According to an Arabic report published today on Aleteia.org, back on January 8, 2014, yet another Christian man was beheaded and his body stabbed with a crucifix, by U.S.-sponsored “freedom-fighters.”
Two young Christian men, Fadi and Firas, were traveling by car, from Homs to the Christian village of Marmarita, when they were stopped and assaulted by five armed jihadis, who opened fire on the car.
According to the report, “And when the mujahidin [jihadis] approached the car, they noticed that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, so they decided to decapitate him and plant the cross in his chest.”
They also beat his companion, Firas, leaving him for dead on the ground, and proceeded to plunder their car, stealing money and documents.
However, he recovered — waking only to see his friend’s decapitated and stabbed body — and, wounded and on foot, reached the village of al-Mushtaya, where he was transferred to a hospital.
Update: Agenzia Fides confirms this report: “Islamist groups have killed and beheaded a young Christian man, seriously wounding another… A group of five armed jihadists intercepted the vehicle and opened fire on the car. Upon reaching the car, militiamen, noting that Fadi was wearing a cross around his neck, beheaded him.”
Fides, however, does not mention the cross stabbing recorded in the Arabic report. Did Fides deem it too graphic, inciting, hate-promoting, or whatever, opting to omit? At any rate, both English and Arabic language reports make clear that it was the sight of the crucifix that prompted the jihadis to murder Fadi. That alone is indicative of extreme vehemence for the Christian cross and those who wear it.
Liar. This was done by ISIS, who is sponsored by the Assad regime. The heroes of the Free Syrian Army are fighting ISIS right now, while Assad gives them air cover.
That is not true, Dr. Al Assad is very deep friends with the Christians. Damascus was the meeting place for the Orthodox leaders in Eastern countries. You don’t know what you are talking about. Dr. Al Assad knows that the Christians bring democracy and are the best business people for Syria not these people that are not even Syrians. Get your facts straight Marcus Henry Weber (some sort of Sock puppet name) and over 1.6 years ago Assad and the Syrian Military helped to escort Armenian Christians to Armenia and Nargno – Karabagh .
Unlike you, I post under my full, real name. And Assad is slaughtering Christians every day, just like all the other sects in Syria.
You are a LIAR. Show us where is Assad slaughtering Christians every day. The truth is the total opposite: Without Assad the Christians would be completely extinguished, that is why the NATO leaders, slaves of the devil, are raging to remove him from the Presidency of Syria.
Why do you repeat Assad’s propaganda as if it’s a real opinion you formed yourself? Assad himself says “Christians would be extinct if it were not for me!” He’s lying. It’s just a lie. When the rebels entered Ma’aloula, a majority-Christian town, even Jabhat al-Nusra, some of the most extreme jihadis, gave detailed orders to protect Christians and their churches, while the Assad regime lobbed artillery shells at them to say the rebels were attacking them. This was confirmed by one of the Christian church elders and the nuns that the rebels treated them with the utmost respect. You can find all this info. yourself with very little effort.
By the way, your statement doesn’t even make logical sense; NATO hates Christians, so they want to get rid of Assad? What are you talking about? You don’t make any sense at all; Assad is the biggest danger to Christians. The worst terrorist in Assad, followed by “ISIS”, which is sponsored by Assad, and is NOT a “rebel” group. Did you know Assad had an alliance with al Qaeda since the Iraq War? And by al Qaeda, I mean ISIS. He helped them attack Americans in Iraq, and their relationship has never ended.
You want evidence of Assad’s crimes? Look at the images I’ve already posted here. Look at the new revelation of 11,000 photos of murdered detainees of Assad’s torture-gulag. Assad protects Christians? What kind of sectarian lie is this? Assad protects ONLY himself and his regime’s power. Assad is a Fascist dictator– Anyone who counts on his protection is a blind fool.
**The Syrian regime reportedly used “tank and rocket fire” to target the buildings of Maaloula.
A spokesman for a key rebel battalion involved in the takeover said on Wednesday that the decision to withdraw applies to all opposition fighters, including the jihadist al-Nusra Front.
“Some Al-Nusra fighters were involved in the battle, but for the most part they were Syrians, not foreign (jihadists). The decision to withdraw applies to all fighters, and doesn’t exclude al-Nusra,” spokesman Ibrahim al-Idelbi of Ahfad al-Rasul told AFP.
Idelbi accused the Syrian army of bombing the town after opposition fighters entered it in order to try to discredit the rebels.
“The regime wants to portray us as extremists, but we would not target any sacred places,” Idelbi said.
“We have withdrawn from Maaloula because we want to show that our goal is not to destroy but to liberate,” Idelbi said. “We will stay on the edges of Maaloula, but residents who have left the town can, of course, return safely.”** http://www.yalibnan.com/2013/09/11/no-evidence-of-damages-to-christian-sites-in-maaloula/
Think about your statements: The rebels want to slaughter Christians? Why would they? Why would soldiers defect to attack civilians? The truth is this: the soldiers defected because they REFUSED to fire on civilian protesters. They’re fighting to overthrow the Assad regime, NOT to kill minorities. This is just a lie from a regime desperate to keep power, who will lie and murder as much as they need to in order to keep their ownership of all of Syria. So, don’t spread propaganda. Don’t repeat the lies of a Fascist dictatorship, especially such nonsense portraying all the rebels as extremists, because they are not.
Are these the terrorists Assad is fighting? https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/q71/s720x720/64164_708763689168866_3735570_n.jpg
I’m Armenian and know that Marcus is ignorant of the facts in Syria. Christians in Syria are and have been protected by the Assad government. Christians are so angry about the jihadis raping and killing Christians that they are arming and fighting with the Syrian Army. Go push your disinformation somewhere else.
Arius, why are you lying? Numerous Syrian-Christian activists have talked about how Assad targets churches like in Ma’aloula. Aymen Abdel Nour, a former “friend” of Assad will tell you all about how Assad is using Christians as human shields, torturing them in his prisons, etc… Bombing them to death in their homes….. Shooting them at protests….. Do you think we forget this atrocities? Don’t lie to us.
Here’s a picture of Assad’s “protection”! http://oddstuffmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/119.jpg
LIAR, LIAR, LIAR…this is a picture of satanic Jews at work.
They have done exactly the same thing in Russia with their evil Bolshevik revolution, in Germany with their first World War and the second World War. The Jews and only the Jews are the enemies of God and the slayers of humanity.
Do you even believe your own stupid lies? What idiocy. “It’s all the Jews!” Are you racist, stupid, or both?
The problem is that in Islam, muslims are not the friends of Christians, jews or non-muslims, so Assad cannot be trusted.
Marcus, go back to reviewing movies, You know nothing that the liberal press hasn’t put into your head!!
Edwin, I get my information directly from friends inside Syria, not from pro-Assad propaganda sources like this nonsense ^.
LIAR..Serpent Jew
You can never have friends inside Syria
I can’t? Well, my friends would disagree, you racist fool.
I would say that Assad and Iran are of the same regime,shia. The FSA sunni are a bunch of criminal psychopaths and are no better that the shia.
The “FSA sunni”? What a silly sectarian view you have. And where do you get this impression of the FSA? You can see in all kinds of media that the great majority of rebels are simply fighting the regime, not targeting civilians of any sect. Even Jabhat al-Nusra has strict orders to protect Christians, their churches, and their property. So why do you spread this nonsense about the “FSA sunni” (even though the FSA is secular and nationalist)? Seems like you are promoting a careful line of propaganda making both sides seem equal. Let me shoot that down right now: Assad started this war, which was not sectarian or violent for MONTHS of Assad’s campaign of repression and murder. Assad reacted to a pro-democracy movement with military arms. And you say he’s the better choice? The man who started a war on civilians, who has a system of torture-prisons? The regime that tortures children to death, like Hamza al-Khatib? What kind of evil nonsense are you speaking?
The ‘heroes’ !!!! of the Free Syrian Army …First, there is nothing Syrian in it. Second, who the hell are you really to call these barbaric cannibals ‘heroes’ ???
Those who defend the innocent from oppression and murder are heroes, do you agree?
I ask you again:
Who the hell are you?
And on whose behalf are you talking?
Because you are neither Syrian nor are you talking on behalf of Syrians. So, Begone Satan!
You demand my identity, when I post under my full name, and you post under a false name? What a fool you appear to be. Are you Syrian? Does it matter? Are you a racist or an Orientalist, tell me “let the brown people fight among themselves”? How silly. By the way: A person who resorts to PERSONAL attacks is a person who knows their case is weak. Also, I get my information from my own contacts inside Syria. I speak on their behalf with their assent and, indeed, their encouragement.
Idiot or Liar !
ISIS is not by “U.S. sponsored freedom-fighters”
The ISIS works with Assad together, and that is just a puppet of Putin.
The last few weeks have clearly shown, Assad just want his Alawitenstate on the coast and in Damascus and he leaves the ISIS northern Syria. Wherever the opposition ISIS attack, helped Assad ISIS!
The city of Al Bab was occupied by the ISIS since Assad bombed. When the city was liberated ten days before the opposition, immediately fell back the bombs.
After a heavy bombing attack with 50 dead and over hundred injured, as had all to do with the mountains of the victims, attacked the ISIS rats. Currently, the city is under their control and Assad can where to bombard different.
The ISIS has a year hardly fought against Assad and vice versa. She has let go up three times more car bombs against the opposition in the last 14 days, as previously in a year against Assad.
The ISIS is infiltrated by Assad’s intelligence service. He is also responsible for ensuring that it came to massive crimes against civilians. These images take the Assad propagandists, like the author of this article to agitate against the opposition and to lie!
I agree, Friedrich; Assad is behind all this murder and violence. He supports ISIS, and ISIS supports him.
Once again, this is merely the shia against the sunni. Christians however are targeted by both sides. Both have common denominators. Presently the fight is for the leadership of the united ummah that is invisaged to take the world for Islam.
Lea, you are not correct, and I question your base of knowledge. Almost all of the Syrian rebel groups, including all of the “Free Syrian Army” brigades and all the Islamic Front’s brigades (about %80 of the rebels, or more), are at least tacitly nationalist; the Islamists want an Islamic Khalifa, but not a pan-Islamic state. They want a Syrian nation, under Shari’a law. The only group which wants a worldwide pan-Islamic state are the “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham”, who are not fighting the Assad regime and publicly identify their enemies as the FSA, the Islamic Front, Israel and America; NOT the Assad regime. And there is plenty of circumstantial evidence showing that the Assad regime does not attack ISIS bases and, during the recent clashes between the rebels and ISIS, the Assad regime has acted as air-support and covered ISIS retreats. So, we have the truth: Assad helps the worst “terrorists”, Sunni and Shi’a, and the rebels fight to defend Syrians.
Marcus, Iran and Isis are on the side of the Alawites obviously. The FSA are Sunni Muslim Brotherhood psychopathic perverts demonically possessed individuals who are doing this to the Syrian population:
and this:
and traumatising small children with their evil pagan death cult:
Yes, they want a caliphate (a pope) and they want to implement strict sharia, which according to what the MB did in the year 2013 includes this:
Lea, the statements you make are so insane that I wonder if you really believe them. There are thousands of Syrians in the FSA who took up arms to defend their families and homes from the regime. The first FSA brigades were soldiers who refused to shoot civilians. So you are peddling nonsense. There are criminals who call themselves rebels, but it does not change the reality that Assad is behind a killing-machine of torture and murder; this is the cause of the catastrophe, not “evil pagan death cults” or such stupidity.
And another damned Jew who will burn in Hell for his damned LIES.
‘friedrich zehetner’, the truth is that YOU are an Idiot and a Liar. Why?
Because you are a damned Jew, who’s raging furious that your evil murderous plans to get rid of the Holy Land of Syria are failing …and will forever fail.
So SHUT UP your venomous viper orifice and go to hell where your master Satan is waiting for you.
Hello Friedrich Zehetner, Your comments begin with a question about yourself, are you an idiot or a liar.
It is fairly obvious you are an idiot.
The problem is…. If ur mind is already filled with Bias against a certain country or person you will never be able see the TRUTH behind all the bs lies
So, Assad’s friends ISIS commit crimes and he blames the US? More lies from the Assad regime to justify its horrific attacks on civilians. Anyone who supports Assad is disgusting and monstrous. You people are the scum of the Earth, willingly helping a Fascist dictatorship slaughter the Syrian people. Shame on you. Tell the truth: Assad sponsors ISIS and the other terrorists in Syria like Hezbollah and Iraqi extremists.
The truth is that both the sunni and shia groups are murdering Christians and civilians, even muslims. None of these fighting groups are for the good of humanity but only for the destruction, degradation and deception in order to establish a stricter form of Islam and oust the secular completely. This is also a gathering of the psychopath muslims into Syria, on Israel’s border, and closer to Europe. These groups are ultimately united in Islam, they both have the same goal, to establish a global Islamic caliphate. Assad does seem to be the best option of the two since he was governing a relatively peaceful Syria. Whereas the FSA is the Saudi Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring movement bringing criminals from all over the world from Libya, Pakistan etc etc etc. They are doing the most damage to humanity, committing a genocide.
Only “ISIS” wants a worldwide pan-Islamic Khalifa; the program of the FSA, the Syrian National Council, etc, the Islamic Front, all want a Syrian state; the Islamists want a state under Shari’a. The FSA wants a secular civil state. How is Assad the best option, when he started this war of oppression? There was peace in Syria? NO, there was torture and repression and a terror-state. Anyone who spoke against Assad died under torture. Anyone who protested was targeted for brutalization and humiliation. And after the revolution started? Pacifist activists were targeted for torture and murder; like Ghaiath Matar, who was famous for offering flowers to Assad soldiers coming into Daraya; He was taken and mutilated by Assad “Military Intelligence”, and they called his family after to mock them and taunt them. How many torture-prisons does Assad still run? How many children dead under torture? How many cities bombed to rubble on Assad’s orders? And you say he’s the best choice for Syria? Are you evil, or stupid, or delusional?
Assad is the only one committing a genocide. You say the protesters, the activists, the civil-society advocates, the doctors and aid-workers… these people, the revolutionaries, are guilty of a genocide? What kind of nonsense are you speaking, Lea? What kind of twisted, contrary propaganda are you engaging in? This is repulsive and incoherent. You’re either lying, delusional, or ignorant beyond belief.
This is how your friend Assad “defends Syria”. JUSTICE FOR HOMS! JUSTICE FOR DARAA AND DARAYA! JUSTICE FOR HAMZA AL-KHATIB! http://oddstuffmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/119.jpg
These are deeds of the Synagogue of Satan, who entered Syria under false faces and false names and false identities…the cursed Jews.
No, they are the deeds of the Fascist oppressors of the Assad regime, Liar.
You’re a fool.
I have a question from Marcus, Friedrich and Lea, are you guys living in Syria and witnessing the war that you can comment with such confidence?
I heard about this report, my husband knew the man. For those who now find it convenient to associate ISIS with ASSAD all I can say is stop with your lies. The ISIS/FSA fighters in this region came from Harriri’s Lebanon and had occupied the Krak De Chevaillers castle and were constantly attacking the Christian population of this region. We are from this region. The Syrian ARAB Army (Yes, Assad’s army) has since liberated this area and the majority of these criminals have fled. The people who are associating ISIS with Assad are delusional. ISIS and the PR front – he FSA – are on the same side. However since the atrocities of the FSA became clear, the usa has tried to separate ISIS from the FSA….they are on the same side, they attack the Syrian Arab army with no regard for Civillian life.