The Muslim penchant to target “white” women for sexual exploitation—an epidemic currently plaguing Europe, especially Britain and Scandinavia—is as old as Islam itself, and even traces back to Muhammad.
Much literary evidence attests to this in the context of Islam’s early predations on Byzantium (for centuries, Christendom’s easternmost bulwark against the jihad). According to Ahmad M. H. Shboul (author of “Byzantium and the Arabs: The Image of the Byzantines as Mirrored in Arabic Literature”) Christian Byzantium was the “classic example of the house of war,” or Dar al-Harb—that is, the quintessential realm that needs to be conquered by jihad. Moreover, Byzantium was seen “as a symbol of military and political power and as a society of great abundance.”
The similarities between pre-modern Islamic views of Byzantium and modern Islamic views of the West—powerful, affluent, desirable, and the greatest of all infidels—should be evident. But they do not end here. To the medieval Muslim mind, Byzantium was further representative of “white people”—fair haired/eyed Christians, or, as they were known in Arabic, Banu al-Asfar, “children of yellow” (reference to blonde hair).
Continues Shboul:
The Byzantines as a people were considered as fine examples of physical beauty, and youthful slaves and slave-girls of Byzantine origin were highly valued…. The Arab’s appreciation of the Byzantine female has a long history indeed. For the Islamic period, the earliest literary evidence we have is a hadith (saying of the Prophet). Muhammad is said to have addressed a newly converted [to Islam] Arab: “Would you like the girls of Banu al-Asfar?” Not only were Byzantine slave girls sought after for caliphal and other palaces (where some became mothers of future caliphs), but they also became the epitome of physical beauty, home economy, and refined accomplishments. The typical Byzantine maiden who captures the imagination of litterateurs and poets, had blond hair, blue or green eyes, a pure and healthy visage, lovely breasts, a delicate waist, and a body that is like camphor or a flood of dazzling light.[1]
While the essence of the above excerpt is true, the reader should not be duped by its overly “romantic” tone. Written for a Western academic publication by an academic of Muslim background, the essay is naturally euphemistic to the point of implying that being a sex slave was desirable—as if her Arab owners were enamored devotees who merely doted over and admired her beauty from afar.[2]
Indeed, Muhammad asked a new convert “Would you like the girls of Banu al-Asfar?” as a way to entice him to join the jihad and reap its rewards—which, in this case, included the possibility of enslaving and raping blonde Byzantine women—not as some idealistic discussion on beauty.
This enticement seems to have backfired with another Muslim who refused Muhammad’s call to invade Byzantine territory (the Tabuk campaign). “O Abu Wahb,” cajoled Muhammad, “would you not like to have scores of Byzantine women and men as concubines and servants?” Wahb responded: “O Messenger of Allah, my people know that I am very fond of women and, if I see the women of the Byzantines, I fear I will not be able to hold back. So do not tempt me by them, and allow me not to join and, instead, I will assist you with my wealth.”[3] The prophet agreed but was apparently unimpressed—after all, Wahb could have all the Byzantine women he desired if the jihad succeeded—and a new Sura for the Koran (9:49) was promptly delivered condemning the man to hell for his reported hypocrisy and failure to join the jihad.
Thus a more critical reading of Shboul’s aforementioned excerpt finds that European slave girls were not “highly valued” or “appreciated” as if they were precious statues—they were held out as sexual trophies to entice Muslims to the jihad.
Moreover, the idea that some sex slaves became mothers to future caliphs is meaningless since in Islam’s patriarchal culture, mothers—Muslim or non-Muslim—were irrelevant in lineage and had no political status. And talk of “litterateurs and poets” and “a body that is like camphor or a flood of dazzling light” is further anachronistic and does a great disservice to reality: These women were—as they still are—sex slaves, treated no differently than the many slaves of the Islamic State today.
For example, during a recent sex slave auction held by the Islamic State, blue and green eyed Yazidi girls were much coveted and fetched the highest price. Even so, these concubines are being cruelly tortured. In one instance, a Muslim savagely beat his Yazidi slave’s one year old child until she agreed to meet all his sexual demands.
Another relevant parallel between medieval and modern Islamic views exists: white women were and continue to be seen as sexually promiscuous by nature—essentially “provoking” Muslim men into lusting after them.
Much of this is discussed in Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs by Nadia Maria El Cheikh. She writes:
Fitna, [an Islamic term] meaning disorder and chaos, refers also to the beautiful femme fatale who makes men lose their self-control. Fitna is a key concept in defining the dangers that women, more particularly their bodies, were capable of provoking in the mental universe of the Arab Muslims.
After explaining how the fair haired/eyed Byzantine woman exemplified Islam’s femme fatale of fitna, Cheikh writes:
In our [Muslim] texts, Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality…
Our sources show not Byzantine women but [Muslim] writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female—constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity….
Cheikh documents how Muslims claimed that Byzantine (or “white Christian”) females were the “most shameless women in the whole world”; that, “because they find sex more enjoyable, they are prone to adultery”; that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium”—so much so that “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.”
Concludes Cheikh:
While the one quality that our [Muslim] sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful. Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative….
Such anecdotes [of sexual promiscuity] are clearly far from Byzantine reality and must be recognized for what they are: attempts to denigrate and defame a rival culture through their exaggeration of the laxity with which Byzantine culture dealt with its women….
In fact, in Byzantium, women were expected to be retiring, shy, modest, and devoted to their families and religious observances…. [T]he behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.”[4]
Based on all the above, some historic facts emerge: Byzantium was long viewed by early Muslims as the most powerful, advanced, and wealthy “infidel” empire, one highly desired—not unlike modern Islamic views of the West today. And Byzantine women, or “white women,” were long viewed as the “femme fatale” of Islam—from a carnal perspective, the most desired, from a pious perspective, the most despised of women.
Turning to today, we find all these same patterns at work—including the idea that “white women” are naturally promiscuous and provoke pious Muslim men into raping them. Thus last December in the UK, while a Muslim man raped a British woman, he told her that “you white women are good at it”—thereby echoing that ancient Islamic motif concerning the alleged promiscuity of white women.

The UK is also home to one of the most notorious Muslim-led sex ring scandals: in Rotherham and elsewhere, thousands of young native British girls have been systematically groomed, trafficked, beaten and sexually abused by Muslims—even as the “multiculturalist” authorities and police stood by and watched. (For more on the UK scandal and Islamic law on sex slavery click here).
In fact, all throughout Europe—particularly in the Nordic nations—thousands of “Byzantine-type” women have been violently raped and egregiously beaten by Muslims. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden—where fair hair and eyes predominate—rape has astronomically risen since those nations embraced the doctrine of multiculturalism and opened their doors to tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants.
According to Gatestone Institute, “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%.” The overwhelming majority of rapists are Muslim immigrants. The epidemic is so bad that some blonde haired Scandinavian women are dying their hair black in the hopes of warding off potential Muslim predators.
Nor is this phenomenon a product of chance; some modern day Muslims actually advocate for it. Back in 2011, a female politician and activist trying to combat sexual immorality in Kuwait suggested that Muslims import white sex slaves. After explaining how she once asked Islamic clerics living in the city of Mecca concerning the legality of sex slavery and how they all confirmed it to be perfectly legitimate, she explained:
A Muslim state must [first] attack a Christian state—sorry, I mean any non-Muslim state—and they [the women, the future sex slaves] must be captives of the raid. Is this forbidden? Not at all; according to Islam, sex slaves are not at all forbidden. [See here, here, and here for more on Islamic law and sex slavery.]
As for what sort of “infidel” women are ideal, the Kuwaiti activist suggested Russian women (most of whom are fair haired and eyed; ironically, Russia is often seen as Byzantium’s successor):
In the Chechnya war, surely there are female Russian captives. So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait; better that than have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations. I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all.
In short, the ongoing epidemic in the UK, Scandinavia and elsewhere—whereby Muslim men sexually target white women—is as old as Islam, has precedents with the prophet and his companions, and, till this day, is being recommended as a legitimate practice by some in the Muslim world.
[1] Shboul’s essay is found in Arab-Byzantine Relations in Early Islamic Times (ed. Michael Bonner, Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004), 240, 248.
[2] This apologetic approach is also found in modern academic works discussing the janissaries—European Christian boys who were seized by the Ottoman Empire, converted to and indoctrinated in Islam, trained to be jihadis extraordinaire, and then unleashed on their former Christian families. Although young, terrified boys were seized from the clutches of their devastated parents, modern academics claim that Christian families actually hoped their boys would be taken and trained as janissaries, as this would ensure that they have a “bright future” in the Ottoman hierarchy.
[3] Arabic tafsir here: A shorter version of the narrative also appears in Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad (trans. A. Guillaume, NY: Oxford University Press, 1997), 602-603.
[4] Nadia Maria el Cheikh, Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), 123-129
Let’s continue to have, and even increase, more multi-culti feel-good immigration into all democratic countries. What could possibly go wrong?
I take it Sir you are joking!
Western Women better wake up or they will ALL become sex slaves to Muslims! At least those who are desirable. What they do with the less desirable is even worse!
Why do the ELITES import Muslims by the millions when they are totally incompatible with Western Civilization? Nothin is caused by accident or by THEM “Actin stupidly”! It is by PLAN. Of course to ask this question will git you banned from Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugged. LOL!
Hahaha!!! If you want to make Western Women REALLY freak out, suggest the opposite scenario. Muslim Arab women put in the feminarium of the Holy Roman Emperor in Aachen, being sexually used to make Dukes, Counts, and other powerful men. The next Holy Roman Emperor having a Muslim Arab mother will spread her genes far and wide…
And that is exactly why I wonder why Raymond Ibrahim plays the race-card. Muslim men can convert non-Muslim women and make little Muslims, but it is White Nationalists who make it impossible for non-Muslim men to convert Muslim women and make little non-Muslims, as White Nationalists see these children as brown monkeys.
The more National-Socialists e.a. rant that Europe should stay White, the harder it will be to use the services of Christian Arabs like Raymond Ibrahim, and more Whites will be forced to learn Arabic themselves in order to MEMRI the Muslims.
You don’t really make any sense. Islam and I am assuming you are not muslim. Islam is not a religion it is a mysogonistic cult, written for men by a raving lunatic called Mohammed. Mr. Ibrahim is not playing the race card he is simply putting the facts to us.
Muslim women cannot marry infidel men,not without incurring the risk of falling foul of the sharia.Why are you talking about “white” ; Muslims belong to many races ,white,black and brown.Most Muslim women will not marry non Muslims,they wouldn’t be allowed to if they wanted to.I really don’t know where you get this ” little brown monkeys ” nonsense from. I don’t think many ,if any,Westerners care if a Muslim woman married a non Muslim man. But it doesn’t happen unless the girl is a non practising Muslim.
Read the context. I wasn’t talking about marriage, I was talking about abduction, tit-for-tat.
Of course Muslims aren’t a race, but Stormfront thinks otherwise, and they WILL object.
“it is White Nationalists who make it impossible for non-Muslim men to convert Muslim women” yea and there’s nothing wrong about that, it prevents genetic degeneration, who wants to be muslim anyway, wait, i know that one: a fool.
The elites allow the resettlement of ME Moslems, but I just recently read that the UN is doing the resettling – choosing numbers and target locations. Nest of vipers that UN
Da UN is just a front for da Globalist. THEY own everyone and worship Satan!
Git da US out of da UN and da UN out of da US!
The USA still has the second amendment – all hell is going to break lose in America very soon.
Let’s ALL pray Trump wins and is REAL and does NOT git JFKed! If da HiIdeBeast wins Millions will be going straight to the FEMA Camp Showers!
The pipeline is as follows: The U.N. High Commission on Refugees and its bureaucracy originate the so-called “refugees,” many of whom are young, unattached Muslim men of military age. This takes place because of the degree of control the Sunni Muslim Arab states now exercise over certain parts of the United Nations. From the U.N., the “immigrants” are funneled to the U.S. Dept. of State, or equivalent organizations in other countries. Since State is an ideological ally, there is minimal pushback. From there, the new-comers are shunted to various non-profit organizations and churches, which places them in new communities in cooperation with the U.N. and Dept. of State. The churches and non-profits receive a remittance (i.e., payoff or bribe) from the government for each “refugee” they resettle. Mainstream Catholic and Protestant organizations alike are on the take, from the World Council of Churches to Catholic Charities. This is all done under the umbrella of humanitarianism, but that’s just convenient camouflage to disguise what amounts to a giant machine for colonizing the west (non-Muslim world) with Muslims. The sheiks and the other uber-wealthy movers-and-shakers in the Middle East – especially the Sunni Arab states – are funding it. The other source of funds for this racket? Why, none other than the taxes of the very people whose nations, communities and very civilizations are being taken from them!
The resettlement pipeline – from its origins to a town or city near you – is the reason why Muslims from places like Somalia are showing up in obscure, out-of-the-way places that don’t even have a mosque or a single Muslim. Just think of those believers as the first wave of Islamic colonists or conquerors – and you won’t be far-wrong. They aren’t here to assimilate to us; they are here to make us assimilate to them!
They’re capitalists, the ruling class. They like muslims because they create the conditions for a police state. If we want peace and freedom we must not only wipe out muslims but wipe out the middle class and replace capitalism which has found a use for muslim violence.
In Europe, immigrants are political tools of the Left. The rapid influx of vast numbers of unassimilated, uneducated, poor, and often illegal newcomers may violate every rule of successful immigration policy. Yet the onrush does serve the purposes of the statist, who demagogues for an instantaneous equality of result. Bloc voters, constituents of bigger government, needy recipients of state largesse, and perennial whiners about inequality are all fodder for European multicultural leftists, who always seek arguments for more of themselves.
So unassimilated poor immigrants from the former Third World become easy proof that inequality and unfairness are still here and must be addressed with someone else’s money — as if France has failed because it did not make an immigrant born in Algeria a good French socialist restaurant owner in 20 years.
Read more at:
I believe it is worse than that. These ELITES know what they are doing. I believe they are planning on using Islam as the forced religion of Satan’s Beast’s 42 month rule of the NWO.
. for US Representative, Western Kentucky
No BANKSTER, PoliTick or Judge too Big to JAIL or Impeach
No MEN in the girls room.
“Immigrants” (Muslims) with violent tendencies and a well-earned reputation for cruelty serve globalist ends well. Why? The western economic elites need a constant supply of pretexts, excuses and reasons to call for ever-greater government control over the societies of the west, including the rapid expansion of police powers. The populations in these places, out of concern for their own safety, are less-inclined to resist granting these privileges to government than they would otherwise be. Fear is the driver of the whole thing, you see.
As long as the population can be kept in a state of near-panic by Islamic terrorist attacks, the expansion and increased centralization of the state – especially the EU – can continue apace. When things get bad-enough, when enough violence has been inflicted, at that moment the European Union can step in and claim to be the good guy coming to the rescue, if only the people of Europe would simply consent to an EU-wide paramilitary police force.
They import them because they want white people to breed with them. Their master plan for Europe is to wipe out white people and racial diversity by creating a single, monolithic brown race- the Eurasian-Negroid race, of which everyone will look exactly the same. They feel this is the future for mankind and they want Europe to be continent to spearhead the world into that new epoch. Europe must be the melting pot, the great social and genetic experiment. Honestly these leaders and people like Frans Timmermans deserve to be banished.
I believe it is more to destabilize Western Civilization, which is the only civilization in the history of mankind who believed in ALL humans havin worth, so THEY can take over and eradicate the majority for Satan and cull us down to 500 Million like THEY want!
About the subject of Muslims preferring to rape/own/enslave white women, whether their captives of ISIS or in Europe and Britain, especially blondes (remember Lara Logan’s experience in Cairo?): The ostensible motive for it is to destroy the good for being the good. To despoil beauty. The second aspect of these crimes hasn’t been dwelt on much, which is the fact that these Muslim men consider themselves as unclean and unworthy as a fundamental tenet of Islamic metaphysics, and regard the act of rape as a means to consciously befoul beauty with their own persons. This is another reason why Islam is evil.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Mr. Ibrahim: Whose painting is it that illustrates this article? I’m sure it was by an Orientalist. I’m planning an article on this subject for Rule of Reason, and wish to illustrate it with a similar painting, but there are literally dozens of Orientalist painters from the 19th century and I haven’t been able to locate the artist whose style matches your illustration. Please reply to my email address.
A brilliant essay and surely confirms what those of us who know their history already knew. Tis a pity the younger generation of rather stupid European and Scandinavian politicians do not know their history as well as I do and many others of my generation.
They know, they just sold their citizens out to the new slave masters.
Why are they enabled to ‘prefer’ blondes is the point.
Evolutionary Psychology Explains Why, Who, What. New York Times – SIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape Claiming the Quran’s support: Claims which can be clearly shown as based upon constructs within the Quran which all Muslims determined as their sacred ethical source.
Despite the fact I came across this article a little bit too late and this discussion is probably closed,nonetheless I’d like to express my gratitude towards the author of this article for delivering this information to the public! Thank you very much,Sir!
After reading this article one small piece of puzzle was added to the big picture and I’ve gotten a bit closer to the answer to my (and not just mine) biggest question I have had throughout my life – what kind of planet we are living on,what is the grand plan and purpose of this I’d say horrible in times experiment we are part of?
If I keep close with the topic discussed here I have to declare honestly that my perception of the muslim world particularly was pretty much naive and even childish…
After recent events what are happening mostly in the part of the world called Europe I started to get deeper in the subject and have put more effort in my research by trying to figure out where the truth is and weather it is just a part of dirty propaganda or all it is for real! Yes- and then I came across this article…
But some not so long time ago I discovered not less important information related to the subject published on Zengarden site and this article brings a lot of light on the thing called The Genocide of The Peoples Of Europe. But I think it applies not only to Europe,but to the any country in the world.
It appears that current situation in Europe was preplanned long ago by poppet governments or secret governments,if you wish! And here is the link:
I think it is just a very beginning of the Big Disclosure and far more truth will be put on light. The truth always is ugly,but without accepting it we can’t know the truth about ourselves!….
First of all in the era of Mohamed (Peace be upon him) refusing to join the jihad was not a muslim thing no matter slaves money or any profit the 1 could get if they won . second no muslim man can have a sexual relationship with a women (In the era of Mohamed Peace be upon him) slave , arab, non arab , without marring her or this will be considered as a fornicate and its Punish in the Islam holy book is to be lashed 100 times both of them unless the female was raped then the man takes all the fun (this law still exist in Saudi arabia) . .. now i dont know about muslims in Mohamed (Peace be upon him) era but the history proves that Constantinople East Roman empire capital by was conquered by 21 years old leader (Ottoman Empire) they won because their need of OMG blonde whores i dont fucking think so now the rape thing in our era u can just punish them i think but please dont insult our prophet we hate it you know i used to be a satanic and i could really insult your 3 in 1 gods but not anymore Moses Jesus Mohamed (May Peace be upon them) and may Jesus Come back and prove you all wrong ( i believe he is not dead) not for your sins (Sex,Alcahol,homosexual) at least 😀
Unfortunately, judging from all the interracial pornography out there, many white women want to be the sex slaves of dark men. It is these women who keep voting pro-immigration. Angela Merkel probably spends her nights watching interracial cuckold porn. Anyway, all hope is lost. White people are screwed. The only thing that can save us is a ideological revolution, a new world-view wherin segregation and racism is encouraged instead of frowned upon. Only racialist ideology and laws that keep dark immigrants out and forbid interracial relationships will save Europe, but that will NEVER happen. Never.
For sure some bad things have happened but they are not the rapemachines they are made out to be.
I have volunteered at Calais and I presently volunteer at a refugee centre and eventho me as a good looking western woman dressing ‘sexy’ ‘provoking’ ‘slutty’ even at sometimes, I have never been raped so I have to say stop this bs.
Western women vote primarily liberal – with their non logical feelings. Ultimately they will get the leadership they deserve. They voted for these insane leaders and now they will live with the consequences. The same is going to happen in the USA very soon – it’s already started. There is one major difference in America vrs Europe – it’s men refuse to give up their GUNS – all hell is about to break lose in the USA.
It’s a great world we live in. A world where someone tells you how you should live your life, In what you must believe and what you should portray. Im not talking about those radicals, trust me things are actually different than what media tells you or show you. Yup, the worst enemy of the humanity is this thing called media!
Nuke time. The sentiment to wipe out muslims is growing.