According to a report titled “Sisi to Pentagon: We will not turn back, sovereignty is a red line,” published in Watan newspaper (Saturday, August 17 edition), Egyptian Maj. Gen. Muhammad al-‘Assar has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Pentagon, on behalf of the Egyptian military council, saying, among other things, “We will not retreat from fighting terrorism; the military does not run, for the [Egyptian] republic has leadership, and our message is clear: we will not allow red lines to be crossed.”
Regarding U.S. president Barrack Obama’s cancelation of joint military exercises with Egypt, criticism of the military’s crackdown on the Brotherhood, and threats of cutting U.S. aid to Egypt, Watan reported military sources as saying, “The American decision will not influence the course drawn by popular will” — a reference to the fact that the overwhelming majority of Egyptians reject Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood — and that “the military does not accept any external dictates and will not permit any nation to support terrorism in Egypt,” a reference to the fact that U.S. support for the Brotherhood is support for terrorism.
Military sources reportedly also told Watan news that contact with the American administration has completely ceased, though it remains open with the Pentagon, “which informed the Egyptian side of its fears concerning [Egypt’s] closeness to Russia.
Very important story, thank you Mr. Ibrahim.
Its refreshing to see the great leader of the planet getting sand kicked in his face from every corner of the planet. Maybe he’ll finally use that cyanide capsule he keeps hidden up the dogs butt.
LOL. thanks dude, I needed a laugh today
Ahh yes but the left would take that statement as a bigoted racist statement insinuating that black genocide is contemplated by someone.
Is there a word that describes feelings towards such a politician: idiotophobia; Misimbecilist, etc?
IGNORANT, Which describes the left perfectly
The Egyptians know that Obama supports terrorist,when in the hell are his Obambots going to wake up?
Probably never.
They will never admit this,doing so will bring back their severe white guilt and would make America a strong exceptional nation again,which the communist liberal obamarhoids despise!!
Ray, great report as usual. Our problem here in America is the
media that has become an arm of Obama and does not do its job!
Hope the Egyptians and Putin understand that what the Americans want and what obama is doing are two different things. We Americans are not voluntarily supporting terrorism or shariah. It is being shoved down our throats and forced to be honored in our schools. We have a very weak congress who are not doing their jobs and are not honoring their oath of office.
Ya and all of DC
needs to be cleaned out
Obama has The Spirit of the Anti-Christ . His supporters turn a blind eye . No other politician in American History would ever get away with this . Folks, This is Spiritual Warfare in our face!!
The Egyptian people should put one page add in New York times telling Obama administration to stop supporting MB terrorism in Egypt
Ohhh for a “Putin” in the west!!!
Or someone with ONE functioning neuron AND a testicle.
How strange is the assumption that democracy and Sharia are both compatible and in reality the same thing: the will of the people?
The will of a madrassa brainwashed people is NOT democracy
but the leftist morons cannot tell the difference.
In WW2 the US had Isolationists.
Now they have idiots.
What will it take ? A nuclear “Pearl Harbour”?
The O’Bummer’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood ( With cash and prizes ) before and during the overthrow of Mubarak should be seen as a criminal endeavor that deliberately endangered the citizens of Egypt , especially as the goal was not democracy , but a theocracy based on Sharia .
If the Egyptians want to make him face charges , I will donate towards postage to get the Presidunce out of the U.S. and into their welcoming handcuffs .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry
I have to support the Egyptian military on this. Obama has NO business supporting terrorists in the first place. The Muslim Brotherhood is terrorist based, with links to Al Qaeda, Hamas and the Salafists. Why would our administration be supporting this organization to begin with? This is just another reason why Americans cannot trust our government leaders to handle the affairs of the American people. Without oversight, they do things behind the backs of the American people which would not be favorable if the American people were aware. There is NO transparency in government and it is only through these so-called “whistleblowers” that the American people learn the truth. This President is a muslim who is in place to expand Islam and Shariah law within this country. It is time the American people wake up and take action.
Everything barry touches turns to CRAP.
Why is everybody shocked he supports terrorism right here in the US how do you think the Ft. Hood terrorist Hasan is still drawing a paycheck 4 years after his terror attack why do you think Obummer calls it workplace violence. Wake up fools why do you think Obummer refuses to say the word terror, If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck. No my biggest fear is if he thinks he is being exposed and knows he doesn’t have enough time to destroy us using the economy I pray that he doesn’t try a final jihad with nuclear weapons he has his finger on the button that should scare the hell out of the entire world.
Everything Obummer touches turns to pure sheit or haven’t you noticed by now
obama is driving one country after the other into alliances with the Russians and the Chinese. Israel has even held meetings with the ranking Chinese generals.
Israel are probably looking at our congress and seeing the there is no reason for an alliance with the US if it knows that their doom is being instituted by the gov. that rejecting them . Which is the lesser two of the two evils is pretty much the case. Or stand alone? The nazi’s rejected them more than russia ? I really don’t know? It all depends on how they view a countries ideology of common sense logic.
It seems the Muslim Brotherhood has more influence in the United States than in Egypt.
This is what Obama gets for throwing Mubarak under the bus. President Obama does not have a clue about the intricacies of the Middle East, and has screwed everything up both in the Muslim world and in terms of Israel’s geopolitics. These sickening, worthless peace talks that Obama has recently initiated with a demand for releasing terrorist murderers from Israeli prisons, will end up equally as disastrous. At least, George W. Bush understood that he had to keep Mubarek in power and make sure that the Palestinians did not get rewarded for their Nazi-like behavior with worthless peace talks.
Some day the word “Obama” will be synonymous with “incompetent fool.”
I support the right of the Egyptian people to determine their own fate. I do not support anything Obama does, I do not believe anything he says, and his removal from office cannot come quickly enough. he and his regime have set relationships with the middle east back decades with his interference and wrongheaded policies and caused the deaths of untold numbers of innocent people.
Boy, does obama have some really thin mixed- skin ? This baby-man is so enraged that Putin snubbed him about returning Snowden , that he’s willing to send brave patriots into harms way on pure assumption? No confirmed facts to back up this suicide mission. And for what? To prove he’s not a real amatur !! The enemy that brought down the towers on 9/11.The same people [Saudis] who just threatened Putin and russia with violence at the coming Olympics if they didn’t turn the other way while there was an invasion. Why? Because of a gas pipe that they want to run through someones country and set up a satellite saudi government to control the region with the help of their payed bully terrorist . This thing is going to bite them in the ass one day, when their Frankenstein turns on them. Wheres the proof for this fiasco ? Talk is cheap , our government is acting like the only ones who can understand truth is the ones that are perpetuating the lie. This is an oxymoron ?
Is it possible that (the most unqualified besides hillary) kerry is a muslim brotherhood member like his god(obama)!!??