The Orthodox Christian Church, which is reclaiming its traditional role in post-Soviet Russia, has just described its government’s fight against the Islamic State and other jihadi groups in Syria as a “holy war.”
According to Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Church’s Public Affairs Department,
The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our country is perhaps the most active force in the world fighting it. The Russian Federation has made a responsible decision on the use of armed forces to defend the People of Syria from the sorrows caused by the arbitrariness of terrorists. Christians are suffering in the region with the kidnapping of clerics and the destruction of churches. Muslims are suffering no less.
This is not a pretext to justify intervention in Syria. For years, Russia’s Orthodox leaders have been voicing their concern for persecuted Christians. Back in February 2012, the Russian church described to Vladimir Putin the horrific treatment Christians are experiencing around the world, especially under Islam:
The head of External Church Relations, Metropolitan Illarion, said that every five minutes one Christian was dying for his or her faith in some part of the world, specifying that he was talking about such countries as Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan and India. The cleric asked Putin to make the protection of Christians one of the foreign policy directions in future.
“This is how it will be, have no doubt,” Putin answered.
Compare and contrast Putin’s terse response with U.S. President Obama, who denies the connection between Islamic teachings and violence; whose policies habitually empower Christian-persecuting Islamists; who prevents Christian representatives from testifying against their tormentors; and who even throws escaped Christian refugees back to the lions, while accepting tens of thousands of Muslim migrants.
Russian Patriarch Kirill once even wrote an impassioned letter to Obama, imploring him to stop empowering the murderers of Christians. That the patriarch said “I am deeply convinced that the countries which belong to the Christian civilization bear a special responsibility for the fate of Christians in the Middle East” must have only ensured that the letter ended up in the Oval Office’s trash can. After all, didn’t Obama make clear that America is “no longer a Christian nation“?
Of course, Russian concerns for Christian minorities will be cynically dismissed by the usual brood of talking heads on both sides. While such dismissals once resonated with Americans, they are becoming less persuasive to those paying attention, as explained in “Putin’s Crusade—Is Russia the Last Defender of the Christian Faith?”
For those of us who grew up in America being told that the godless communist atheists in Russia were our enemies, the idea that America might give up on God and Christianity while Russia embraces religion might once have been difficult to accept. But by 2015, the everyday signs in America show a growing contempt for Christianity, under the first president whose very claims of being a Christian are questionable. The exact opposite trend is happening for Russia and its leaders—a return to Christian roots.
Indeed, growing numbers of Americans who have no special love for Russia or Orthodoxy—from billionaire capitalist Donald Trump to evangelical Christians—are being won over by Putin’s frank talk and actions.
How can they not? After one of his speeches praising the West’s Christian heritage—a thing few American politicians dare do—Putin concluded with something that must surely resonate with millions of traditional Americans: “We must protect Russia from that which has destroyed American society”—a reference to the anti-Christian liberalism and licentiousness that has run amok in the West.
Even the Rev. Franklin Graham’s response to Russia’s military intervention in Syria seems uncharacteristically positive, coming as it is from the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which for decades spoke against the godless Soviets: “What Russia is doing may save the lives of Christians in the Middle East…. You understand that the Syrian government … have protected Christians, they have protected minorities from the Islamists.”
Should U.S supported jihadis (“rebels”) succeed in toppling the government of Syria, Graham correctly predicts that there will be “a bloodbath of Christians”:
There would be tens of thousands of Christians murdered and slaughtered and on top of that, you would have hundreds of thousands of more refugees pouring into Europe. So Russia right now, I see their presence as helping to save the lives of Christians.
Incidentally, it’s an established fact that the “good rebels”—or “moderates”—are persecuting Christians no less than the Islamic State.
When asked why the Obama administration is so callous towards the plight of persecuted Christians, Graham, somewhat echoing Putin, said the American president was more invested in promoting the homosexual agenda than he is in protecting Christians:
I’m not here to bash the gays and lesbians and they certainly have rights and I understand all of that, but this administration has been more focused on that agenda than anything else. As a result, the Middle East is burning and you have more refugees moving today since World War II. It could have been prevented.
In reality, it’s not Russian claims of waging a holy war to save Christians from the sword of jihad that deserves to be cynically dismissed, but rather every claim the Obama administration makes to justify its support for the opposition in Syria (most of which is not even Syrian).
There are no “moderate rebels,” only committed jihadis eager to install Islamic law, which is the antithesis of everything the West once held precious. If the “evil dictator” Assad kills people in the context of war, the “rebels” torture, maim, enslave, rape, behead, and crucify people solely because they are Christian.
How does that make them preferable to Assad?
Moreover, based on established precedent—look to Iraq and Libya, the other countries U.S. leadership helped “liberate”—the outcome of ousting the secular strongman of Syria will be more atrocities, more Christian persecution, more rapes and enslavement, and more bombed churches and destroyed antiquities, despite John Kerry’s absurd assurances of a “pluralistic” Syria once Assad is gone. It will also mean more terrorism for the West.
Once again, then, the U.S. finds itself on the side of Islamic terrorists, who always reserve their best for America. The Saudis—the head of the Jihadi Snake which U.S. presidents are wont to kiss and bow to—are already screaming bloody murder and calling for an increased jihad in Syria in response to Russia’s holy war.
Will Obama and the MSM comply, including through an increased propaganda campaign? Top Islamic clerics like Yusuf al-Qaradawi—who once slipped on live television by calling on the Obama administration to wage “jihad for Allah” against Assad—seem to think so. Already the U.S. “welcomes” the new cruel joke that Saudi Arabia, one of the absolute worst human rights violators, will head a U.N. human rights panel.
At day’s end and all Realpolitik aside, there is no denying reality: what the United States and its Western allies have wrought in the Middle East—culminating with the rise of a bloodthirsty caliphate and the worst atrocities of the 21st century—is as unholy as Russia’s resolve to fight it is holy.
Ironically it may be Putin and Russia that will save the West from Communism. Cultural Marxism has succeeded in the West almost completely. A retired Catholic priest in Canada.
God bless Russia
This article should be an eye-opener, but most will not read it. Well worth the minutes spent to do so. Thank you.
Matthew 25 is where Jesus Christ told about the separation of sheep and goats and explained just why some people will *go into life.* These ones are found to be doing good things…even just giving a cup of water…to His “brothers.” Taking care of them in illness, visiting them in prison, giving them needed clothing.
And those who *go into destruction* refuse to do these things for Christ’s brothers, which is the same as refusing Christ Himself.
I will copy this and mail it to everyone I know.
Mr Ibrahim, I always read (& listen to what you say) with great attention.I was born towards the end of WWII & thus grew up with the ‘cold war’ always part of the background (the Russians were godless, unfeeling, cold-blooded killers, etc.). You have just seismically shifted all I ‘knew’. Thank you.
Excellent article; very informative
I wasn’t aware of these statements by the Russian Orthodox Church or Vladimir Putin’s stated support for those positions.
I wish my church would take a similar “church militant” stance against ISIS and radical Islam in general.
I think now would be a good time to learn how to speak, read and write the Russian language. At least someone is standing up for Christianity
I believe that people in the U.S. should also learn Arabic, the language of the enemy, since they will be amongst us and we won’t understand a word. They could sit right next to us and plan to kill us and we won’t know.
Always something to be said for knowing what your potential adversaries are thinking and saying.
If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.
Already done. I got Rosetta Stone 6 years ago and have been studying Arabic since… I am pretty damn good at it now. I knew even back then that the country was going to s*#t. I would reccomend everyone get the program and learn. It’s a great teaching tool, it’s what the military uses to teach the troops and spies. You can learn pretty quick too, as long as you devote time to it.
Certainly worth looking at. It would be good to know what these people are saying.
There was an online post recently about an Arabic speaking Ukranian woman in a train carriage with some “migrants” who she says were discussing in Arabic whether they could get away with raping her and robbing the few other riders who weren’t migrants. Good argument for learning the basics of Arabic.
In the meantime we have Raymond and organizations like MEMRI to translate the public statements for us.
That is truly disturbing, and good that she knew what was being said. Didn’t hear about this elsewhere, got a link? Cheers.
I saw it online about a week ago. It was an article with a video of the woman included. I’ll see if I can find the link and, if I can, I’ll post it here for you.
Thanks Lance.
Here’s the link:
having been a student of Soviet and Pre-Soviet Russia since 1975, i have decided to open my mind regarding how America is failing the West.
I got mine back 6 years ago too. I also have a Masters in Russian, but I need to tell you, Russia is NOT the enemy. The real enemy of the US people is in Washington, DC and in the media.
Very excellent indeed!
Don’t put your trust in princes
I did not say anything about ‘princes’.
Putin is prince of Russia. he is ruler there.
Obama thinks he is a king, how much trust do you have in obama? I have 0% trust in him.
There are no good guys. Don’t over simplify things. Neither is good. I actually believe Putin is doing the right thing right now. He is destroying Al Nusra and Isis. Good. But, don’t trust him.
What is bad is when the Russian leader feels bad for the American citizen because of the lack of leadership we have. I personally think obama is doing what he planned to do from the very beginning.
obama is a traitor. I’ve been saying that since he supported the muslim brotherhood in Egypt who openly speak of the USA as “the enemy”. Now US government supports Al Qaeda in Syria. The so called moderate muslims in Syria are closely allied with Al nusra (Al qaeda in syria) and somehow the weapons and vehicles Obama gives to the “moderate” syrian “rebels”(they call themselves mujahidden which is holy warrior for islam) end up in the hands of ISIS. Who crucify Christians and rape women and little girls in broad day light on a routine basis.
As for putin I can easily see him nuking usa when the time is right and not caring at all about the american citizen. That doesn’t mean he won’t pretend to care because it’s part of his strategy.
Don’t vote for Hillary I suspect she wants to start world war three with Russia. I don’t care about either political party. USA’s days are numbered unless we can expose and stop the secret groups that run everything.
I am all Republican, Hillary I hope ends up in prison, and I hope this time sh*t runs up hill. She was running weapons also, and I find it hard to believe obama had nothing to do with it. He is sending Christians back, and only taking muslims. Hillary is more open with her sick way of thinking, compared Republicans to terrorist and Iran. I never thought I would ever see this happen. This is why liberals can’t run a country, 7 years of this is proof they shouldn’t be allowed to even vote.
And 7 years of even more evidence that “shall not be infringed.” shoots clean past mere guns.
I suspect that we the people will beat them when it comes to the 2nd amendment and they’ll give up on trying to take our guns. But they have other plans and tricks up their sleeve.
I suspect you of being a mole…tell me I’m wrong.
I am somewhat amused. Tell me why you suspect me of being a mole.
My guess: Old Testament name? Speak up, Craig.
I prefer mumbling to myself. You can’t hear me anyway.
Thanks for the up vote! Here’s one in return…. it’s a hard life we commenters lead.
I’m laughing…you didn’t tell me I was wrong.
I don’t support dems or repubs. I suspect they’re both controlled by secret societies that want to bring about their “utopian” dream of a new world order. However, that dream is only in their head. It will be a satan worshipping dystopia if they ever pull it off.
I believe in my constitution, I have no time for political correctness. I feel if people get offended easily then they need to put on their big boy/girl panties, and suck it up. It’s a not so nice world out there, it isn’t all rainbows and cotton candy. I want our own to come before other countries, I believe we had bigger problems then if gay people could get married. I believe if you want to come to this country and be a citizen, you earn your way and do it the legal way, there shouldn’t be any free passed. Young able-bodied men should not be coming here as refugees, they should man up and help get their country back. If anyone in office breaks any laws they should be held accountable.What we have going on now is embarrassing, criminal. Still nothing gets done about it. Obama is our biggest enemy.
Okay, but if obama goes away then who will you blame? Obama is dangerous, but not the root of our problems. He is not the root.
I will say this, the repubs seem to be for a strong USA even though they push the New world order as much as the democrats.
The democrats on the other hand are all about weakening the USA in every way they can and they push the New world order agenda at the same time.
So the repubs are the lesser of two evils in my opinion. But STILL evil and still not to be trusted.
Trust and pray to God, but keep your powder dry…
It is not a question of strong vs weak. It is a matter of wisdom, and there have been no wise leaders in the US for decades. Russia has a wise leader.
It has gotten even worse, I don’t even know how to process this. They have no heart and no soul. I thought planned parenthood selling fetus parts were really bad, but this surpasses it. Obama is even sending Christian refugees back, and letting the young male muslims in. He is just as bad as these monsters!!
Yep. Obama is at least a muslim sympathizer. I think we can all agree he looks more and more like a real muslim every time we turn around.
Not voting for Hillary is a no-brainer. The question is which Republican to back. Ted Cruz and Huckabee seem to have the most integrity and have convinced me they would act in America’s interests, actively rescue Christians and so on, but are they electable? Trump seems electable, but how can I trust a guy who lied to his investors and let the Trump casino go bankrupt while he now basks in great wealth and claims to be a brilliant business deal maker. Meanwhile, the current administration has well over a year to deliver the massive stab in the back to Israel which I fear may be coming. If our “leader” permits this heartbreaking slaughter of Christians, imagine what horrors the Israelis will face if they ever, for an instant, blink or drop their guard.
Yeah this guy is definitely ramping up the islam support/Israel betrayal now that he has two election free years left. he thinks he can do whatever he wants now.
I don’t know who to support either. I consider them all untrustworthy. But, I’m thinking of voting anyways as a vote AGAINST the democrats.
Why in h..l would he nuke us?
don’t be naive. it’s about the rule of the world.
So would YOU nuke America if you could?
No, but I’m not in Putin’s shoes. As you know USA is backing him into a corner and he has hard liners in his government that hate America. He also is ambitious and recognizes the advantages of having no America to deal with. He’s already setting Russia up to be the good guys in a world war three. You’re obviously buying into the propaganda. Which, I’m not saying it’s all wrong either. I’m just saying it’s propaganda and both sides want to be the good guys in public perception when this war happens. You have to understand the war is inevitable and then go from there. What we need in America is a leader who can be strong enough to scare Russia but also not antagonize Russia either. That way war can be avoided hopefully.
I read or listen to every interview Putin gives and speeches he makes. The only reason Westerners say “don’t trust Putin” is because they have never seen a politician who is worthy of their trust. So they are brainwashed into thinking all leaders are sneaky and lie. Not all.
don’t be naive
Can you name a US politician you trust?
No, but does that mean I should trust Putin?
You don’t have any reason to trust him. He is NOT YOUR president.
Millions of Westerners have been mesmerized into thinking that the world’s strongest leader must necessarily be the leader of the world. But only the West has expressed this idea, by promulgating the idea of the US as the Exceptional Nation or the Indispensable Nation. To the extent that many now refer to the US as the Hegemon — leader of the world. But Putin and Russia have come up with a better idea: respect the sovereignty of all other nations and let them develop along their own lines — ie, according to their own culture and history. This idea has never once occurred to the “leaders” in Washington and they have brainwashed their sheeple into accepting the notion of their own superiority, and as a sinister corollary, the notion that any nation that surpasses the US will automatically do as Washington has done. But Washington has failed by doing this, so it does not rationally follow that other nations would follow their example and try to be cock of the rock. And, who is superior? A leader who respects others or a leader who does not? You can trust not Putin but the MAD principle, namely, the desire not to die. That principle will stay the hand of any leader with a nuclear arsenal. And that is all you need.
We just need a pragmatic leader like Putin, who wisely avoids making a crusade out of his actions in the ME.
Already there…..
Have you asked them to?
Yes. I got evasive answers.
Maybe it’s time for a new church.
So true. It is time for a new militant Christian Church that stands up and defends Christ and His followers. Christianity needs to be defended from the materialistic and godless Westerners who shamed it and dishonored it (may God dishonor them!) and from the evil and hateful demonic muslims who hate the Son of God and His Holy Cross. All true Christians need to fight for the honor of the Christ and for the Reverence of the Cross. The answer is NOT preaching or evangelism but CHRISTIAN MILITANCY. Please purchase the DVDs below on “Christian Militancy” prepared by Walid Shoebat :
Brother, I have truly mix feelings about Christian militancy! I believe that Christians in the Middle-East should be armed only to protect themselves and their family from Muslims! On the other hand, I don’t think it’s a great idea to became Christian Militant and waging war against Islam aka Muslims Because, for One, our God is a God of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness “COMPARE” TO:
God “Allah” Of Muslims Whom Their Prophet Muhammad Teaches Them (Muslims) On How To Treat Their Enemies (Unbelievers, Pagans, Jews & Christians, Etc) By Commending Them To:
Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (Sura 2:191)
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day (Sura 9:29)
Be ruthless to the infidels (Sura 48:29)
Make war on the infidels who dwell around you (Sura 9:123, 66:9)
Strike off the heads of infidels in battle (Sura 47:4)
[…] “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved (Jews & Christians) so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.” (Surah 8:12)
Jesus’ Teaching Us, His Christian Followers On How To Treat Our Enemies:
Forgive and you shall be forgiven (Matthew 6:14)
But I tell you who hear me: Love your Enemies, do Good to those who Hate You. (Luke 6:27)
Bless those who Curse You, Pray for those who Mistreat You. (Luke 6:28)
If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. (Luke 6:29)
If someone make you carry something one mile, carry it two (Matthew 5:41)
Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matthew 7:1)
Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9)
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew 5:7)
Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say who ever is angry with his brother is in danger of the judgment (Matthew 5:21-22)
Brother, Jesus Our Lord Told Us:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
About Shedding Blood For Jesus, Remember What He Said:
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Matthew 26:52
I take God’s very seriously and unless it’s defense, we should not Fight! What you think? God bless You! Shalom! 🙂
they said these simply because that time WAS NO ISLAM, dummy.
Very true. I agree with your point! And all those principals that our friend pointed out were intended in a person-to-person conflict situations. They are not applicable when an impersonal evil cult of death such as islam is attacking u and is seeking to destroy u.
Hey, thanks. if you are not already familiar with Dr. Bill Warner’s lecture then I urge you to check it out. It is 44min long but it worth the time. And please spread it. Thanks.
Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner …
A Great movie! I shared it with some of my friends. Thanks!
Get down from your “moral high ground” buddy and understand that the Christian doctrine of Turning the other cheek is a principal that is applicable only a conflict between two persons etc. This principal does not apply when you are faced with a deadly, impersonal ideology that is actively seeking the complete annihilation of your self, your family, your faith and your way of life. Otherwise, we should lie down our arms right now, turn the other cheek, and let ISIS and other islamo-fascists take control of America and massacre and enslave our people right now! Jesus Himself, gave us the permission to use the sword and fight back against evil when He said: “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along… and whoever has no SWORD let him sell his coat and buy ONE. (St.Lukos 22:36).
The Holy Bible also tells us (emphatically) that There is
a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. The Holy Bible says that: “…There is a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time (listen tothis) for WAR and a time for peace, a time to love and a time to HATE, a time to heal and a time to KILL…” (Eccl 3).
If Christians keep turning the other and refuse to protect themslves and their faith, they WILL BE anihilated not only by evil genocidal muslims but everyone else who hates Christianity.
Right now, in the Western world, including America, it is the elite radical moral relativist such as Obama (who are also allied with islamists) that are eliminating Christianity piece by piece and banning it everywhereand Christians need to fight back and fighting is not only taking the sword and shedding blood, that is the last resort but there are other ways to fight back and to stand your ground so my advice for you is get the DVDs that I suggested above and learn how you can be a good soldier of the Christ. The best to an effective evangelist is to be a fearless soldier of Christ!
TO Yankie:
Please watch the short video clip below and understand how the Russian Orthodox army is not ashamed of their Christian faith or displaying the Cross and understand something like this cannot happen in a US army or in a Western army because US and Western armies have been persuaded to hate the Cross or at least hide the Cross and not to display their Christianity or Christian symbols in any way. Americans and Westerners are ASHAMED of the Cross and they have NO backbone to stand with. Watch the video clip below please:
The Lion of Judah is returning to reclaim His own this time, with armies of angels at his back. Which side will we choose? Ultimately, the father of lies, the incarnation of evil on Earth or absolute truth?
I used to like Walid but he has gone off the deep end.
Yes. Got evasive non-answers.
Putin should crush Hussein Obama into oblivion and nuke Saudi Arabia off the face of the planet. Declare ALL OUT WAR on Islamists globally, obliterate the lot of them and Israel absolutely must rebuild the 3rd Temple. Jews and Christians must fight back with a vengeance.
Wipe Sunni Islam off the planet.
SUNNIsemites, JEWISHsemites, SHIITTEsemites ………… clean the slate.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “200 Years Together” Writing about the Jewish Bolsheviks and their murder of 60 million Christians.
JUDAS ISCARIOT is alive and preaching from the pulpit of many American Churches.
“Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is the spirit of Antichrist. He is the spirit of Antichrist who denies that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah.” — (I John 2:22; 4:3)
Any “teacher” who diverts Christians into bowing to the Jewish Temple Priests is a JudasGoat “kissing the cheek” of Christ through HIS Flock, for pieces of silver or foul reasons.
He who blesses Israel Crucifies Christ.
CHRISTians should welcome any Jew that comes to Jesus.
CHRISTians cannot support or aid Israel or the Jewish Nation that DENIES the Lamb of God.
OLD testament / NEW testament
WAR god / PEACE god
OLD covenant / NEW covenant
“The new is in the old concealed, the old is in the new revealed.”
ANTI: a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock;;;; ANTICHRIST).
“judeo-christian” or “christian-zionism” is an OXYMORON. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Matthew 6:24
Judeo refuses to even ACKNOWLEDGE CHRIST. Judeo refuses to acknowledge Jesus except to INSULT him and HIS teachings in the NEW Testament. They claim Jesus was the bastard child of a Roman soldier and Mary was a Harlot ……. and “christian” preachers CONDONE this?!?
The LAMB of GOD was the FINAL sacrifice. Rebuilding the Jewish Temple and resuming bloody animal sacrifices repudiates the Crucifixion, the SACRIFICE of Jesus,the NEW Covenant. God chose JESUS CHRIST as His vehicle for world redemption.
“This is my blood of the covenant….” (Matthew 26:28)
“This is my blood of the covenant….” (Mark 14:24)
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood….” (Luke 22:20)
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood….” (1 Corinthians 11:25)
The NEW Covenant replaced the OLD broken covenant.
ROMANS 1:11 “… Has God rejected His own people, the nation of Israel? Of course NOT!…”
ROMANS 11:11 “Did God’s people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course NOT!
ROMANS 11:19-21 “You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
Bingo…we have a winner, The truth at last. Thank you.
The ONLY covenant was circumcision and there is only ONE GOD.
Not a “Father, son and holy ghost”……
Crucifixes are IDOLS.
You are, literally, DEAD wrong….
The three MAGI (wise men of ZOROASTARIANISM) brought gifts of GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH to Baby Jesus. Do you think they came all that way, dropped off their VALUABLE gifts, and left?! NO! they stayed and imparted their beliefs. Then, when Jesus was 12, he used those gifts to pay his expenses to travel to INDIA and complete his studies of YOGA/HINDUISM nand He became an “Enlightened Master” (He achieved CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS) THEN, when He was 32/33 He returned to Palestine to spread what He had learned IN INDIA.
Search (Jesus in India) and (Christ Consciousness).
(1) GOD ……
(2) JESUS a “realized master” (ALL men are Sons of GOD)
(3) Holy Ghost the Universal Oneness/Samahdi/Christ Conciousness
THIS is why the Priests HAD to kill Jesus …. he was preaching LOVE, UNIVERSAL brotherhood, FORGIVENESS …… Those concepts are DEADLY to a Tribe that bases It’s existence on HATE and VENGEANCE, that follows a WAR god.
Then why does their own bible say “Thou shall no OTHER gods—-”
Although this has long been known to scholars, most people are unaware that the god Yahweh originally started out as a Canaanite weather-god who lived at the tops of mountains, hence his name El-Shaddai (‘god of the heights’).
From the multi-lingual archive of 14th century BCE texts excavated at Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit), on the coast of northwest Syria, comes a Canaanite religious composition known as the “Anath text.” In this text El, the supreme deity of the Canaanite pantheon of gods and goddesses, declares Yahweh-El to be his beloved son.
In the 8th century BCE, upon a storage jar found at Kuntillet Ajrud in the northern Sinai, an inscription was written as a caption to an illustration of Yahweh and his consort, the western Semitic goddess known as Asherah. The inscription talks of a blessing “by Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah.” Samaria, as you will remember, was the royal capital of the northern kingdom of Israel.
By the time the Hebrew bible began being written and composed by the Levitical priesthood of Jerusalem in the mid-7th century BCE, the formerly pagan Canaanite deity Yahweh had been adopted by the tribal confederation known as “Israel” and, somewhere along the way, had become the sole god of that particular ethnic group in Canaan, or at least the sole god of its centralized priesthood.
In summary: As an adopted, imaginary pagan weather-god, Yahweh became a literary character and mouthpiece for the Levitical priesthood in its composition of the masterpiece of religious literary fiction known as the TaNaKh, or Hebrew Bible. Thus, the deity Yahweh is as fictional and imaginary as Apollo, Zeus, Ba’al, Marduk, Ashshur, Shiva, or Krishna. There is a real and living transcendental God, but it is not the violent, vengeful Canaanite weather-god Yahweh, of that you can be assured.
“CHRISTians cannot support or aid Israel or the Jewish Nation that DENIES the Lamb of God.”
So what then? Let Muslims have the land? They also deny the Lamb of God.
Muslims accept Jesus as a Prophet , not as the “the son of god/ trinity” Jews outright deny him. SUNNIsemite, JEWSIHsemite, SHIITTEsemite — don’t like any of them …… but “let them have the land”? the Palestinians — many of whom are CHRISTIANS, have been there since before Abraham left UR/BABYLON ……
Yes, but Muslims deny that Jesus died on the cross. They claim he only “appeared” to die on the cross. That is a clear antichrist doctrine.
As for your original post. I agree with a lot of what you say. But I also disagree with a lot.
Granted there are complex issues stemming from how the nation state of Israel was formed. There are real Arabs that were wronged. But isn’t all that past tense now? Can’t we deal with the present fairly? In this present time there is a Jewish state that calls itself Israel. Are you just suggesting that we allow the Arabs surrounding Israel to basically commit genocide and “cleanse” the land of Jews? Otherwise, what are you going to do with all those Jews? Your idea to give all the land back to Palestinians is ridiculous. It is infeasible and cruel. Therefore, I do support the nation state of Israel. They do have a right to exist. I do not have to agree with their religion to support their right to exist.
Seriously, if you go back far enough. There is no nation state on earth that has not committed crimes. Yet all we hear about constantly is how bad Israel is. USA, my own country used “manifest destiny” as an excuse to basically conquer the land that was owned by native Americans. I realize my ancestors have not always done right. But, we have to live in the present world.
You are absolutely right. God bless you!
If the 3rd Temple is rebuilt, this would be trigger a wave of Christianity unlike anything seen before in history. Jews would open the gates to heaven for billions of Christians that have been systematically obliterated. The holiest place on earth, Jerusalem. Open channel to the main guy himself.
Islam stands in the way.
only a Copt can really, deeply UNDERSTAND !
Bravo !
TREASON —– TREASON by the Pentagon and NEOCON-Politicians working for Israel.
This IS a war on Christianity.
RUSSIA and CHINA are the Last Hope for Western CHRISTIAN Democratic Civilization. Putin SAW the TREASONOUS support “our” politicians and pentagon were giving ISIS(rael) and recognized the INVASION they were creating will swamp Europe and America. —————-
Over a YEAR, 6700 bombing missions, and 100s of MILLION$ of our taxes squandered so the terrorists could create the INVASION of “refugees” …….
72 HOURS and 60 MISSIONS of RUSSIANS actually DOING something and LOOK, “450 militants turn themselves in to Syrian authorities”
The COURTS MARTIAL need to be prepared IMMEDIATELY.
My friend, all I can say is repent, don’t hate the Jewish people, they are God’s people and as Christians we need to support them and love them. Please repent because you are committing some serious sin and you will reap its ugly fruits one day if you don’t repent.
He who blesses Israel, CRUCIFIES Christ.
Americans, muslims and other Westerners Crucify Christ every day by banning him from every where and replacing his moral teachings with radical evil moral relativist agenda and with islam.
Do you have any clue on how so many Americans are mad about God being removed from public schools? I am so proud of some of our kids today, even tho they are told not to pray before their sporting events,they they refuse to listen to them and still do so. One young man was not to bring up God, or say prayer at his graduation when he was giving his speech, he still did. America was founded on Christianity. There are still Americans that know this, this is one of the biggest problems today.
We do not want Islam in our country, there is not one thing peaceful about it. Worse thing people can do is put a liberal in the White House, and even worse is a muslim liberal. I say let God do the judging of us, he knows good from bad, who truly is a believer and who is not.
IS-rael & ISIS-rael, one and the same. This flood of muslim refugees into White CHRISTian Democratic Europe is a repeat of Israel’s actions in 1948 , terror used to depopulate areas that Israel wishes to grab for “Greater Israel” and at the same time to dilute and destroy CHRISTian Europe.
Before the state of Israel was founded, the terrorist underground militias that were to become the Israel “Defense” Forces committed over 100 massacres of civilians. The atrocities intensified in the months leading up to the “declaration of indeperndence”. In March and April 1948 alone over 25 massacres were committed including infamous ones such as Tantura and Deir Yassin. Israeli leaders themselves credited these actions as of great use in getting the Palestinians to evacuate Palestine so that a Jewish state could be established without a demographic “burden” of “non-Jews” (Christains and Muslims). The massacres continued after the war with government ordered slaughters at Kufr Kassem in 1956 (see…, and more until the latest slaughter of 1400 in three weeks in Gaza (most of them civilians). This showed that the state of Israel is still addicted to these policies of terror.
“The Zionist version of the Palestinian exodus is a myth manufactured after the cataclysm took place. If the Zionists could show that the refugees had really fled without cause, at the express instructions of their own politicians, they would greatly erode the world’s sympathy for their plight — and, in consequence, the pressure on themselves to allow them to return. Thus in public speeches and scholarly-looking pamphlets they peddled this myth the world over. It was not until 1959 that the Palestinian scholar Walid Khalidi, exposed it for what it is. His painstaking researches were independently corroborated by an Irish scholar, Erskine Childers, two years later. Together, they demonstrated that the myth was not just a gross misrepresentation of accepted or even plausible facts; the very ‘facts’ themselves had been invented. Orders for the evacuation of the civilian population had not simply been issued, the Zionists said, they had been broadcast over Arab radio stations. One had come from the Mufti himself. This was the cornerstone of the Zionist case. Yet when these two scholars took the trouble to examine the record — to go through the specially opened archives of Arab governments, contemporary Arabic newspapers and the radio monitoring reports of both the BBC and the CIA — they found that no such orders had been issued, let alone broadcast, and that when challenged to produce chapter-and-verse evidence, the date and origin of just one such order, the Zionists, with all the apparatus of the State of Israel now at their disposal, were quite unable to do so. They found, on the contrary, that Arab and Palestinian authorities had repeatedly called on the people to stay put and the Arab radio services had consistently belittled the true extent of Zionist atrocities.”
—David Hirst, The Gun and the Olive Branch, Faber, 1977, pp. 136-7.
Israel her self is fighting for her existence and is being surrounded by the same genocidal Arab and other musllims who want all the Jewish people dead.
Remember, there are 22 Arab states and 57 muslim countries in the world
and muslims and Arabs cannot except the Jewish people to live in peace in their ancient homeland (Israel). If Arabs have 22 countries all populated by Arabs why not the Jewish people live in peace in their tiny homeland? I am a Christian Zionist and I believe islam and muslims are the real THREAT for both the Jewish state (Israel) and Christians and other non-muslims around the world and I say God bless Russia for defending Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and may God curse and judge so severely America and other Western countries who hate Christians but are backing barbaric islamic jihadists all across the world.
Jews are the ORIGINAL “nazis” !!!
The Canaanites/Amorites/Philistines/Midianites/PALESTINIANS were in PALESTINE long before Israel was even thought of.
These passages are the foundation of Israel’s self written “deed” to the land of Palestine.
If they are not ALL true, then the entire “claim” to Palestine, in the book THEY WROTE, IS NOT TRUE.
Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”
Numbers c.5 v.2-4
Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter
Exodus c.32 v.27
Numbers c.11 v.1-2
Numbers c.16 all
Numbers c.21 v.5-6
Numbers v.26 v.10
KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION”
Numbers v25 v.4-8
Deuteronomy c.14 v.2
Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites
Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites
Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan
Numbers c.31 all Midianites
Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites
Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon
Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities
Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE
Where are THEIR “holocaust” Memorials!
Numbers c.21 v.25
Numbers c.32 v.39
Numbers c.33 v.53
(just to name a FEW)
Numbers c.33 v.31-34
Deuteronomy c.7 v.2
Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30
Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16
Deuteronomy c.2 v.2
Deuteronomy c.7 v.1
Exodus c.3 v.22
Exodus c.11 v.2
Exodus c.12 v.35-36
Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD”
Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”.
TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State”
YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State”
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)
For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”
The word should be JEWnocide not genocide …… because the JEWS invented it
Let’s keep Mr. Putin and the long-suffering Russian people in our prayers. I think they have had their fill of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis, as have the majority of God-fearing Americans. May the banksters and their minions go down in flames!
YES, remove America from the world and anarchy will begin, soot and ash will slowly float this way.
The strongman of the world has been removed. Done on purpose because lieberals want to spread THEIR GOSPEL of human misery and suffering.
Hope you prepped correctly America!
Great article. Who would have thought it would be Russia that would make a stand against the genocide of Christians, I pray for their safety and victory against the Muslim Terrorists, and that more countries would join this noble cause. I’m proud of our American Forces who are ever ready and have no doubt they would willingly join in the fight against the genocide of Christians, the problem is not our Military but our leaders who support these Muslim Terrorists.
Russian Orthodox army not ashamed of their faith, May God bless them and
give them victory over the evil anti-Christ West and their islamic jihadist
allies. Watch:
need a Holy Christian Army led by Russia NOW:
i love Russia we need Putin for the USA prez”
Don’t look on the outward appearance. What makes you think Putin is on your side? You cannot trust a word he says. You think one side is always right and the other is wrong? What if both sides are wrong? What if there are no good guys? These days you use your head or you’ll lose your head.
Putin is better and there is NO one like him in the Western world.
Watch the video below as Putin defends Christianity and criticizes Western society for being ashamed of their Christian roots:
He is a politician. He takes the “defender of Christianity” stance as a political expedient. Politics are like a chess game. It’s strategy. I am not saying he is always wrong in what he says or does. But he is not to be trusted. Because he will betray your trust. Trust in God.
So pray about him. I think you may well hear from God. Ask God to show you if Putin is trustworthy. And believe very little from the mainstream media either American or Russian mainstream media. Governments around the world are interested in controlling the accessible information for their public audiences. The internet has thrown them off a little. But they are working on getting that back under control. You can believe that.
1. By disinformation.
2. By control of internet hubs. Such as corporate controlled social media and what websites show up on search engines.
3. implementation of various laws to basically outlaw those who dare to expose them.
4. outright control and censure by blocking access such as China is doing right now.
Compared to American and Western leaders who are backing the jihadists, President Putin makes a perfect sense to a severely persecuted Christian minority in the M.E. and elsewhere in the islamic world. This does not mean he is perfect, but he makes a far, far better sense than his Western counter parts.
Yes he does. But don’t trust him at all.
US turned her back to God and it will experience the curse from God.
Islam is a disease… Like a murdering Zombie Plague.
john Kerry a fucking idiot
Then he should be removed from office and you should never have a sodomite negro ruler!
I’ve had a dream that shows me that Christians should not trust Putin. He will let you live IF you flatter him. Others he considers to be “undesirables” that should be tortured and then killed.
Who should we trust then? America? Obama? Bush? Cameroun? Angela Merkel? Cathlyn Jener? Western world including America are profoundly anti-Christ, pro-gay and pro islam. Watch as President Putin defends Christianity and scorns the Western world for their evil moral relativism and their “gay” agenda:
You’re wrong, Jonathan. Terribly wrong. Putin has had a life-changing experience and as a result, has reinstated the Russian church back to its rightful place in Russian society, encourages families, discourages sexual immorality, and now is fighting a terror which has slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Christians. I believe that he has found his life in Christ. God will bless him and Russia because he has taken up God’s cause…we can only wish we were living under a man such as this.
Please let us keep praying President Putin and for his people. May God give him honor and success!
Christian- God will bless him and Russia as Putin is promoting God’s plan for society and has honored the persecuted Russian Orthodox Church. Also, he is assisting a leader who has shown kindness and mercies to Christians in his country, Bashar Assad.
I do pray for Vladimir Putin & Bashar Assad. They are being smeared, but God knows the truth.
Thank you for speaking the truth and may God bless you as well!
You also, my brother or sister in Christ!
Look, clearly fighting ISIS is good. I am not arguing against that. But, you cannot trust Putin. He is faking it all. He is not a real Christian. Watch him closely. You have to realize that he controls the Russian media. That those stories that don’t flatter him are suppressed. That is why he has to be scrutinized closely to know the truth about him. Know them by their fruits.
Can you accept the idea that there are no good guys this time? That Putin can be right to fight ISIS but so wrong on many other things? You’ve been warned. If you’re Christian pray for the Syrian Christians that they are delivered from ISIS and from Putin as well.
He will accept Christians that flatter his ego. But what about the rest? How would you like it if one wrong word and you’re to be disappeared? To be tortured and killed? I saw in a dream that Putin was in church and he informed the Christians there that they would be safe except for a few “undesirables”. He then started to receive letters of flattery from the children sitting in the church. He really liked the letters. I was sitting there as well. I refused to give a letter. He walked past me and a guard came up to me and escorted me out of the church. Putin came into the room and pointed at me and said “Since he is an undesirable, torture and kill him”.
Even if Putin isn’t a born again Christian, he probably at least realizes that Christianity is essential in Russia to establish a demographically and culturally stable nation. Russia is on the other side of where we are headed, and they have realized their past mistakes and how to fix it. The Christian religion is essential for Russia – Putin has realized this — even if he himself is not a “true” believer. I’m fine with that. God used the Persian princes to do his Will even if they weren’t “true” believers.
You don’t have to be “born again” to be a Christian.
Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. (Jer. 17:5)
Jeremiah’s message wasn’t very popular. But it’s still the truth today.
Jonathan- we will agree to disagree regarding Vladimir Putin, but one thing I do agree on with you is that we WILL know them by their fruits! Shalom!
Thank you, Raymond. I am so SICK of hearing say that Russia is on the wrong side of history. He’s out of his mind. HE’S on the wrong side of history and that makes all of us vulnerable. Great article.
It’s called “blame shifting” I believe.
The Truth is so refreshing…….thank you.
Putin’s approval ratings at an all time hign…..the Milk Chocolate Messiah….Obami….hmmm at an all time LOW !!!!!
So far it is only Russia who has spoken out for Christians.
Some of the fellows of the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought ( have been following the strategical and political developments in Russia for a quite long time.
In 2011 Mr. Olavo de Carvalho, the President of the Institute, had the unique opportunity of having a written debate with Mr. Aleksandr Dugin, widely recognized as the chief geopolitical strategist and mentor behind of the new Eurasian strategy adopted by President Putin.
The entire debate can be read here:
The main topic of the debate was “The USA and the New World Order,” and
both debaters had the chance to expressed their views about it during a period of three months. In a recent visit to Brazil, Dugin referred to his discussion with Mr. de Carvalho as one of the hardest he ever had.
(Dugin, a thinker otherwise known by scholars and strategy experts only, has been
finally “discovered” by some big names in the American conservative
media — Glenn Beck has been talking about him recently)
For those fellows and researchers involved in the debate and in the study of Russian strategy in some way or another, it became clear that the Russian government was strategically adopting a conservative and “Christian” stance on a number of issues. A prediction that some of us made at the time was that it would not be a surprise if conservative Christian Americans would begin to see Putin as the new light coming
from the East. Finally a Christian leader in an anti-Christian world.
Not long afterwards we noted that many conservative Protestants were already turning their eyes to Russia, praising Putin for his strong Christian stance; and now we observe many traditional Catholics doing the same thing.
During the debate, Fatima and the conversion of Russia were brought up and
discussed as well as the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Eurasian empire strategy — it is interesting to note that Putin “presided over” the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia in 2009, a historical event on many levels of significance. It is also interesting to remember that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is no other than the Tsar.
I hope you can benefit from the reading of the debate. I hope that a closer look at the political strategy that informs Putin and his government may be useful for your understanding of this most dramatic and important development in Russia.
Still in connection with Putin’s new Eurasian strategy and Aleksandr Dugin, it does not hurt to read the following interview with Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy, a former KGB agent on FrontPageMag:
Here’s a relevant excerpt from it:
“FP: Can you talk a bit about this ideological foundation.
Preobrazhenskiy: Russia has invented a special ideology for its union with Iran. It is “Eurasia theory.” This teaching is primitive and unconvincing. It postulates that Russia, as the main country of Eurasia, has been doomed to oppose America based on its geographical situation. Eurasia is a “land power” and America is the “Atlantic” one.
This so-called theory was authorized by a quazi-philosoper, Alexander Dugan. Also he is a leader of a political party created on the base of this theory: the “Eurasia
Of course, it is not a theory at all, but a sort of “symbol of faith” of Russian expansion and anti-Americanism. And also it is a symbol of patriotism for the Russian ruling elite. If you share Dugin’s views, you are a real Russian patriot and may be promoted to a higher post. Your career in Russian government will be successful, as it was for the devoted Communists in the Soviet times.
Yes, Dugin has borrowed postulates of the Communist ideology: hatred of democracy, human rights and America. And also he has proclaimed Iran to be the most natural Russian ally in fighting America.
In his recent article, “The West is Afraid of Friendship between Russia and Ira,” Alexander Dugin wrote the following: “The U.S.A. and their Western allies are afraid that the establishment of solid strategic connection between Moscow and Tehran would not let them isolate Iran based on its nuclear ambitions. America hastens to be settled in Georgia so it can stop the union between Russia and Iran. That is why Russia and Iran should hurry to get together.”
Think about this: Alexander Dugin is a frequent guest on Kremlin-controlled Russian TV. Yet he cannot even speak Russian properly. He was granted a clearance for lecturing at the General Staff Academy. It is the highest Russian military school, where
all the students have the rank of a General. How reliable do you think they would be might be as America’s allies a future war?
Why do you think Dugin gets all these unusual privileges? The answer is clear: The Eurasia Movement is backed by Russian intelligence. Its actual organizer is Colonel Peter Suslov, officer of the SVR. In the 1990s, Dugin’s seminars were attended by the high-positioned Russian intelligence officer, Sergei Ivanov, future Russian Minister of Defense and the current First Deputy Prime Minister. By the way, he is my former
classmate at the KGB school in Minsk in the late 1970s. And he is also a very close friend of Putin.
Sergei Ivanov is said to be the leading promoter of rapprochement with Iran in the military sphere — in spite of the U.S.A. But where he see Ivanov, he see Putin. In fact, Sergei Ivanov is nothing but Putin’s shadow. If he visited the Eurasia seminars, it means that Putin admires the Eurasia Movement too. After Putin’s coming to power, the Eurasia Movement received the Kremlin’s support. The SVR, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, and GRU, military intelligence, have assisted Alexander
Dugin in working out the long-term joint project of creating the Eurasian block. The anti-American partnership of Russia and Iran is playing the key role there.
This article by Mr. Raymond Ibrahim is so important that I translated it into Portuguese. Here:
I have also translated and published in Portuguese many other Ibrahim’s articles.
In Brazil, Mr. Olavo de Carvalho has been notorious for his stridency against Russia and a strident support of the revisionism of the Catholic Inquisition, which tortured and murdered Jews and evangelicals. See his stances here:
He sees a Russian conspiracy in every problem in the universe. His condition is probably incurable.
In Brazil, Julio Severo is known by his obsessive crusade against Mr. Olavo de Carvalho and his insistence on refusing to update his studies on the Inquisition, which he justifies by classifying every major historical study on the topic as “revisionism,” just because the historical research does not agree with his preconceived notions about the topic. Even BBC already released a documentary movie on the difference between the anti-Catholic propaganda that created black myths and legends about the Inquisition and what historians have found based on primary sources.
Hey Cota, would you and Olavo like to be burned in 16 foot high flames? Just as an experiment to see how it feels?
Hey Don, there is a difference between denying that the Inquisition ever happened and debunking the myths about the Inquisition. I cannot expect you to grasp that distinction, but I think I have the duty to inform you there is one. Secondly, Protestants were no different when it came to burning heretics and witches at the stake. If you had bothered to study history, you would know that (check this website, for example, ). Thirdly, I assume you are a Bible-believing Christian, why don’t take a look at these verses ( and do some thinking about them. While you are at it also think about what Moses and the tribe of Levi did to those Israelites who fell back on worshiping idols while Moses was at Sinai (Exodus 32). Don’t you think it is just curious that, in a way, you started your own “Inquisition” or “crusade” against Olavo?
The Reformation divided Europe between Protestant regions and those
loyal to the Pope, but Protestants took the crime of witchcraft no less
seriously–and arguably even more so–than Catholics. Germany,
rife with sectarian strife, saw Europe’s greatest execution rates of
witches–higher than those in the rest of the Continent combined.
Witch hysteria swept France in 1571 after Trois-Echelles, a defendant
accused of witchcraft from the court of Charles IX, announced to the
court that he had over 100,000 fellow witches roaming the
country. Judges responding to the ensuing panic by eliminating
for those accused of witchcraft most of the protections that other
defendants enjoyed. Jean Bodin in his 1580 book, On the
Demon-Mania of Sorcerers, opened the door to use of
testimony by children against parents, entrapment, and instruments of
Over the 160 years from 1500 to 1660, Europe saw between 50,000
80,000 suspected witches executed. About 80% of those killed
were women. Execution rates varied greatly by country, from a
high of about 26,000 in Germany to about 10,000 in France, 1,000 in
England, and only four in Ireland. The lower death tolls in
England and Ireland owe in part to better procedural safeguards in
those countries for defendants.
I happen to agree with Olavo on the point that Catholics were not a lot worse than Protestants in this area. My ancestors were thrown out of Europe for being Anabaptists and some were tortured and killed. The persecutors? Lutherans. But I recall Olavo writing that the flames of the Inquisition fires were 16 feet high and therefore no one ever felt pain. How would he know? Were they taking measurements. I don’t like two-faced people. Olavo never wrote any of this in English. He wrote this highly controversial stuff only in Portuguese. That to me is sneaky. I get the feeling that Olavo is constantly playing games. I like to deal with honest people. Like you.
Are you a sheep? Stop bowing and scraping to your foolish emperor de Carvalho. He knows NOTHING about Russia today. Dugin is not Putin’s mentor and no one discusses him any more in Russia (I follow the Russian press daily, believe me). Putin ignores him completely. Stop the Russophobia. Russophobia is racism. Read the truth about Dugin here: If the West refuses to cooperate with Putin, ISIS may eventually end civilization. Is that ok with you?
Only insults, no reasons. You envy and hate me so much that you cannot hear my name without immediately start gnawing your fingers until they bleed. I know your personal story and understand you always have to pretend moral indignation against something in order to appease a guilt that will never go away. Never.
Why would I envy a loser?
At least the FBI isn’t looking for me, Olavo. Tsk tsk. You have only been in the US for a few years and already you are in trouble with the law.
Look, I found an article about Olavo de Carvalho. Is that the same Olavo de Carvalho as YOU?
Airtight argument founded upon sound logic, as anyone can see. “Dugin is not Putin’s mentor and no one discusses him any more in Russia (I follow the Russian press daily, believe me).” This is a masterpiece of an argument. “Stop the Russophobia. Russophobia is racism.” This is even better. Did you even read what Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy say in the interview? Is he a Russophobe too?
What about this piece of information on Dugin’s book The Foundations of Geopolitics? Another lie by a Neocon Russophobe who does not read the Russian press?
“The Foundations of Geopolitics sold
out in four editions, and continues to be assigned as a textbook at the
General Staff Academy and other military universities in Russia.
“There has probably not been another book published in Russia during
the post-communist period which has exerted a comparable influence on
Russian military, police, and statist foreign policy elites,” writes
historian John Dunlop, a Hoover Institution specialist on the Russian
And about this?
And this?
And this?
Why are you quoting commie KGB agent Preobazhenskiy?
“Why are you quoting commie KGB agent Preobazhenskiy?”, said the guy who believes in Putin, the man who, when elected president for the first time, told an audience of FSB (KGB) agents: “Today, we’ve come back to power.” The world has become too ridiculous a place for any serious discussion.
Dugin was doing well and Putin politely treated him with respect until one day on a TV interview, he was asked what he thought should be done with Ukraine and he said Russia should kill them. KILL, KILL, KILL (ubivat’, ubivat’, ubivat’). The writer of that article doesn’t mention this but it was in fact his downfall. The Western journal Foreign Policy can write all they want about him but the Russian msm no longer mentions him. This idea of killing Ukrainians is quite the opposite of Putin’s view. Putin once held an interview with public input and one person made the mistake of condemning the Ukrainians for what they did to the people in Novorossia. He quickly set her straight and reminded the audience that the “Ukrainians are our brothers.” These little details are lost on Western observers and part of the problem with us is that most think of Russia as too far away and the language too difficult to learn. They feel alienated and alienation turns to hate or mistrust. Once a Westerner acquires an intimate knowledge of Russia, the language and the culture, this is reversed and they understand that the Neocons are the enemy. On the other hand, I will grant you that Putin’s Russia is following the Eurasian strategy, but not because Dugin suggested it. They must use this strategy or die. The West treats Russia and the Russians as enemies. You and Olavo are solid evidence of this. I am not sure what you will do if Donald Trump becomes president, though. Neoconservatism could fall into disrepute among the general public. We are already turning away from it fast. Look at all the Neocons who competed with Trump and lost. You and Olavo need to think about the future. The problem with you both is that you are addicted to philosophy books. You need to learn to observe real life phenomena. Objectively.
Many years ago I had a young Russian man come to Minnesota USA to work as a intern. He was a delight to work with and he became a wonderful friend. He proved to all of us that had the great pleasure to get to know him, that Russia was not what we had learned as kids. I am ashamed that obama is the so called president of the US, I have no respect for him, I don’t think of him as my president, I do not back him on what he has done and what he is doing. He is Anti American, Anti Christian, Anti Freedom. He has betrayed everyone accept Islam. The number of Christians that have lost their lives,and with obama glorifying Islam while it is happening should be proof for everyone who he really stands with, but we still have Christian Americans showing support for that monster.Our refugees should be Christians and not young male muslims. We should be with Russia side by side ending this attack on Christians. Vladimir Putin in a man I would be proud to call my leader. I was so thankful he stepped up and is showing obama what a real leader does. God Bless him and God Bless the Russian Military, thank you for everything you are doing.
Some of the fellows of the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought ( have been following the strategical and political developments in Russia for a quite long time.
In 2011 Mr. Olavo de Carvalho, the President of the Institute, had the
unique opportunity of having a written debate with Mr. Aleksandr Dugin,
widely recognized as the chief geopolitical strategist and mentor behind
of the new Eurasian strategy adopted by President Putin.
The entire debate can be read here:…
The main topic of the debate was “The USA and the New World Order,” and
debaters had the chance to expressed their views about it during a
period of three months. In a recent visit to Brazil, Dugin referred to
his discussion with Mr. de Carvalho as one of the hardest he ever had.
(Dugin, a thinker otherwise known by scholars and strategy experts only, has been
finally “discovered” by some big names in the American conservative
media — Glenn Beck has been talking about him recently)
those fellows and researchers involved in the debate and in the study
of Russian strategy in some way or another, it became clear that the
Russian government was strategically adopting a conservative and
“Christian” stance on a number of issues. A prediction that some of us
made at the time was that it would not be a surprise if conservative
Christian Americans would begin to see Putin as the new light coming
from the East. Finally a Christian leader in an anti-Christian world.
long afterwards we noted that many conservative Protestants were
already turning their eyes to Russia, praising Putin for his strong
Christian stance; and now we observe many traditional Catholics doing
the same thing.
During the debate, Fatima and the conversion of Russia were brought up and
as well as the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Eurasian
empire strategy — it is interesting to note that Putin “presided over”
the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia in 2009, a
historical event on many levels of significance. It is also interesting
to remember that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is no other
than the Tsar.
I hope you can benefit from the reading of the
debate. I hope that a closer look at the political strategy that informs
Putin and his government may be useful for your understanding of this
most dramatic and important development in Russia.
I recall the debate. I read it and wrote a commentary on it that got published at the institute. Olavo and you never got famous though.
No, but who said that I was even trying? It never occurred to me that I would become famous because of the debate. I am in the field of research and scholarship, not show business.
Your problem is that you kiss the rear end of people who want to get famous and this is beneath your dignity. You should be teamed up with people who are like yourself. The fellows of IAI are almost all respectable researchers. But you know the old proverb: S….t floats to the top.
As always the narrative becomes them-v-us – ‘Liberal’ ideology is not the ‘opposite’ of either Christian or Muslim doctrine, it is about freedom to think and be aware of all sides of the argument. The problem with those who just follow and are ‘Conservative’ in their view is that they make ‘Liberal’ a villain – when really they are trying to understand all sides and views and be FAIR & BALANCED on the subject. Too bad that ‘belonging’ to something (almost anything!) is so strong in some people that they will fight tooth and nail to defend their group because they cannot imagine a world without that support. It is a shame that we cannot just enjoy the discussion but have to get nasty about opposing views. I am a Liberal** with interest in learning about all views , and I am now very worried about the trend to closed mindedness filtering into society in general. We are getting dragged into a world confrontation of competing ideologies even tho the vast majority of humans do NOT believe so absolutely in either side of the argument and would much rather just live-and-let-live ! God help the world !
**Liberal has nothing to do with the licentiousness assumed by Conservatives ! – we see plenty of Conservatives fooling around with non-spouses or targeting little boys, so laying blame on a Liberal mind for that is quite ridiculous. All the Liberals I meet are caring, thoughtful, fair-minded and very faithful to their chosen partners, whether married or not , whether having any religious beliefs or not !
Have been following Mr. Ibrahim for three years now, so many politicians just never listen to what he has to say. As always a brilliant article thank you.
Muslims are psychopathic killers who are governed in mind and soul by their god-demon Allah. May they all soon go to hell!
The USA and Britain are quite stupid. Instead of provoking Russia, they should join Russia against the real threat: The ISIS Muslim psychopathic killers who are governed in mind and soul by their god-demon Allah. Please, then, USA-Britain and Russia, send them all to hell where they belong! Yes, please, Russia, send all those crazy muslim ISIS bastards to hell where their demon-god Allah awaits them!
Here’s a link to Steve Croft’s recent interview with Obama on 60 Minutes, topics including Syria, Putin, Russian involvement in Syria, ISIS etc.
It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence…….
It’s not the People of the USA who promoting Islamic Terror around the World it’s Obama and his accomplices the Democrat Progressives such as Kerry, the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, McCain, Graham, and other members of Congress and the Government. They no longer Represent the People of the USA . They have taken millions of dollars in bribes from the Islamics allowing the Infiltration of Anti American Muslim Brotherhood Operatives to be Appointed by Obama into to Agencies of Our Government . Sorry to say there’s not to much we can do about it except vote the slimes out of office.
Sept 16th – Putin in an address to his top military officers said they were being sent to Syria because, “It is morally incumbent upon Russia to change the terrible status quo in the Middle-East. Putin also added, “prepare for operation ‘Salvation’ and with God almighty’s aid we shall cleanse Syria from Obama’s ruthless terrorists.”
It seems Russia has now returned to its traditional historic mission of protecting the Christian peoples of Eurasia and rolling back the spread of Islam. We ought to thank Putin for his courageous stand.
I’d like to contact these religious leaders, I hope they read the comments. We can get way better holy power to prevail against Islam by defending Earth and the Sun, celestial spheres need their fuel to stay hot and spin. Solar and wind power are scams that rely on nuking the Sun for solar spills, seen as aurora and collected with polarized tweets and magnets. The regime that replaced Stalin was opposed to the railway of death to extract gas reserves. That is how to get God to help us prevail with less death…Earth and Sun try to kill fuel users in general. We need to disallow mining, drilling, fracking, and nuking the Sun (already illegal).
Earth uses the coal and gas to BURN to generate heat for the mantle. The energy is needed to stay hot and spin.The marble acts as a cork stopper to keep in pressure, heat, and gases.
Earth uses her crystal caves and metals for her own purposes that we don’t fully understand. We need to stop using fossil fuels, solar, and wind, and go with biofuels, including sewage. We need to attack terrorist mining and NOT ENGAGE IN IT OURSELVES. We need a moratorium on mining. We need to reduce fuel consumption. I’m hoping for embargoes in Kiev, the Crimea, and Mount Sainai. We can get way better magic if we DEFEND Earth’s resources, rather than stealing them.