As refugees from the Middle East flood the West, a number of countries—including Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, and Australia—are defying political correctness by wanting to accept Christian refugees only.
While more “progressive” voices cry “racism,” the fact remains: there are several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees—and some of these are actually to the benefit of European host nations.
Christians are true victims of persecution. From a humanitarian point of view—and humanitarianism is the chief reason being cited in accepting refugees—Christians should receive top priority simply because they are the most persecuted group in the Middle East—well before the Islamic State phenomenon came into being. As Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop put it, “I think that Christian minorities are being persecuted in Syria and even if the conflict were over they would still be persecuted.”
Indeed. While they are especially targeted by the Islamic State, before the new “caliphate” was established, Christians were and continue to be targeted by Muslims—Muslim mobs, Muslim individuals, Muslim regimes, and Muslim terrorists, from Muslim countries of all races (Arab, African, Asian, etc.)—and for the same reason: Christians are infidel number one. See Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians for hundreds of anecdotes before the rise of ISIS as well as the Muslim doctrines that create such hate and contempt for Christians.
Conversely, Muslim refugees—as opposed to the many ISIS and other jihadi infiltrators posing as “refugees”—are not fleeing direct persecution, but chaos created by the violent and supremacist teachings of their own religion, Islam. It’s not for nothing that Samuel Huntington famously pointed out that “Islam’s borders are bloody, and so are its innards.” This means that when Muslims enter Western nations, chaos, persecution, and mayhem follow. Take a look at those West European cities—for example, Londonistan—that already have a large Muslim population for an idea.
Muslim persecution of Christians has been further enabled by Western policies, especially those of the Obama administration. In other words, Western nations should accept Christian refugees on the basis that Western meddling in the Middle East is directly responsible for exacerbating the plight of Christian minorities. After all, Christians did not flee from Bashar Assad’s Syria, or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or Muamar Gaddafi’s Libya. Their systematic persecution began in earnest after the U.S. and others interfered in those nations in the name of “democracy.” All they did is unleash the jihadi forces that the dictators had long kept suppressed. Now the Islamic State is deeply embedded in all three nations, enslaving, raping, and slaughtering countless Christian “infidels” and other minorities.
Vladimir Putin’s thoughts on the refugee crisis are plainly true:
This is a crisis which was absolutely expected…. We in Russia and your humble servant said several years ago that there would be massive problems if our so-called western partners conduct what I have always called the “wrong” foreign policy, especially in regions of the Muslim World, the Middle East and north Africa, which they continue practically to this day.
The Russian leader correctly adds that “people are running away not from the regime of Bashar Assad, but from Islamic State, which seized large areas in Syria and Iraq, and are committing atrocities there. That is what they are escaping from.”
Thus if the West is responsible for unleashing the full-blown jihad on Christians, surely it is the latter that the West should prioritize, from a humanitarian point of view.
Unlike Muslims, or even Yazidis, Christians are easily assimilated in Western countries, due to the shared Christian heritage. As Slovakia, which prefers Christian refugees, correctly points out, Muslims would not fit in, including because there are no mosques in the Slavic nation. Conversely, “Slovakia as a Christian country can really help Christians from Syria to find a new home in Slovakia,” said an interior minister.
This too is common sense. The same Christian teachings that molded Europe over the centuries are the same ones that mold Middle Eastern Christians—whether Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant. As San Diego’s Father Noel said in the context of the Iraqi Christian refugees who managed to flee ISIS but are now rotting in a U.S. detention center, Mideast Christians “who come here [America] ‘want to be good citizens’ and many who came here a decade ago are now lawyers, teachers, or other productive members of society.”
Meanwhile, Muslims follow a completely different blueprint, the Koran—which condemns Christians by name, calls for constant war (jihad) against all non-Muslims, and advocates any number of distinctly anti-Western practices. Hence it is no surprise that many Muslim asylum seekers are anti-Western at heart, if not members of jihadi organizations.
Mideast Christians bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the West. They understand the Middle Eastern—including Islamic—mindset and can help the West understand it. Moreover, unlike Muslims, Christians have no “conflicting loyalty” issues: Islamic law forbids Muslims from aiding “infidels” against fellow Muslims (click here to see some of the treachery this leads to in the U.S. and here to see the treachery Christians have suffered from their longtime Muslim neighbors and “friends”). Indeed, an entire book about how “double agent” Muslims have infiltrated every corner of the U.S. government exists. No such threat exists among Mideast Christians. They too render unto God what is God’s and unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.
Finally, it goes without saying that Mideast Christians have no sympathy for the very people and ideology that made their lives a living hell—the very people and ideology that are also hostile to everything in the West. Thus a win-win: the West and Mideast Christians complement each other, if only in that they share the same foe.
All the above reasons—from those that offer humanitarian relief to the true victims of persecution, to those that offer benefits to the West—are unassailable in their logic and wisdom. Yet, because Western progressives prioritize politically correct ideals and fantasies over stark reality, there is little chance that they will be considered.
Quite the reverse: in America and Britain persecuted Christians are “at the bottom of the heap” of refugees to be granted asylum. Muslims receive top priority. Since January 2015, the U.S. has granted asylum to approximately six Muslims for every Christian it takes in.
The reason for this is simple: for the progressive mindset—which dominates Western governments, media, and academia—taking in refugees has little to do with altruism and everything to do egoism: It matters little who is really being persecuted—as seen, the West is directly responsible for greatly exacerbating the sufferings of Christians.
No, what’s important is that we “feel good” about ourselves. By taking in “foreign” Muslims, as opposed to “siding” with “familiar” Christians, progressives get to feel “enlightened,” “open-minded,” “tolerant,” and “multicultural”—and that’s all that matters here.
Meanwhile, reality quietly marches on: The same Islamic mentality that slaughters “infidel” Christians in the Middle East is now welcomed into the West with open arms.
Two things are paramount: 1) there is a current invasion of the west everywhere; 2) if you fight a war you do so with both arms and legs and no holds barred. This later means that air strikes and SAS on the ground are a joke: a part time war like Vietnam means that you are not serious and just adds the inevitable certainty of defeat. If you go to war for whatever reason, you do so to win or you do not go to war. The current gutless western way of war is a joke to IS leaders who know that they cannot lose unless someone who will fight properly, i.e., the Russians, become involved. This also means that refugees who storm barriers should be SHOT and those who commit crimes deported or shot if rape or murder. Europe is a leftist eunuch servicing the Muslim libido and it is about time that someone started shooting the so called “refugees” as ONLY this will make them think, not some vapid utterance from a pompous, leftist, bleeding heart moron.
I wholeheartedly agree. I am so embarrassed and ashamed by our so-called leaders and liberals with their disgusting cultural masochism and cuckoldry. They’re weak, stupid, and they are selling us out thinking they won’t be harmed. The left may be the last to get burned by Islam’s flames, but burn they will nonetheless when they’re no longer useful.
What insufferably stupid people!
Michelle, I could not state it better. Thumbs up!!
Progressives started the war in Vietnam , and then helped the north to defeat the south . And there are still progressives from that era working against America .
Bulgaria accepts Christian refugees, even newly converted from Islam, esp. from Iran and Afghanistan, with whom there are some cultural similarities.
In the meantime, American “Christians” are deeply offended by this Middle Eastern Orthodox nun who speaks the truth about the evilness of islam:
Orthodox Christian Nun Condemns Muslim Faith While Catholic Nuns Decry,
‘Sister, That’s Enough’
I’ve watched a video by this nun, she’s Syrian!
Unfortunately, the official Church is blind almost everywhere. This is a demonic teaching and it has deceived many Christians, who for some reason think Islam is benign and just a bit silly, and they can peacefully chit-chat and eat chips with it! As if they’ve never read or heard Jesus’ words about the false prophets AND SATAN APPEARING AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT….
Not American Christians – It is the politicians and political minded progressives that would silence anyone who would speak out against the islamites .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry
I am from India, and the greatest mistake that our freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi made was allow Muslims to stay back in India even after their brothers were given a seperate land of Pakistan. It haunts us to this day, as they are multiplying here like rabbits and want their own Sharia law in everything. They are not even 20% of the population but behave like unchecked goons, always starting instigating riots, but when beaten back, they play the victim card.
Europe is importing a nest of vipers, if left unchecked it will mean their doom. Already there are reports that Muslims are killing the Christians in refugee camps so that many more Muslims can settle down in Europe.
I believe that its not that Europe wants to be politically correct. Powerful people in western governments are receiving generous money from the House of Saud to keep taking in Muslims. Even today after every terror attack, we hear “Islam has nothing to do with this”. When will we awaken ? When will newspapers awaken ? They won’t. Because journalists are paid a lot by the Saudi family to keep quite and stay liberal.
Kick them all out! Send them to join their coreligionists in their pakistani helhole!
Where is the proof that Saudi Arabia is giving money for the West to take in ONLY MUSLIM MIGRANTS (and not Christians)?? Send a link, please, if you have one. Thanks!
American schools teach the five pillars of Islam and ask students to pretend they are a Muslim. Need I say more ? Even though terror is clearly Islamic, by Islam for Islam and of Islam, media and politicians keep saying “Islam is peace it’s not terror”, “moderate islam” which is like saying “moderate nazi”.
Saudi is giving money to take in only Muslims, such a thing won’t come in paper because it would be an international scandal. Nobody will print it. But that does not mean it’s not true. Somethings are comon sense.
And anway Muslims are killing off Christians on the journey accross the Aegean so there’s more room for Muslims to grab Asylum.
Hey Max, you’re right–it would be an international scandal. Check out my blog:
Some things we don’t see, but our guts tell us there is something. We can’t know everything, because they aren’t telling us everything. I’d advise people to read any non-English language press, as it is much more free.
Btw, I never hear of Indian refugees stuck at the borders! There are Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, but not Indians! How come? (just asking answers 🙂 )
Here is an excellent article by a Turkish journalist, who has my admirations for his courage
Why do Muslims flock to the evil west?
Hi AB. The reason Indians have not gone there because they don’t stand a chance for asylum as India’s stable. Secondly, Indian Muslims are very happy in India, the state subsidizes a lot only for them (including their Haj pilgrimage) because they are a “14% minority” on paper. They must be far more than 20% unofficially. But they pretend to be isolated unhappy and victims and discriminated against all the time.
No matter what, they will always be unhappy while living in a non-Muslim country. But when they live in a Muslim country, they will flee it like … well, anything small and numerous that, when scared, runs fast in all directions 🙂
An ex colleague of mine had worked in Pakistan. He said that when they crossed to India, it seemed to him that they went to America. Whether true or not, I haven’t checked yet 🙂
Islam has nothing to do with Islam !!!
warning: loud intro
Progressives , at least their rootstock (voters) need no money to promote their way of existence , they need only the self doping ‘awareness’ of being ‘right’ .
Muslims stayed in India for the same reason as the ‘palestinians’ stayed in Israel – To work to conquer for islam .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry
This is standard it’s a shame that the governments can’t see this. They move in breed like flies and then force their sick ideas onto a country’s.
how can one get the ‘enlightened’ western media and Governments to see the light???
I’m beginning to think some will need to be lead, by the hand, to a room with a video screen. There they will be asked to just listen and watch. Consider the experience as if they were taking a history class or call it whatever.
Societies class…Give them Stephen Coughlins Red PiII Briefings to watch on utube.
“It is the nature of islam to dom inate not to be dom inated; to impose their laws upon all nations and to extend their power to the entire planet.” Hasan Al-Banna founder muslim brotherhood.
It may take some state side heads to roll before they get the message.
Both christians, Yesidis and muslims are fleeing the terror of extremist barbarians
First there are no extremists moslems will tell you that, they all believe the same sh*t. The fleeing moslems are just as bad as the one their fleeing from, they’ll both happily kill non-believers, Taking them in is like playing Russian roulette with a pistol that only has one bullet removed. Not much chance of a happy ending.
Exactly! Never, Ever, Ever, Ever trust a muslim! Even your own neighbors and friends will turn against you and murder you if they get the opportunity. I have seen it with my own eyes!
The real enemy that is destroying the West and indeed the whole
world today is NOT islam but political-correctness and the main question one
should keep asking is: What is source of this destructive political-correctness
and how can it be rooted out? Consider this: After over 25000 islamic
terrorists attacks since 9/11, Western leaders, media, society, clergy and
academia are still debating about the root cause of the problem and they don’t
even have the guts to name the enemy once and for all. This is the real EVIL
that we face; it is this extreme weakness and spinelessness, not islam. Muslim
jihadists and their sympathizers simply see this weakness and are taking full
advantage of it.
Americans and other Westerners will not protect Christian refugee. Americans and other Westerners actually want Christians in the middle east and elsewhere in the islamic world alll dead! One has to remember that anti-Christ America has cozied up with islam for decades, beginning with in the early 1900’s, watching from the side lines as the Turks were committing genocide on their Christian population, even with a huge military presence in the area. More recent US pro-jihad incidents include the arming, training and backing of the “Taliban” jihadists against Russia in eighties,
bombing Serbia (a Christian nation) and creating two islamic states in (Bosnia)
& (Kosovo) in the heart of Europe, arming the islamic jihadists that overthrew
Qaddafi and Mubarak, and arming, funding and training islamic jihadists that
are fighting against Assad of Syria today and on and on. All this tells us
that, it is not just Obama but it is the American central policy to arm and support islamic
jihadists worldwide even as they are committing a very dangerous religious genocide against Christians and other minorities that live in the islamic world. Shame on America
and the West. They hate Christians but adore muslims and fags. May God destroy America and the West without mercy!
Excellent, excellent article!! I do wonder, though: Can it be PROVEN that Saudi Arabia is actually paying the U.S. and the West to take in migrants that they themselves DON’T WANT?? That would certainly inflame native populations if they were to find out that that is the case!! I have read over a 1,000 articles and noticed that 90–95% of journalists do NOT speak the truth of Islam and the Quran. Are they just willfully ignorant, or being paid off?? Hmmm…. makes you wonder. Common Core, funded by Saudi Arabia, is indoctrinating all American school children with a sanitized, whitewashed version of Islam, so I guess anything is possible …..
The POS in the White Mosque is accomplishing everything he set out to do….destabilization of the World…and the POS Republicans are complicit with him….the Democrats are just too fvking stupid to know whats going on!!!
No, you miss the point – whether democrat or republican – they are led, funded and chosen by the same leaders – the elite.
HERE is an idea,,STAY OFF THEIR PROPERTY and they wount cut off your head..
Then you are fine with them killing everyone in their own lands? Do you not feel any sympathy for their people who they are killing?
Sounds like a middle
east problem on the other side of the world to me PEACE has broken out inthis
country and it can stay that way too WE THE PEOPLE have NO INTEREST in the
middle east CORPORATIONS DO,,let them hire their own army to protect THEIR
PROPERTY and business interest over there and THEIR KIDS can die there too
You are entertaining some mighty big delusions there if you really believe they would disregard their own scriptures and simply leave us alone.
Don’t be a subjective moron by speaking well-above your level of expertise. You don’t know Islam, so you cannot simply project your way of thinking upon people from a radically different culture than your own.
Sounds like a middle east problem on the other side of the world to me
Excellent article, Raymond.
unfortunately for all the parties concerned here the Western think tank have their brains firmly embedded in the crevice of their collective buttocks. they have got it wrong in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and Syria. whether this is a deliberate blunder or some ulterior motive is the question of all questions (there are so many theories and conspiracies floating around about geopolitics, Zionist scheming, NWO). Christians in middle east, Egypt, Libya were always going to be the fall guy – victims but NATO went ahead without a thought about consequences. The very least this president of US can do is accept ALL Xian refugees from entire middle east, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Ukraine.
Leave the Zionists out of it please. They are getting a really bad rap. In fact, it is axiomatic that whenever the term is used in a negative conntext, the person using it is an anti-Semite who likes to hide their bigotry behind opposition to Israel.
Don’t assume that I’m an anti-Semite and I won’t assume you are a Hasbara troll. can you forget about sympathies for Israel for a fraction of a second and think of suffering Christians in the middle east?
I think about the suffering Christians in the Middle East all the time and pray for them, too. But neither Israel, nor other Jews, are to blame for their suffering. The Muslims with their blind, slavish adherance to the supramacist teachings of the Qur’an and Hadiths that dehumanize the non-Muslim, are. Blaming Israel and the Jews for everything is what anti-Semites do. And by the way, anti-Semites ALSO typically misuse the Hebrew term Hasbara, which means “explanation,” to falsely equate it with propaganda. They also typically accuse those who take a stand for truth with regards to Israel of being trolls, as if only a troll would or could support Israel. Furthermore, I wasn’t really accusing you of being an anti-Semite. I was merely pointing out that your use of language — by your negative reference to Zionists — fit the profile. You continued to conform to the profile in your response to me. So if the shoe fits, wear it.
Zionists are not Semite get your facts right before making blind accusations. They speak Yiddish a non-Semite language. All Jews are not Zionist who are Khazars a war-mongering tribe which follow Talmud a Satanic version of Torah. The people who follow this cult put Christ to death (Scribes and Pharisees) so Zionist Christian or Christian Zionist is a stupid oxymoron that can exist only is US of A. Zionists are wolves among sheep (Jews)
Re: “Yet, because Western progressives prioritize politically correct ideals and fantasies over stark reality, there is little chance that they will be considered. No, what’s important is that we “feel good” about ourselves. By taking in “foreign” Muslims, as opposed to “siding” with “familiar” Christians, progressives get to feel “enlightened,” “open-minded,” “tolerant,” and “multicultural”—and that’s all that matters here.”
Correct, Liberals are idolaters (idealogues) who when they hear the word “Christian” see an image of a smug and portly, well-to-do Western white man in a business suit.
Beyond that, all Liberals are racists: they always assume that ONLY White Western people (including, of course, the Jews in Israel,) are INTELLIGENT enough to be guilty of being truly evil, while all their pet “People Of Colour” (including the “swarthy palestinians”) being mentally inferior and all, just can’t help being enslaved by their instincts and emotions into acting as violent animals when frustrated, the poor oppressed little dears, so the liberals will always indulge their crimes, much as one ignores the new puppy as it pees on the rugs.
So here’s their interminably ongoing “narrative” (story):
Islam is a religion which can be controlled once they get their goals – Christianity cannot – that is the whole point. Destruction of Christianity – destruction of the alpha mail – destruction of descent
Islam is not a religion at all (much less one “of peace!”). it is an alibi to excuse criminals of their own criminal desires and actions; it’s idolatry.
Re: The link between islam, liberals, feminism, LGBT, socialists, and atheists.
They all hate personal responsibility and so endorse false group rights as their alibi excuse to remain irresponsibly wrong. They are all extortionist gangsters.
They are all criminals, and their ‘various’ “ideologies” are alibis to excuse their crimes. Their excuses involve always involve predestination and predeterminism – unavoidable force and extortion, to prove there’s no real free-will self-reliant choice, and so there is also no real crime nor criminals, because we’re all really ever only victims – of “society;” “products of our environments” (i.e: Marxist “historical predeterminism”) and /or slaves of allah.
This criminal propensity for excuse-making (aka: lying; fraud; attempted theft of the Truth) is what the Bibles called “idolatry.”
“He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”
-Benjamin Franklin-
And they all hate Christianity because it seems to teach personal responsibility for one’s acts – or at least that, while if something goes right, it’s accredited to God, while if something goes wrong, it’s all one’s own damn fault!
Every civilized society should outlaw Islam and burn every Koran…Islam brings nothing but chaos and mayhem, Islam is nothing but problems.
1Bobby8, Thumbs Up!! It’s not a book of peace but a book of war, concealed as a book of peace! Fabulous PR!
Islam must ban and redefine as a cult because its not a religion!
Naturally these illegal immigrants should be thrown out of Europe, with force if necessary. In fact, it is inevitable.
However, for the arguments of pro-Christian pro-White Europeans to be effective, we need to be accurate in our criticisms. According to the Koran, Christians are not, repeat NOT, infidels.The comments in the Koran regarding infidels always refer to the pagan polytheist Arabs who were Mohammed’s great enemies, and not (repeat NOT) to Christians.The Koran in fact says (5:82): “Thou wilt certainly find the most violent of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews and the idolaters; and thou wilt find the nearest in friendship to the believers to be those who say: we are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because
they are not proud.” The Koran is surprisingly full of pro-Christian statements. For example the last words of the Koran are a lengthy praise of Mary, mother of Jesus.
So whenever one sees a supposed Muslim terrorist group beheading or murdering Christians, one can bet one’s bottom dollar that the organization is merely a Mossad/CIA set-up. That’s precisely why – assuming the whole thing isn’t a fraud filmed in Turkey – ISIS goes around beheading Christians – while never ever
harming a hair on a Jew’s head.
The religion of peace is a doctrine to fight everyone non muslim. Christian or jew or hindu, everybody is an enemy. The idea is to control the whole world by religion. If it were not for the CIA and Mossad, 90% of the world would have become Muslim.
Now a days its fashion, anything happens, its CIA or Mossad. Without thinking, without contemplating, oh it’s the United States that’s done all this.
ISIS is not US, or Israel, it’s day to day people who believe in Islam to the letter, with a bit of help from very rich Saudi and Qatari nationals. It is people who have empty heads and empty lives that are filled with the purpose to start a caliphate.
The problem is that ISIS has become so powerful, that even the House of Saud now shakes with fear. If they capture the two holy mosques, the royal family is the first to be targeted.
US whether they like it or not, will have to ally with Putin. If ISIS won’t be stopped now, theres no stopping them. Europe will be the first to fall, then Russia through Chechen fighters. The next is the world.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
But telling us, is like telling your Granny to suck eggs – the majority know this.
It is the scum politicians, the elite accepting the Muslims.
We will have a race / culture war as will the USA.
It is all pre-designed and the plan is being instigated now.
It is not necessary to say, “Christians only.” However, we must begin to say, “non-Muslims only.” No other group endangers civilization or its citizens, only the followers of Islam take misery wherever they go.
I think you are right Bob. I don’t think there is anything that Christians of faith exclusively can contribute to a modern, civilised Western society that, for example, atheists and agnostics could not also contribute.
The damage is done, but soon it will make all liberals and idiots shut up for ever.
Just for everybody’s information, when Norway started deporting Muslims, there was a gradual reduce in crime of over 40%!!
The cornerstone of a successful immigration policy is the ability of new migrants to assimilate into their host country, to adopt it’s values and norms, and become and economic and cultural benefit to their new homelands. Middle East Christians have been immigrating for decades to the West (take the large Maronite Lebanese Communities in the US and France) and they have been a boon. Inbred uneducated mutants who believe in Shariah Law and stoning homosexuals, and adulterers, amputating the limbs of thieves, and making their neighborhoods no go areas for the police and security forces? Not so much.