Earlier today I discussed the topic of my book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight with Lori Rothman. The video clip follows:
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virginiagentleman says
How many of us have heard about this through the denominational offices of “mainline” denominations, e.g. Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian, United Methodist? What is Sojourners and “Rev.” Jim Wallis saying about this?
DilloTank says
Not me. Not a peep. Very sad. As a matter of fact. I have seen discussion of the topic actively prohibited.
Lea says
Maybe that is because the Marxist Masons have promised the Muslims the first nabs on the NWO religion, since it sure embraces everything from bestiality to rape and murder, so its a free for all, anything goes. So of course, they are taking out the pesky little Christians who won’t bend to their ways, making trouble for them, putting spokes in the wheel.
Dan Knight says
My pastor has mentioned it .. and he’s also pointed out that our leadership is mostly dead silent – or dead wrong on the issue. If I had to guess, I suspect many front-line pastors are aware of it outside a few touchie-feelie denominations, but the leadership is All-In for the on-going ethnic-cleansing of Christians by Islam.
Don’t know – just a guess.
★✩★ David ★✩★ says
Surreal and Suicidal: Modern Western Histories of Islam — http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/10/surreal_and_suicidal_modern_western_histories_of_islam.html?utm_source=10-3-13&utm_campaign=AT+Newsletter+10-3-13&utm_medium=email
wollfb says
Ray, you hit a grand slam on the show. you rendered her speechless.
wollfb says
Surreal and Suicidal: Modern Western Histories of Islam —
FactsRule says
I’d say that Ray was great, but not excellent. Why? While Christians started the crusades because of the existential threat of Islam, it didn’t end there. Anyone who reviews the Crusades can see that they were also mass-murdering & even genocidal toward non-Christians, including many who weren’t Muslim. So, I’d have said that, although The Crusades were horrifically evil at times, they started because of Islam. And, at the beginning, they were for a very good cause. That, to the extent that they were fought to defeat evil Islam, they were defensive, not offensive for no reason. Of course, Ray is far better at articulating than I am even at writing, he’d explain it better.
Also, I wouldn’t say that the the Crusades saved western civilization because there was no civilization to save. There was Dark Ages of constant warring, raping, torturing, & pillaging of each other throughout Europe. It was hardly civilized. Ray could say, instead, that the Crusades saved what would become western civilization. I think that the UK officially emerged from barbarism in 1650.
RealFacts says
Educate yourself with these facts:
FactsRule says
Despite this video’s obvious falseness, I like Mr. Warner very much. It is he who needs educate himself, as do you, regarding the history of the unspeakable barbaric Crusades.
You missed my comment at the video, so I’ll re-post it:
Before making this silly video, Dr. Warner, who I highly regard for his knowledge of the evil of Islam, should’ve studied The Crusades far, far more. What he’s presented is nonsense, utter nonsense:
Rolf says
…if Wikipedia – the encyclopedia that *anyone* can edit & where every halfway controversial subject is guaranteed to become a garbled mess of perpetual edit wars – is the best thing you can cite, then you really have no business criticizing an academic.
FactsRule says
I’m sure I posted it because it has academic links. I’ll criticize anybody when they’re misleading regardless of their past accomplishments and credentials.
Myomoto Mushashi says
Your facts are one sided and leave out the details
Myomoto Mushashi says
Correct. I’ve seen Wiki sites that use very selective and myopic citations written by Muslims and Muslim apologists that falsify and leave out details. All I remember in all my university courses about history is the Christian Crusades were horrible and the concept of Islamic faith based invasions did not truly exist. I’ve been brainwashed that Christianity acted horribly and all other religions were peaceful.
Islam and India – Forgotten Genocide
Muslim historian Firishta [full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, born in 1560 and died in 1620], the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim, was the first to give an idea to the medieval bloodbath that was India during Muslim rule, when he declared that over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and
occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population
is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the
mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million.
True Muslims believe in martyrdom and death. They believe this life is only a test and all that counts is to lay their lives in the path of Allah. To do so they must hate the non-Muslims and kill them in jihad until they are killed. The Quran says, “the life of this
world is only a deceiving enjoyment.” [57:20]
We often hear Muslim jihadis say, “we love death as you love life.” This formulation is originated at the Battle of Qadesiyya in the year 636, when the commander of the Muslims, Khalid ibn Al-Walid, sent an emissary with a message from Caliph Abu Bakr to the Persian commander, Khosro stating: “You [Persians] should convert to Islam, and then you will be safe, for if you don’t, you should know that I have come to you
with an army of men that love death, as you love life.” Muslims consider the
love for death as the proof of faith.
The Quran says: “…then seek for death, if you are sincere.”(Q.2:94) In another place Muhammad challenged the Jews to desire death in order to prove that they are truthful.
Say: “O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to
the exclusion of (other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are
truthful.” (Q.62:6)
malaka_eneuresis says
Since the cult promulgates martyrdom, maybe they should be assisted and sent on their way.
malaka_eneuresis says
Needed: another Crusade to clean up this scourge. Of course pedophilia, sex slavery, rape, brutality, all attributes of the “perfect” muslime Mohammad (the accent on the last syllable) as promulgated and practised by the “messenger”, based upon the ancient pagan religions as sIgnified by the crescent and morning star, is self destructive, all of which is the nature of evil. This will not end well for the followers of baal.
Myomoto Mushashi says
You cannot trust the common history of the white washed academia anymore. Mr. Warner’s research is spot on. The Crusades used warriors to fight a war. Yes, bad things happened, however when you compare the Crusades to the invasion of Islam…it is like comparing the Flu to Cancer.
FactsRule says
Emperor Alexius asked Pope Urban II for assistance. On 1095-NOV-27, the Pope called on Europeans to go on a crusade to liberate Jerusalem from its Muslim rulers. “The first and second wave of Crusaders murdered, raped and plundered their way up the Rhine and down the Danube as they headed for Jerusalem.” 1 The “army” was primarily composed of untrained peasants with their families, with a core of trained soldiers. On the way to the Middle East, they decided that only one of their goals was to wrest control of Jerusalem from the Muslims. A secondary task was to rid the world of as many non-Christians as possible – both Muslims and Jews. The Crusaders gave the Jews two choices in their slogan: “Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!” 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed as the first Crusade passed through. Some Jewish writers refer to these events as the “first holocaust.” Once the army reached Jerusalem and broke through the city walls, they slaughtered all the inhabitants that they could find (men, women, children, newborns). After locating about 6,000 Jews holed up in the synagogue, they set the building on fire; the Jews were burned alive. The Crusaders found that about 30,000 Muslims had fled to the al Aqsa Mosque. The Muslim were also slaughtered without mercy.
The Roman Catholic church taught that going to war against the “Infidels” was an act of Christian penance. If a believer was killed during a crusade, he would bypass purgatory, and be taken directly to heaven. By eliminating what might be many millennia of torture in Purgatory, many Christians were strongly motivated to volunteer for the crusades. “After pronouncing a solemn vow, each warrior received a cross from the hands of the pope or his legates, and was thenceforth considered a soldier of the Church.” 3
<<< Typical Italian [female]
Why did Emperor Alexius ask Pope Urban II for assistance?
“Despite this video’s obvious falseness,…”
It is not obvious; what’s false about it?
FactsRule says
It’s missing a lot of material; like,
Emperor Alexius asked Pope Urban II for assistance. On 1095-NOV-27, the Pope called on Europeans to go on a crusade to liberate Jerusalem from its Muslim rulers. “The first and second wave of Crusaders murdered, raped and plundered their way up the Rhine and down the Danube as they headed for Jerusalem.” 1 The “army” was primarily composed of untrained peasants with their families, with a core of trained soldiers. On the way to the Middle East, they decided that only one of their goals was to wrest control of Jerusalem from the Muslims. A secondary task was to rid the world of as many non-Christians as possible – both Muslims and Jews. The Crusaders gave the Jews two choices in their slogan: “Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!” 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed as the first Crusade passed through. Some Jewish writers refer to these events as the “first holocaust.” Once the army reached Jerusalem and broke through the city walls, they slaughtered all the inhabitants that they could find (men, women, children, newborns). After locating about 6,000 Jews holed up in the synagogue, they set the building on fire; the Jews were burned alive. The Crusaders found that about 30,000 Muslims had fled to the al Aqsa Mosque. The Muslim were also slaughtered without mercy.
The Roman Catholic church taught that going to war against the “Infidels” was an act of Christian penance. If a believer was killed during a crusade, he would bypass purgatory, and be taken directly to heaven. By eliminating what might be many millennia of torture in Purgatory, many Christians were strongly motivated to volunteer for the crusades. “After pronouncing a solemn vow, each warrior received a cross from the hands of the pope or his legates, and was thenceforth considered a soldier of the Church.” 3
<<< Typical Italian [female]
"It's missing a lot of material…"
Even if that is true, of which I have my doubts, it doesn't make what's there false. Here are some notes from other sources:
FactsRule says
We couldn’t be more on the same page – I’ve forgotten what’s in this video & what I wrote about it and don’t have time to review it right now.
I doubt that what I was saying was that he isn’t absolutely right about what you listed & why the Crusades began.
I hope that if I reviewed what I posted that it contains something of substance to add to Warner’s material that I thought was missing.
Do you mean the video of Warner’s presentation or the one of the News interview? I didn’t think the latter added to what we already know. In any event, if you review Warner’s, you will see my point better.
Sheila Novitz says
Interesting. Can’t agree that the UK “officially emerged from barbarism in 1650.” Look at their treatment of natives in the countries they colonised: Murder in India; murder in Africa and the little Union of South Africa; murder and torture and hangings in Palestine; the list continues. To me this is barbarism, i.e., when one bunch of people thinks itself superior to the rest of the world, and feels free to use native peoples as slaves, and to beat, torture and murder them. The Brits managed to do all this and maintain a surface politeness designed to fool the world. BUT: Nothing, nothing, nothing was or is as bad as Islam was, and is once again proving itself to be.
FactsRule says
First, we’re both wrong to refer to an entity that didn’t exist until 1707. I should’ve written Great Britain.
2nd, Aren’t you proving my point, while just adding to it? Until around 1650, there was so much war (The Dark Ages from 800, when Rome left Great Britain) there; meaning, death, rape, & pillage back & forth between dozens of players, that GB, then UK, couldn’t manage to build an empire, about which you’ve described horrific elements.
But, we do conclude together that Islam is, objectively, the worst evil ever created. It’s managed to murder approximately 200,000,000 people & cause worldwide strife, destruction, & so much pain.
Myomoto Mushashi says
I also read from the site you posted. Try this as well.
FactsRule says
I meant Islam’s murdered 300 million, but has seriously injured and injured so many billions.
Myomoto Mushashi says
Islam and India – Forgotten Genocide
Muslim historian Firishta [full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, born in 1560 and died in 1620], the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim, was the first to give an idea to the medieval bloodbath that was India during Muslim rule, when he declared that over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million.
True Muslims believe in martyrdom and death. They believe this life is only a test and all that counts is to lay their lives in the path of Allah. To do so they must hate the non-Muslims and kill them in jihad until they are killed. The Quran says, “the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.” [57:20]
We often hear Muslim jihadis say, “we love death as you love life.” This formulation is originated at the Battle of Qadesiyya in the year 636, when the commander of the Muslims, Khalid ibn Al-Walid, sent an emissary with a message from Caliph Abu Bakr to the Persian commander, Khosro stating: “You [Persians] should convert to Islam, and then you will be safe, for if you don’t, you should know that I have come to you with an army of men that love death, as you love life.” Muslims consider the love for death as the proof of faith.
The Quran says: “…then seek for death, if you are sincere.”(Q.2:94) In another place Muhammad challenged the Jews to desire death in order to prove that they are truthful.
Say: “O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to
the exclusion of (other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are
truthful.” (Q.62:6)