During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).
He then explained “offensive jihad,” Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.
According to the ayatollah, when they can—when circumstance permits it, when they are strong enough—Muslims are obligated to go on the offensive and conquer non-Muslims (a fact to be kept in mind as millions of Muslim “refugees” flood the West).
The Muslim cleric repeatedly yelled at the secularized host who kept interrupting him and protesting that Islam cannot teach such intolerance. At one point, he burst out: “I am the scholar of Islam [al-faqih]. You are just a journalist. Listen to me!”
Expounded Al-Baghdadi:
If they are people of the book [Jews and Christians] we demand of them the jizya—and if they refuse, then we fight them. That is if he is Christian. He has three choices: either convert to Islam, or, if he refuses and wishes to remain Christian, then pay the jizya [and live according to dhimmi rules].
But if they still refuse—then we fight them, and we abduct their women, and destroy their churches—this is Islam!… Come on, learn what Islam is, are you even a Muslim?!
As for the polytheists [Hindus, Buddhists, etc.] we allow them to choose between Islam and war! This is not the opinion of Ahmad al-Husseini al-Baghdadi, but the opinion of all five schools of jurisprudence [four Sunni and one Shia].
Towards the end of the interview, because the clean-shaven, suit-and-tie-wearing host kept protesting that this cannot be Islam, the ayatollah burst out, pointing at him with contempt and saying, “Who are you? You’re going to tell me what to believe? This is the word of Allah!”
Indeed. Not only is it the word of Islam’s deity, but it is the fundamental, insurmountable obstacle for peace between Muslims and non-Muslims. Al-Baghdadi—and the countless other Muslim clerics, Sunni and Shia, that hold these views—are not “radicals.” For offensive jihad is no less codified than, say, Islam’s Five Pillars, which no Muslim rejects.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam’s entry for “jihad” states that the “spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general … Jihad must continue to be done until the whole world is under the rule of Islam … Islam must completely be made over before the doctrine of jihad can be eliminated.”
Islam has yet to “completely be made over.”
Renowned Muslim historian and philosopher Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) explained jihad as follows:
In the Muslim community, jihad is a religious duty because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the jihad was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense. But Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.
Here it’s worth noting that even the most offensive jihad is seen as an “altruistic” endeavor, not unlike the “white man’s burden” of the 19th century. After all, the ancient argument that “we must reform your ways, with our ways, for your own good” has been one of the most cited justifications for offensive jihad since the 7th century.
Indeed, soon after the death of Islam’s prophet Muhammad (634), when his jihadis burst out of the Arabian peninsula, a soon-to-be conquered Persian commander asked the invading Muslims what they wanted. They reportedly replied as follows:
Allah has sent us and brought us here so that we may free those who desire from servitude to earthly rulers and make them servants of Allah, that we may change their poverty into wealth and free them from the tyranny and chaos of [false] religions and bring them to the justice of Islam. He has sent us to bring his religion to all his creatures and call them to Islam. Whoever accepts it from us will be safe, and we shall leave him alone; but whoever refuses, we shall fight until we fulfill the promise of Allah.
Fourteen hundred years later, in March 2009, Saudi legal expert Basem Alem publicly echoed this view:
As a member of the true religion [Islam], I have a greater right to invade [others] in order to impose a certain way of life [according to Sharia], which history has proven to be the best and most just of all civilizations. This is the true meaning of offensive jihad. When we wage jihad, it is not in order to convert people to Islam, but in order to liberate them from the dark slavery in which they live.
Even al-Qaeda partially justified its jihad against America for being “a nation that exploits women like consumer products”; for not rejecting the “immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and usury.”
If the “white man’s burden” was/is to “civilize” Muslims, by bringing them “democracy,” “human rights,” and “secularism,” the “Muslim man’s burden”—captured by Allah’s word to Muslims, “Jihad is ordained for you, though you dislike it” (Koran 2:216)—has long been to “civilize” Westerners by bringing them under the umbrella of Sharia.
This positive interpretation of jihad ensures that, no matter how violent and ostensibly unjust a jihad is, it will always be vindicated in Muslim eyes: the ugly means will be justified by the “altruistic” ends.
Finally, as Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi pointed out, the need for Muslims to wage offensive jihad “is not the opinion of Ahmad al-Husseini al-Baghdadi… This is the word of Allah!”
Nor is it the “opinion” of ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr, al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, or any of the other countless past and present jihadis. No, jihad to conquer and bring Sharia to non-Muslims is the command of Allah.
Update: A reader recently translated the video clip I linked to and uploaded it on YouTube. It follows:
Islam itself is not the only obstacle to living together with the West in peace; look at how middle-easterners live. They are filthy, demanding, have a sense of self entitlement, and are generally impossible to live with. Yes, the sharia has a lot to do with it, but it’s also their culture.
But by far, the biggest obstacle is the recalcitrant leftists in the west who refuse to see with clear eyes, whose entire outlook is clouded by the ideological dreck of multiculturalism. The influence of such a filthy fifth column in our western societies must never be underestimated, especially in the realm of both secondary and primary education. The price of freedom truly is eternal vigilance.
Of course these leftist hate Christianity. They are the natural allies of Islamist, for instance the Antifascist movement in Germany
Correct. The “problem” of Islam could be solved in six months, namely, deporting the lot. It’s the left that will pose the most formidable obstacle to that simple solution.
Sharia and their culture are one and the same.
Yet they are permitted to maim, murder, rape, destroy antiquities put woman into slavery all in the name of their satanic god.
I posted this truth on twitter with alacrity an it felt damn good to do so. further, I am so proud of Raymond for his bravery & intellect.
Mr. Ibrahim possesses more knowledge and insight with respect to Islam in his pinkie than the demagogue-clown, Obozo, has in his entire brain.
Wake up. Muslims have eight kids compared to our two. In 20-30 years their eight have eight. They will over-populate wiping out our culture.
l hope Putin will wipe these killers off the face of the earth,
That’s their plan…Invade your enemies and have as many children as you can to raise your mad man army to destroy that country from within even if it takes two generations. This is not a future I want for my children. Islam is not a religion but a totalitarian cult of destruction of all peace and happiness. Countries need to outlaw this cult, period. They knew that in the crusades but they didn’t finish the job. Everywhere you find misery, strife, rape, murder, darkness, slavery, and true fear…You will find an Islamic State.
God means good and God has never said, it is okay to lie to fool your enemies. Muslims think lying is not a sin and they do it freely. Allah allows lying which mean Allah is not God but Satan of lies. Muslims got fooled as brainwashed sheep led to slaughter. They sold their soul to Satan and are not even aware they had done so.
Only of we let them keep their children and raise them as Muslims. If we take them away and place them for adoption with non-Muslims, the demographic goes the other way.
Smart plan.
But unworkable.
Yep, because you are dealing with generation after generation of violence and abuse. Generational rape at all levels and all genders. Mean Muslim men put down their daughters from the moment they are born. Women are just babymaking machines. Their Koran double speaks with a forked tongue. Everything including happiness is forbidden. I bet the majority of Muslims know the truth about the evils of and in their cult. They are brainwashed from a very early age. They have never known peace from the beginning because it is not from God as God means good. There is no good in beating, raping, and killing. Good spirits are not murdering lying souls. I understand the brainwashing because I was in a trapped prison with a very evil man. He actually tried to beat God out of me instead of beating God into me as what happens in Islam. It is utter nonsense to think there will be angels for their kind, let alone virgins. (I saw angels in a vision when I had surgery. They were glowing with long hair, they were excited, smiling ear to ear. Their glow was very bright. It was hard to see all the angels in the back row. There were many angels. They told me everything will turn out smiling gleefully after it left their lips. It was harmonized. I then watched them just evaporate as a fading mist. I then felt a warmth rush over me. I then woke up in a dark cold recovery room alone. Wow. It was that awesome. Around 7 ish that evening my grandson Christian was born.)
The cult members are not worthy because they are too evil for beautiful angels for they follow the great liar and deceiver. Imagine how horrible heaven would be to have ISIS in it? Or even the followers and protectors of such… because they turn a blind eye to the evil. Ah…ha that’s because they don’t go there. They never make it to the gateway to see Paradise for they walk in darkness here so they shall see the darkness there. They need to reject the evil and stand up to the evil in their cult! One generation is all it takes to change the evil and violence. It also takes one generation to build an army of evil which is what they are doing. Where are the peacemakers instead of the soultakers in this cult? Living in their created hell here and there to be…they shall see!
And our dumb ass government will support them with our tax dollars.
God help us! May the eye and ears of those who are nominal moslems or those who feel that they follow a religion of peace be opened!
Kicking your asses, and letting Jesus build His church is real Christianity :p
Respecting your women, kicking your asses, and your mosques , well they ll burn when the times come :p
Raymond, your scholarship is a shining light in a dark and deceived world. You give me hope, and I encourage you to continue your work.
We are so fucked…
The camel p**s drinker is right. Islam and the rest of the world cannot coexist. Either we survive or they do.
Another worthwhile, timely and relevant article Raymond. Please keep them coming (the articles that is).
this is a window to the muzloid mind…..no room for mistakes….we now know what course of action needs to be taken to safe gaurd our women and children…..the muzloids are cowards and will tend to target the weak and the inocent as they are afraid of men that can defend them selves…
One of the best articles on the whole topic I have seen, please keep a permanent link to it on the homepage.
The similarities between Islam and the final beast in Revelation as to how they both kill all those who refuse to worship the beast is either quite coincidental or providential?
Islam is insane in the membrane
If people’s eyes could be opened to the religious conditioning (brainwashing) of all the religions. I left church 5 years ago and it took a good 3 years to mentally fully break away from it. I know how powerfully strong religious conditioning is and how strong a person will stand for their beliefs. There is no god Allah. It don’t exist.
Here’s a link to a copy of this video with english subtitles.
My one question to the asshole, Why the fuck do you care.?
You can pay us the Jizya, you worthless fuck.
This is nothing new. This is core, basic Islam as practiced by Muhammad. All HONEST Muslim clerics say the same thing.
1- Koran 9:29: “Fight those who believe not
in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
2- Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to
fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but
Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property
and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.” Sahih
Muslim.Book 1.Hadith 33.
3- Abu Hurairah narrated that : The Messenger of Allah said: “I have been
commanded to fight the people until they say La ilaha illallah (there is none
worthy of worship but Allah). Whoever says La ilaha illallah, his wealth and
his life are safe from me except for a right that is due, and his reckoning
will be with Allah.”
4- “Libyan Cleric Boujela Justifies
Beheadings and Body Mutilation “to Strike Terror in the Heart” of the
5- “Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: We Should Fight
Polytheists who Refuse to Convert to Islam or Pay Jizya”
6- What Will Muslims Do When they Become Powerful?
According to his own words we should be killing them on sight instead of importing them into our country.
While western leaders keep on telling us about the wonderful religion of peace and tolerance and how muslims actually built Europe and USA, we should actually be listening to what Islamic leaders in various countries are saying about their religion.
It’s called islam
islam is the edict of SATAN
allah is SATAN
allah commands all moslems to infiltrate by deception
allah commands all moslems to kill ALL non-believers
allah told moslem men they are free to RAPE any woman, child or animal.
All of islam must be destroyed
The time of the Worldwide Final Crusade is NOW.
If there’s anything I blame Bush and Blair for in their conduct of the war in Iraq, it is that they didn’t slaughter the entire ulema, destroy all the mosques and prohibit the profession of Islam on pain of death.
I thought we could coexist peacefully but I was wrong, like a John Bircher living next door to a pot smoking hippy. Bad for the neighborhood bro.