While U.S. leaders continue pushing for war against the Syrian government, today “Al-Qaeda-linked rebels,” reports AP, “launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday… In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.”
Arabic news agency Al Hadath gives more information concerning this latest terror attack on Syria’s Christians, specifically how the al-Qaeda linked rebels “terrorized the Christians, threatening to be avenged on them after the triumph of the revolution.”
Thus al-Qaeda terrorists eagerly await U.S. assistance against the Syrian government, so they can subjugate if not slaughter Syria’s Christians, secularists, and non-Muslims — even as the Obama administration tries to justify war on Syria by absurdly evoking the “human rights” of Syrians on the one hand, and lying about al-Qaeda’s presence in Syria on the other.
Update: New information including video of attack can be accessed here
I believe that a very special place has been prepared for minions of Satan like Obama.
May they arrive soon.
You are correct. Our terrorist in Chief is using our military personell and tax dollars to further embelish in more terrorism. He should be impeached, imprisoned, and sentenced to hell for eternity.
He doesn’t need to be impeached because he has illegally been elected president. He is not a citizen, his social security Number belongs to a dead man and the ballots were double dipped. Just throw him in jail.
Actually, Hell is not eternal, but it is a long time. Hell or more exactly, Hades (greek) or Sheol (hebrew) will last until the great white throne judgement, when Hell is resurrected in the second resurrection, followed by immediate opening of books. (see Revelation 20.11-5) to see the works done in the flesh in order to determine the degree of suffering to follow in the lake of fire– made only for the devil and his angels– but unfortunately shared by men. Everyone in Hell will be judged in this way. There is no escape. Some will get more punishment than others and it is eternal. Believe in Jesus Christ today and be saved from this. The Muslims doing these things as well as an agnostic will be paid back by God in this way, according to his works; mainly did he believe in God’s only begotten Son or not.
I don’t think God is cruel. On that second resurrection, I think this is where after being released, satan, the false prophet and the serpent are defeated and cast into the lake of fire and the books are….. This punishment is eternal, but the punishing is over and done with.
I want to hold the rope.
Invasions in Afghanistan, Iraq, attacks on Libya, meddling in Egypt, all this meddling in what does not concern the US has hurt Christians most of all. It has driven those people to more tyranny, not less. And it is a booby trap for boobs running the US, because the current ruling regime (and the last few) are judgments upon a land that has turned its back on God.
.Screw you , you fucking atheist baboon OBAMA
Add to the risks that al Qaeda might well acquire Assad’s stockpile of chemical weapons if his regime should fall as a result of 20-200 cruise missiles striking his command structures.
And whatever WMDs from Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti that may have been shipped to Syria in order to stop the “Allied coalition” from finding them…
Conjecture. Britain is reported to have supplied Syria with chemical weapons after the civil war started there.
You mean the US supported rebels but not the Syrian government and by the way, the Syrian armed forces on the ground is only 12% of its capacity.
No need to hide anything, that to Obama who supplies them with all king of weapons (including chemical weapons). Moderate muslim do NOT exist, it is only a myth.
Sure, and moderate Christians do not exist; they are only a myth.
See? Your nonsense works both ways.
You’re right, moderate Christians do NOT exist! I agree, and as a Christian, I can tell you that ONLY those who believe Christ is the ONLY way to heaven are Christians. There are no other alternatives. Believing otherwise makes one NOT a Christian. So…I’d have to agree with you.
This from a person whose great passion is to pursue Glenn Beck and hound Christians out of existence. The sum total of your life to consider all throughout eternity. Repent and be saved. At least you can’t say noone ever told you what you needed to do to save your soul.
How is being a coward working for you Victor?
This is just another attempt to use America’s military force to advance obama’s muslim brotherhood(which it has been proven that obama is a member of)! obama and his radical muslim cabinet want to spread sharia law throughout the world while eradicating the christian faith! obama and his treasonous to the American citizen minions are the most dangerous reasons to denounce all muslim cult members! Moderate muslims is a myth concocted by those that have deceived and lied to the American citizen for decades! There will be no peace in the world until all of the demonic muslim cult is eradicated from the face of the earth!
derp on. Keep your head in the sand and believe everything you hear in your echo-chamber!!
who has their head in the sand? Just muslim sympathizers like you,go crawl back into that cave!
Al Qaeda, along with the Muslim Brotherhood have been killing Christians for years and will continue to do so regardless of anything else happening in the world. The best thing that can happen is a concerted effort to physically eliminate all the Islamic jihadist terrorists.
Not only Christians. As an example, look at the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh. It is not only Christians under attack from Islamic aggression.
I think Buddhists have had problem with Islamic violence against them as well.
Time’s 2013 news reports of Hindu nationalist mobs in India attacking & burning alive Muslims…
Why do you think Putin is Against any attacks..apart from business some of the oldest orthodox churches are there…Screw you , you fucking atheist baboon OBAMA
If, God forbid, al-Qaeda succeed in seizing power in Syria, the Israelis would be justified in using all means, not excluding nuclear weapons, to exterminate them
Well, of course. The so-called “war on terror”, initiated by the 9/11 false-flag attacks is, first and foremost, a war against the ecclesiastical institution of the world. A “clash of civilizations, pitting Islam vs. Christianity. The creation of a global oligarchy, a police state to protect the pillagers, and the elevation of their religion: Satanism.
These Muslim heretics are just doing what they have been programmed to do; in the places of the CIA rendition, Guantanamo, the black sites in the Maghreb. It is a history as old as the Ismailis, the Knights Templar, and the Crusades, the Sykes/Picot Treaty, Kim “Abdullah” Philby, just updated and codified by people like Josef Mengele, and the CIA (Mossad).
Tails you lose, Heads you lose more – do you now understand why the UK said NO !!!
I can assure you more Muslims will die in Syria afterwards too – look at Baghdad recently, 60 Car bombs a week, usually outside various Mosques on a prayer day too. Pure evil 🙁
2 Million refugees – can we raise that to all the women and children, just leave the Extremist child murders behind in Syria and then blow-up both lots of Terrorists on both sides?
Sadly that would be too easy, so we have to put up with the really bad preachers of Hate, or the other side with really really bad preachers of hate, pretending to be a force for good – it’s not a great advert for Islam, is it when they can’t even make peace amongst themselves?
Tails you lose, Heads you lose more, or rather the innocent civilians do and he Human Race becomes less humane too.
Yours unimpressed,
Where is the Al Hadath link that you cite, sir?
All Muslims must perish, 0 tolerance. They are what evil is. Kill em all.
Obama: most hypocritical regime of any US presidential administration.
ALL Muslims will be damned in hell! If I have the power, I will kill them all brutally and unhumanly, especially those people persecuting Christians. I will squash them just like the bug just they are until they turn to a dying breed.
you have not the right nor power to make that judgement. God alone can damn a soul and doubtful He will upon your command. Pray for your enemies, they may become the most effective of witnesses for the power of God to transform hate into love
He said, “If”.
Well the way I look at it is…Obama needs to step down because he CLEARLY doesn’t know what he’s doing. Wanting to get us off into yet ANOTHER war!! Look…..these people have been killing and slaughtering one another for hundreds of years, we need to step back and let them do what they will CONTINUE to do, whether the US is there or not. I know that may sound harsh, but the United States has plenty of problems of it’s own, not to mention the ADDED problems, the Obama Administration has bestowed upon us. My daughter can’t even get a full time job….nobody wants to pay insurance, so in order for her to survive, she like many others now have to work two jobs, which doesn’t leave much time for family :(. Happy families make for a happier world….well guess what….nobody’s happy!! And his ObamaCare……”Are you or any members of your family enrolled in this program?” Notttt likely……. Rumor has it that Members of Congress are somehow exempt from all this NONSENSE also…imagine that!!
Wow. What hatred I see here. Whom did Jesus have the most anger toward — the “sinners,” or the religious folks? I read these comments and thought that if I were not already a Jesus follower and know what He is about, I wouldn’t want anything to do with these hate-mongers. This is also why I don’t refer to myself as a, “Christian.” What the world is beginning to think of when they hear that word is hate not love. We need to remember that we are just as deserving of an eternity in Hell as is Hitler or anyone else. It is only by the love and grace of God that we don’t have to serve that sentence. Maybe if we showed more love and grace to those around us, more people would want to know that kind of God. But this vitriolic, hate-spewing God that you are representing here only drives people farther from the cross, not toward it.
Yep, love these al quaeda – backed rebels while they,re slaughtering our brothers and sisters in Syria ,Egypt,etc.
Expressing aggravation is hate? Sorry to hear you’re embarrassed to be a “Christian” even though Christians have been persecuted long before the news hit about Syria, but still send assistance to those countries as well as our own country. I know Israel also binds up her enemies even as they’re constantly threatened by our enemies. I don’t think you realize the depth of wickedness these people have for not just Israel or Christians, but to the Hindus and Buddhists as well. Peace to these people mean nothing. The nation of Israel, Hindus, Buddhists, and everyone else has intrinsic value and has every right to defense. Or do you think we all should be forced to become Muslim or be murdered?
what a wanker you are…
Why do you think Putin is Against any attacks..apart from business some of the oldest orthodox churches are there…Screw you , you fucking atheist baboon OBAMA
Thank you! Your comment has more knowledgable worth than every article on this site & its comments combined. 🙂
They are mad the way some Christians go against the words of God…Defiling the words of God the lack of honor and having devotion to God. I am mad how they do it also, holding a Bible in one hand marrying a same sex couple while smiling saying it’s of God and love…We all praise God the same God true Muslims are not evil it’s the rebels. There is no need for murder, that is not of God, but we are to rise up and take up our swords and defend ourselves.
All the syrian orthodox christians salughtered by this islamic filth….Also other extremely old Syrian christian churches and their followers being decimated
Why do you think Putin is Against any attacks..apart from business some of the oldest orthodox churches are there…Screw you , you fucking atheist baboon OBAMA
I used to say “we can defeat pislam through determination and …”. Not any more What we must understand and accept(2 different things), is that the wars of today are not about political or ideological victory. WWII was the first war that ‘Extermination/Enslavement’ were the objectives. Plain and simple. We were stupefied and horrified to learn this. This was the first time that these were the solutions. We developed a hatred for the Nazi and Jap ideologies. We defeated them and thought it was all over. We missed a few in the Balkans and a few other places. These viruses continued to live and infect the preceding generations. Well, the wound has festered and the Nazi infection has reemerged this time, in the guise of pislam. They still have the same objectives as before. Extermination and enslavement. Simple. So our only defense is the total extermination of their perverted ideology. It’s us or them! There is no other way. We must be just as ruthless, cold and hard-hearted to them as they are. If we are to survive, we must assume many of their tactics and the mentality that goes with it. We have to get comfortable with “Open season on muzzy’s”. Any and all. Men, women, children and any other muzzy lifeform. Give back to them, what they give to us! “We will not go gentle into that good night”.(Thomas I think)
2 Cor 11:14-15
There will come a day when all of this madness will end and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.These barbarians dont stand a chance. They are weak come pick on real soldiers of Christ u cowards.
i’m already tired of these idiotic terrorists using their guns on our bros and sises, im ready to get a gun if need to defend christians and israel from teh oncoming persecution and threats from alquada and any other terrorist group., i personally declare war on them and i hope they fear this coming to them! who is with me??