAjami finaliced them to do that, and there is a video showing this Kuwaiti criminal admit proudly of the attack and of cutting the throats of the people of this village adults and children infront of media camera, herself the girl and her parent only crime was that they were from different believe than those sunni wahabi criminals and their supporters in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait and unfortunatley USA.
He Haqiqat image here to a girl from the Sunnis in Syria make it Alawites goal of each of her approaching, Iguensouna and the picture or the subject of three months Fear God Syrian people and know what is published
الصوره لفتاة من اهل السنه في سوريا جعلها العلويين هدف لكل من يقترب لها و يقنصونه و الصوره او الموضوع من ثلاث اشهر اتقوا الله بشعب السوري و اعرف ما تنشره
He Haqiqat picture here تابع حقيقت الصوره هنا
He Haqiqat image here to a girl from the Sunnis in Syria make it Alawites goal of each of her approaching, Iguensouna and the picture or the subject of three months Fear God Syrian people and know what is published
الصوره لفتاة من اهل السنه في سوريا جعلها العلويين هدف لكل من يقترب لها و يقنصونه و الصوره او الموضوع من ثلاث اشهر اتقوا الله بشعب السوري و اعرف ما تنشره
He Haqiqat picture here تابع حقيقت الصوره هنا
This is a damn big lie. the journalist author is a fanatic Shia and financed by Shia terrorist Iranian groups throughout a comprehensive fierce media program against the Syrian revolution. We Syrians on the ground, liberals, biased, Christians and Islamists know for sure that only the Syrian regime and his supporters SHia Hizb Allah and Iran may commit such action and/or falsify such photos to undermine the Syrian revolution similar to their claim after their criminal Sarin gas attack against civilians in Damascus.
I challenge CNN, BBC, and all other western media to broadcast this video! I also challenge all anti-Syria Arab media to do that! Please watch and know exactly whom we are fighting in our country! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=218747598290294&set=a.190715851093469.1073741828.190704944427893&type=1&ref=nf
yes! the Syrians know very well whom you kill with scud missiles and chemical weapons! 50 years of ruling Syria by your racist and fascist Assad family is full of crimes and oppression against the people of Syria and your continuous deception and falsification of facts will no longer help this regime to survive nor does it make the world believe your lies.
(the liar administrator deletes my following post) a proof of his loyalty to the killer regime in Syria. quote:
This is a damn big lie. the journalist author is a fanatic Shia and financed by Shia terrorist Iranian groups throughout a comprehensive fierce media program against the Syrian revolution. We Syrians on the ground, liberals, biased, Christians and Islamists know for sure that only the Syrian regime and his supporters SHia Hizb Allah and Iran may commit such action and/or falsify such photos to undermine the Syrian revolution similar to their claim after their criminal Sarin gas attack against civilians in Damascus.
This is a damn big lie. the journalist author is a fanatic Shia and financed by Shia terrorist Iranian groups throughout a comprehensive fierce media program against the Syrian revolution. We Syrians on the ground, liberals, biased, Christians and Islamists know for sure that only the Syrian regime and his supporters SHia Hizb Allah and Iran may commit such action and/or falsify such photos to undermine the Syrian revolution similar to their claim after their criminal Sarin gas attack against civilians in Damascus.
I beg the world honest to help my country. The
United State worked in cooperation with the Gulf countries to stop all
Syrian media access to the countries of the world to not know what is
happening in Syria , the real story is that President Bashar
al-Assad belongs to Religious sect called “Alawein”this sect is secularism and considers
the religion just as laws of morality .in this sect the woman does not wear headdress but wear what she wants
and learn and work , so the militant Islamists in the Gulf states and radical Isla, such as
Prime Minister of Turkey “Ardogan”consider this sect the first enemy to
them , they began by the lie of the revolution against injustice and tyranny of the regime. I
do not deny that there is administrative corruption , but we lived in luxury and safety. I swear their revolution is false terrorists
came to us from all over the world ,they killed our sons and daughters with hardest ways, cutting
heads, slaughtered , raped, robbed houses, they stole our factories , our drug laboratories, destroyed our schools ,hospitals , ruins, they came back us 300 years like “Afghanestan” and our medias do not reach you to
hear and see what is going in Syria. Syrians Demanded President Bashar al-Assad to move his army to stop these massacres
of those terrorists.
My first question to you : what Obama did when the two Chechen brothers
blew themselves up in the race, he greeted them with flowers and
kisses? , of course,”NO” he moved his soldiers with their weapons to
arrest them. This what Bashar al – Assad did but don’t forget that there are thousands of terrorists Islamist militants in Syria .
second question is : how many civilian victims in the Iraq war ? and how
much will be the number of Syrian victims, if the Obama carried
military hit ?
when Obama was asked about the victims said in
every war there are civilian victims . is it allowed for Obama to
invade countries about him thousands of miles away and kill civilian victims
only because he dreamed of the United States control over the world? whereasUSA consider Bashar al-Assad criminal because there are civilian victims fall in its war against the terrorists, note that the army
asked citizens to vacate the place before any attack , but some refuse,because they involved with those terrorists militants.these pictures are a little what happened in Syria , these two soldiers slaughtered by “Free Syrian Army” and militanats supported by USA and the Gulf countries and Turkey
You Mr. Alawi – promoter of the dictator Bashar Assad – the heir of his assassin father Hafez Assad and generally the criminal Assad family who ruled Syria for 50 years with an iron fist and spread corruption and horror inside Syria and in the region. The human rights agencies confirmed more than a million causalities and more than 8 millions of displaced people since Assad came to power by a military coup. why not admit that your criminal Assad utilized his minority Alawi sect which makes only 7% of the Syrian population to fuel his crimes in Syria by granting them exclusively all leadership positions in the army, security forces and Baath ruling party. Your boasting of Alawi liberalism and your unveiled women should not be enough reason to undermine and oppress 90% of the population. Yes.. we agree with you that Alawi is a sect with no recognized Godly religion and certainly understand that their criminal actions prove non-religious related but rather pre-religious cannibal sadist behavior that horrified the Syrians and the neighborhood.
Across history, typical Syrians are peaceful people who denounce wars and all types of civilian suffering. they condemned all wars against Iraq, Afghanistan and the terrorist attacks against USA, however, they believe we can not fight terrorism by provoking more wars and causing more damage. Only the prevalence of justice and democracy and respect to peoples right of self determination may reduce and probably end the cross-boarders terrorism. Moreover, Syrians appeal to the free world including USA to extend a helping hand to throw out the dictator in Syria and to bring all criminals of war to justice.
the first pictur
the second picture
you can see these pictures in http://www.alhadathnews.net/
why you delet my comment and picture . yoy are more criminal than Alqaeda because you want to disappear the truth. go to hell with your president Obama
this picture for a man was slaughtered by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army . http://www.alhadathnews.net/
a man was slaughtered by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army . http://www.alhadathnews.net/
I want to know why you delet my comment . you are innocent media.go to hell
to the admin: we encourage you to show a civilized biased attitude by not deleting posts, so we can contribute to this forum and react respectfully.
Do a bit more research. This news article has been sanitized for public consumption. The girl in this picture was then stripped and murdered by ripping out her little heart, and a cloth rammed into the chest cavity. Too gruesome to imagine? But true. Welcome to Islam.
Absolutely demonic.
Are these the same Syrians who eat the hearts of their victims? (google it)
Not to mention how depraved these practices are, but another question comes to mind:
Are WE eventually going to have to pay for the medical treatment of barbarians who contract brain diseases from their cannibalistic practices? Probably! Not only that, but the diseases caused by such practices are extremely contagious. (google it)
Gotta love the religion of peace…
Our gov’t belongs to the house of islam. they know only one master and thats Allah. they have no love for America or the constitution, and will do whatever they can to destroy it. Its their goal to instill a worldwide Caliphate with Christians as their slaves or serfs. We’ve been had, people. hold tightly to your weapons, you’re going to need them.
I read a while back that Brennan converted. I guess islam offers him lots of goodies- polygamy, necrophilia, pedophilia and bestiality plus taking whatever your right hand possesses. So it comes as no surprise to read how he defends his adopted religion and promotes it as a religion that has been wronged when in reality its Islam itself that has done most of the evils in the world- destruction of advanced civilizations, freedom, liberty, Zoroastrianims, Buddhism, orthodox Christianity, prosperity and above all, happiness. Thats what Islam is- the destroyer of happiness as we know and understand it. It was islam that declared war aka jihad against in the unbeliever- meaning most of the good people in the world. It says so in their Qur’an.
I don’t really see anyone in either party outside of Allan West or Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman who can articulate a proper American foreign policy.
It takes the right combination of insight, knowledge, experience and charisma.
A true American policy would be to stand firm with allies to work to free the oppressed and persecuted and ultimately rid the world of totalitarian regimes; not appeasing and transferring cash to them.
A truly American foreign policy would not have the US “brokering” a phony peace deal with Jew haters who refuse to accept Israel. An American foreign policy would never have hopped in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood and would never support those elements that murder Christians like the groups John McCain and Barack Obama and John Kerry fund.
We wouldn’t give North Korea cash to develop dangerous weapons but would would and should be working to liberate the North Korea people and putting the regime out to pasture.
The faculty lounge bimbos and mentally conformed career parasites control American foreign policy. Wiser more sensible less ideological less academic people need to wrestle control from the blind Ivory Tower rats who have control.
Now I remember where I saw this. Apparently there may be more to the story?
I think I feel sick.
I just signed in…for the fifth fucking time today….to this piece of shit and totally worthless, dysfunctional Disqus.
Here’s what happens when I post comments: like some kind of virus hit it. have to edit the damn thing EVery Fucking Time. and what’s with the pictures at the bottom? that I didn’t include and never do.
Obama Corruption 6-2-14
“Under my plan of a cap and
trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.
Obama Surrounds Himself with
the Most Extreme Appointees in American History by Steve Baldwin (The
Western Center for Journalism)
Cairo Speech by Anne Bayefsky (Ass Kicking)
The Story of Obama and Israel (Israel Video Network)
The Story of Obama and Israel (You Tube)
Uncertain (You Tube video by “Irina”)
mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal,
Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008
Obama in Bed With Muslim
Why is Obama in Bed With the
Muslim Brotherhood? by Ted Belman (American Thinker)
Abedin Family Journal
Promoted Muslim Brotherhood Views by Andrew G. Bostom (Family
Security Matters)
The Abedin Family’s
Pro-Jihadist Journal by Andrew G. Bostom
A Red Carpet for Radicals at
the White House by Steve Emerson and John Rossomando (Investigative
Administration Welcomed
Wolves Into the Sheepforld by Diana West (Townhall)
The Implications of Obama’s
Foreign Policy Team for the Middle East (Lecture) by Jonathan S.
Tobin (Middle East Forum)
Muslim Brotherhood
“Perception Management Team” to Washington DC by Clare M.
Lopez (The Clarion Project)
Ten Part “Muslim
Brotherhood in America” by Frank Gaffney (Center for Security
A Troubling Influence: An
Islamic 5th Column Penetrates the White House. By
Gaffney Jr. With an Introduction: Why We are Publishing this Article
by David Horowitz (Frontpage Magazine)
The Islamist-and Their
Enablers- Assault on the Right: The Case Against Grover Norquist and
Suhail Khan (Introduction and pdf) (Center for Security Policy)
A Disturbing Event: the
American Conservative Union Embraces an Islamist by Raymond Ibrahim
(Frontpage Magazine)
Whose sarin? By Seymour M.
Hersh (London Review of Books)
NATO’s War on Syria Just Got
Dirtier: West scrambles to cover up Syria false flag revelations as
Pulitzer Prize-winner & Syria’s Electronic Army expose all (Land
Destroyer Blog)
Annual Conference 2014: Caroline B. Glick
“Why Not Us?” by Michael Armanious
Cut off all funding to these monsters.
Um, where’s the evidence that some asshole didn’t just tie up a kid to use her as propaganda?