According to a new report published yesterday, December 12, by RT Arabic, the “Swedish government is in a state of panic after dozens of its citizens received threatening letters signed by ISIS and offering them three choices, either conversion to Islam, payment of jizya, or decapitation.”
The letters warned their recipients that they had three days to decide.
Written in the Swedish language, the letters appeared yesterday on dozens of homes in different cities at the same time. Police are reportedly taking the threat “very seriously.” Among other regions, letters appeared in the cities of Ronneba, Sigtuna, Vstroes and the capital Stockholm.
Along with threatening those who refuse to convert to Islam or pay the jizya with death, some letters also threatened their recipients with “the bombing of theirs roofs above their heads.” The letters further warned that the police will not save recipients of the letters and that “death would extend to all.”
The complete translation of the above letter follows:
In the name of Allah, the merciful, full of grace. You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house; we will bomb your rotten corpses afterwards. You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam. 2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection 3. Or else, you will be decapitated. The police will not prevent or save you from you being murdered. (Death comes to all of you).
I think it should be ‘ Västerås’ instead of Vstreos
This is what Obama is bringing to the US free of change! What is more….you get to support them with your tax dollars!
Obama and the eGOP brings this threat to our shores.
Obummer and the GOP have never done anything together (aren’t y’all always complaining the Republicans are blocking his efforts?) … the blood will be on his hands and his partner in crime Hillary!
Nice try ….the gop is a pussy adversary at best
They are trying to pass a bill with Rubio leading it. They want unlimited refugees.
that is totally untrue, Obama and the Dems are the ones with open arms to Muslim Refugees, there is no bill being brought by Rubio or any other Republican for that matter to let unlimited amounts of refugees into the USA, you need to watch CSPAN and stop drinking the Liberal Obama Kool-aid…..
Coming soon to Canada thanks to.stupid Canadians electing a Muslim loving idiot for Prime Minister. We have many small communities in our country which will be prime targets for this sort of thing. Well done Liberal voters
Oh but he is so cute.
A bit like a warm cuddly bunny. Oh, that’s right, they’re feral too.
Then he should be a rock star not Prime Minister of Canada. The voters in this country care more about style then substance and we always end up paying for it. And we will again only worse this time with our new muslim arrivals. Maybe after the first beheading my fellow citizens may start to wake up. But I wont hold my breath.
stephen harper has ruined canada’s economy in the long term. just look at what happened to Alberta.
To bad you don’t have a lot guns left you are going to need them
Can you all have guns in Canada?
Can we “all” have guns in Canada. No. We can’t “all” have guns. You must apply for a FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) There’s a course involved, but also most important, if married, your spouse will be contacted by the police privately and asked if there is any reason whatsoever that your spouse should not own a firearm. There is a check of your past history, etc. And there’s also a course, which explains in detail correct use and storage of firearms in the home. Many (but not all) of my friends own firearms of one type or another, including my husband but few of them own handguns. So not “all” can have a firearm. But that doesn’t mean that the “bad guys” don’t get them illegally anyway. I think that most “crimes of passion” that occur in families that have firearms usually end up in death. This probably eliminates most of those, not to mention accidental handling /discharge of firearms by children. Where I live, almost 100% of the shootings, etc are down between gang members/at gang members families, all with illegally gained handguns.
So, you are disarmed completely then is your point.
Doesn’t sound like it to me…
“disarmed completely?” Not at all, J Neville. My husband has a couple of rifles, more than a few friends have handguns of different calibres that they use at the local rod and gun club. Several of our relatives and friends like to hunt elk, deer and moose, and have the appropriate firearm for them. None of my friends, relations or acquaintances carry handguns for protection/safety issues. In my entire life, (I’m no baby anymore) there’s never been a injury/incident that involved a shooting in this group of people. It’s not that much of an issue here, except as I said with gang members (none of these people we know) and that’s usually sporadic due to some issue between them. If we wanted a handgun we’d have one, but we just don’t see the need.
Learn to make bows and arrows and you won’t have to have a gun furthermore they can trace the arrow.
That’s exactly how it is in the US, which is the part the media doesn’t tell you about when they smugly put us down about our high murder rates. Just the other day a homeowner shot dead one of two home invaders.
I am sure that for 1 bad guy shot by a citizen defending himself, there are 100 gun accidents or domestic violence shootings that wouldn’t have happened if gun were controlled
Thanks for the info Marla I like learning new stuff and this never came up before that I have seen anyways. The U.S. is not like that at all. No classes unless you will be hunting and those are for children mostly. You do need a certificate to purchase a handgun, but those are easy to get if you have a clean record. You need a special license if you are going to own fully automatic guns and a few over a certain caliber I believe. Otherwise it pretty open to buy guns of any kind and walk out with them same day.
I don’t know where you are in the States Das but in New Jersey it seems the same way as where Marla is. Here in NJ you are only allowed to buy one handgun in a month and for every handgun you buy you have to apply for a permit each time. And the permit expires after that month. So if you don’t purchase the handgun in time you have to apply for another permit. For rifle and shotguns you don’t have to apply for a permit as long as you own a firearms license.
Here in Texas, there is a background check on the buyer, on handgun purchases, and you have to take a course and pass a written test, and a shooting test, to carry a concealed gun. It’s not really that easy.
But you can have open carry now with your rifles
Our new open carry law only pertains to handguns, and you still have to have a permit with training. It has always been legal to carry a long gun.
Where do you live that you can just walk into a store and buy a gun without any certification or license? I want to move there.
In North Carolina, as in all of the neighboring states you need to take and pass a certification course before you can buy a gun. You must then go apply at the local Sheriff’s office where you submit fingerprints and your legal and health history. And then you wait a month or so for the state to do a background check on you. If you pass and they grant you a CCW, then you can possibly buy a gun.
When you go to a gun store you must present your state certification and they will conduct an instant background check on you. During the background check they determine whether you’re going to be able to buy a gun or not. If you pass then you can buy a gun and take it home with you. If not, too bad for you. No legitimate gun shop owner will sell you a gun if you don’t pass. He will lose his business and possibly do time.
As for fully automatic weapons – commonly called machine guns – you need a Class III license. Be prepared to be investigated by the ATF and waiting 6-9 months to find out if you’re going to get a license for that. If you’re licensed for a Class III weapon be prepared to pay upwards of $5000 for the privilege. Prices in the range of $10k to $20k are more the norm. They do NOT come cheap.
I’m sure this applies to citizens only and not criminals.
Actually, (re gun control) the government doesn’t have a separate law for criminals. It applies to citizens (including criminals). It’s just that the criminals aren’t by nature law-abiding citizens.
My point exactly.
The peculiar and unique American love affair with guns will not save you from Islam. It has been of no benefit to the USA or to Americans in the past. The only consequence of this odd Americanism is that some 35,000 Americans are killed each year with their own guns – either accidents, suicide or being killed by someone else using their own gun. Only a handful of people actually successfully used guns in self-defence. To put this in perspective – this is the equivalent of 14 World Trade Centres every year. You don’t need Islamic Jihadhists to kill Americans, you are successfully accomplishing it yourselves.
Actually the love affair has to do with a check and balance of our government granting us the ability to overthrow it when or if it doesn’t follow the constitution. By your rationale might as well outlaw booze since it attributed to 88k deaths from 2006 to 2010 or 30k or so deaths attributed to cars yearly. Fact is people die, from different causes; its written into our existence. Better to die free, than a subject of the state.
Blah Blah Blah
it’s not a love affair. It’s called the 2nd amendment right. the founders wanted to be sure we were armed to the teeth both to protect ourselves and/or to overthrow our own government if necessary.
I very much doubt that the authors of the 2nd amendment were in favour of citizen’s overthrowing their own government – they were very much attached to the idea of the rule of law. But the reason for the 2nd amendment isn’t relevant. What is relevant is that it has morphed into a belief that all citizens should be armed to protect themselves from enemies, whether domestic or external. That idea is unique to the USA, and in my view entirely misguided.
Get a compound bow and arrow making supplies.
INSANITY! The US owes $19 trillion debt & Obama is spending billions on importing Muslims into US while we have millions of vets homeless & 94M jobless.
Obama spends taxpayers’ money (against our will) like his own money to provide his Muslim people govt benefits enabling the Muslim women to stay home & pop dozen of babies while we, Americans have to work hard & pay taxes.
Obama & the politicians don’t care about the people who elected them. Democrats only care about getting more votes for their party. 70% of Muslims vote Democrat.
Muslims take over w jihad, migration & high birth rate. They are told to blend in until they get orders to KILL. They take advantage of the free govt benefits of western countries while the JIHADISTS like ISIS plot to take over the countries w violence & Sharia law.
They come to western countries to take over w Sharia NOT TO ASSIMILATE. You get a death sentence if you try to live Islam. ISLAM & SHARIA ARE THE SAME & are the OPPOSITE OF DEMOCRACY. SHARIA IS THE ISLAMIC LAW.
It’s time for American to wake up & take our country back from politicians who don’t care about Americans best interest.
Arm yourself w knowledge of Islam & SHARE your knowledge w others. Read the Quran & learn more in details from
VOTE DONALD TRUMP FOR POTUS. NOTICE THAT 90% OF THE BOGUS FAKE REFUGEE’S INTO EUROPE & USA ARE Muslim MILITARY AGED MEN? This is a planned army of Muslim men to wage war on Europe & the USA via Jihad. If Trump not elected the USA is finished! Yes they bring their 10 1st cousin wives and mate like rabbits on Viagra & steroids deliberately to take over with Sharia law. ONLY A FOOL WOULD NOT SEE WHAT IS TRULY GOING ON HERE.
Stay armed!!!
DC politicians, they all need to be voted out of office! Speaker Ryan working for Dems to get more votes for them. What did Ryan get in return? How many millions?
That is you mean the religion of p*88.
That’s the problem. These people are doing what they have done for centuries…and thanks to the liberals, they are now doing it here. This is their MO. They insidiously infiltrate a country as refugees, legally or illegally, squeal about tolerance and equal rights, bring their family over, marry citizens, buy land and businesses, have a lot of kids (who they teach about jihad and intolerance)and continue the cycle. They are given special rights (by liberals), not equal rights. They become the majority in a city, state, and then country. Then it’s all over for the real citizens. Wake up people! Stop letting the liberals run our country into the ground, and then hand it over to Muslims, who left their Sharia law-run, dirty, women hating, jihad prone country, only to come here, take advantage of our free society, and turn it into the same kind of hell hole from where they came.
Watch carefully the city of Hamtramck, Michigan. They now have a Muslim majority on the city council… 4 of 6 city council members. They now blast, down the public streets, the Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day, from the city’s 4 mosques . The once 90% Polish Catholic city, is down to 11%. That’s not tolerating another demographic, that’s obliterating it. Just like they have done throughout the centuries. How long until a majority muslim city turns to Sharia law in the US? Thank our liberal voting Americans, and our socialist President for starting this. And, you can bet the Muslims will finish it.
Spot on analysis! Keep up the good fight. A Muslim majority in any country or city would be like Hamtramck, MI. Make a stand NOW so your city or state doesn’t become a Muslim majority!
Contact your senators, reps, governor, mayor & city council to demand that you don’t want your city or state to become like Hamtramck, MI. Your city is entitled to a hearing if you want to take in refugees.
ACT for America is the nation’s largest non-profit, non-partisan,
grassroots organization devoted to promoting national security and
defeating terrorism. ACT for America has 280,000 members organized in
more than 890 chapters nationwide and 11 countries worldwide.
Report any suspicious activity. It will save lives. Call 911 anytime or FBI hotline.
Yes its called Hizrah (may have spelled wrong?). When Muslims migrate into a non Muslim country deliberately in order to seize it take over and form a Islamic government via jihad & barbaric evil Sharia Islamic law.that’s what is now happening in USA & Europe including canada
The debt can be wiped out with a Reset, it’s been done before, it will be done again. As for muslims, plenty of folks are still in denial. Even after being raped and bombed some still cannot accept that WWIII is upon us.
So we are automatically dihimmi’s.
Not to worry. This is a RELIGION of PEACE (sic)
Religion of piece. A piece of this country and a piece of that country until they gave it all.
There are already millions of Muslim’s in the USA.
Less than one percent of the population. Just wait until the numbers are in their favor. Then it will be like Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Britain.
Because we are armed and outnumber them, they are not stupid enough to start anything. Even the peaceful Buddhists in Southeast asia had no trouble with Muslims at first, but when they get their population up, then they start with the usual ‘kill the infidel’ jihad. Now Buddhists are having to fight back.
Either you are too stupid to see it, or you are deliberately trying to support the advancement of Islam. Which is is?
These letters are fake and intended to make people even more racist than they already are.
I hope they are fake, but Islam is not a race and people should fear it.
How would you know?
Another asshole Muslim lover speaking.
There is also the idea here that the real enemy is the one you will soon be running to for protection. You will give up your rights and freedoms for protection from the Muslim boogeyman that your protector created and financed.
If you don’t get the concept, watch the “V For Vendetta” movie. We’re being played.
That is unproven at the moment. They could be fake, but, then again, they might not. Do you have any specific knowledge that confirms your statement?
I guess we will find out in 3 days who was right and who wasn’t.
Yes. I see ‘Zudden’ hasn’t bothered to answer my question.
stinking durkas
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be carried out in the first place. Not a hoax, but a fear inducing tactic. Maybe it was like the boy who cried wolf. Threaten but not carry out, many times, so people will lower their guard. Then when we think it is just another threat, they will attack.
or it was a hoax by the anti immigrants, both are equally likely.
No, it is NOT equally likely. These animals threatening, or carrying out threats, IS equally likely however.
Nice conspiracy theory, idiot.
First of all, I am not racist at all, because radical, extremists jihadis are not a race, and anyone who would blow up or behead people on the basis of religion only, ARE subhuman, therefore animals. Secondly, I’m not trying to win an argument because I’m not arguing, I already know I’m right. Lastly, I would not, nor would I ever, stoop so low as to call you or anyone I have never met an idiot, based upon a disagreement. Normal, educated people can disagree with one another without calling childish names or hating one another.
P.s. You may want to review your 700+ comments on here, because most of them consist of you calling people you disagree with nasty names. THAT’S no way to win an argument, Zincoshine.
oh sorry, I misunderstood you a little bit. Yeah, ISIS are definitely animals. I still rest my case that both hoax and scare tactic were equally likely.
You understand that there are a lot of white Muslims who have joined ISIS, right? Islam is not a race.
Progressive secularists in killing Christianity are reaping what they
have sawn, that is a stronger and more aggressive religion.
This particular incident could be a hoax, but – the western world needs to wake up and understand that not everyone wants to join hands with us and sing a happy song.
If a hoax, it’s quite elaborate, since the letters appeared on dozens of homes in different cities at the same time, according to the news story. One would think that at least one of the accomplices would have been caught on surveillance camera posting the letter at the homes. If the people are caught, I wish Sweden would parachute them into ISIS territory in Syria and revoke their Swedish citizenship if they are citizens. The ISIS state should be their home and their destiny.
Even the fact that it is so believable indicates a problem. imo people’s fear of Islam is legitimate, not due to “racism,” etc. At any rate, the Swedish government seems to be taking it seriously.
Sweden will treat this as a group of non-Muslim troublemakers trying to draw attention to the filth that live in their communities.
It’s Not a hoax, a Good friend of mine in Sweden GOT one of the letters!
He has the means to protect his family though, Most of the recipients do not!
I’ve never looked into it, but how easy is it to get a semi-auto rifle legally in Sweden? I’ve heard bolt rifles are easy enough to get, especially for people who live away from the cities.
I read that Swedish police are advising citizens to arm and form vigilante groups!
I hope you mean “militias”. Vigilantes are rather different from militias.
Indeed. Militia groups have the purpose of defense. Vigilante groups have the purpose of lynching people for things they may or may not have done.
Without the parachute !
Really!! Couldn’t IS be more sensitive? It’s Christmas for gods sake!
Christmas is against everything they stand for, they couldn’t care less about Christmas. It’s their hunting and killing time. I really believe as the day gets closer we will see much more islamic terror. It’s what they thrive on. God bless everyone around the world.
I live in Sweden and something is going to happen, many people in Sweden can feel it, it’s in the air. Something is up. And that makes me so afraid. And I have to stay here, I can’t take the next plane to a another country. I’m stuck here..
The Swedish people are all in my thoughts and prayers. Many of us remember what a beautiful country Sweden was before all of this.
Janina, can you please keep us updated? FB me if possible, please. [email protected] Thank you and may God protect and be with you
Hey! I’m sorry that I haven’t seen this until now. If you want you can add me on Facebook, then I can tell you a little bit more. It’s so much that is going on that outside world don’t know about.
incident maybe hoax, but the message is from the Koran, the religion of so called peace !
This is obAMA’s Dream
These ‘moderate Muslims’ should be made to experience what happens to their likes when the government is no longer protecting THEM.
I agree ,asap
Exactly, the muslims all feel safe to threaten at the moment.
this will change soon and god help them.
I’d point out that there is also the idea here that the real enemy is the one you will soon be running to for protection. You will give up your rights and freedoms for protection from the Muslim boogeyman that your protector created and financed.
If you don’t get the concept, watch the “V For Vendetta” movie. We’re being played.
Unless you are ‘V’, we can all be ‘V’.
No merciful deity would let his followers do this. I fear for my Swedish friends’ lives.
Such love at Christmas time,true or hoax it speaks of the future if left unattended or covered up.
As fucked up as this might sound I hope they follow through with this threat so that maybe the people of Sweden and Europe will finally wake the fuck up and kick these savages out of their countries.
maybe, just maybe, the USA will be watching and get the same idea…
It will need something major to wake the masses, but they will awaken and all these threatening scum will be rushing to the police for protection.
Too late.In Sweden,France & Germany cure is impossible & there can be no amputation as the whole body is infected.
It might be too late for Sweden.
They would have to kill a lot of people before the left would think it’s more than a small percentage of Muslims that are violent. Muslims would have to show up in large numbers.
Get yourself armed
The Swedish government in their stupidity in trying to please the world have now compromised their present and the future of their children and grandchildren. I sincerely hope the scales will now fall from their eyes and they will wake up and take the kind of actions that will help recover their country from the enemy now within their gates.
I’ll bet this isn’t even true, or if it is an actual letter, the motivation is extortion of money. The ‘report’ is completely unverifiable, and points to an arab language site that is suspect. There is no collaborating news reports from any other source.
so what, if it works it does not matter, its instantly valid.
Sweden created this monster. What will they do now with all the Muslims living in the country?
Lock and load everyone!
I remember one Swedish politician saying that the Swedes must be kind to the Muslims because when the Muslims become a majority, they will be kind to the non believing Swedes. That’s working out great!
Some people respond to kindness with kindness. Others take it as evidence of weakness. It comes down to culture and expectations. High-trust societies like those in the West tend to respond the former way. Most Islamic nations have low-trust cultures, and tend to respond in the latter fashion.
Dhimmi mentality, to expect kindness from the Muslims. Do these people not read their European history? Some one said, “if you do not know your history, you are likely to repeat it…”
I urge everyone to contact their governor and demand they do not take any refugees. Minnesota is a perfect example of what you will get, a bunch of terrorist cells.
Sweedish CITIZENS should ARREST the Politicians for TREASON, and beat to DEATH any Muslim Sand Savage that threatens them , time to fight back against these APES
Hard to believe the descendants of the Vikings. One suggestion. 10, or more, Moslem’s per day are crucified until they sue for permission to convert to Christianity or be sent to the Caliphate.
Most Nords weren’t actually Vikings, because “Viking” is an occupation. It translates roughly to “raider” or “pirate”, or so I understand. The rest of their society wasn’t too terribly different from any other European society at the time.
Hardly the Case. Europeans were Christians and had been defending agains Moslem invaders for 200+ years before the Viking incursions.. Now, as to the name Vikings, that is the agreed upon Name.i’ve got a bookshelf that says so. They did not really unify until after they became Christians.
I’ve been saying this for years, I cannot believe these are the descendants of the Vikings. The Normans (who were basically Vikings who moved to France) too, there descendants have been completely emasculated. I love European history and am in total disbelief that this is happening and happening so quickly. After 9/11 they speed up Muslim immigration rather than stopping it.
That blood runs thin and is all but spent. They spent their time in great halls musing on heraldry, or sitting in high cold towers asking questions of the stars.
Hmm, almost as if we’re as bad as they are!
This is disgusting.
Yes, and if you don’t do like we do, which is to get news from the internet about this problem, the PC media including local newspapers who think if they live in denial that the worst parts of Islam just evaporate, will take letters to the editor like mine, telling what is happening in Europe and never print them. It is like the Nazis walked in and we weren’t supposed to notice and took captive all the news and spew out only their propaganda. islam is our enemy and NOT our friend.
Revelation 13:15, 20:4, “The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed … And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands …”
Goodbye Sweden hello swedenstan. It is not as if those people have either the will, wit or wisdom to stand up for themselves so they, of COURSE, bow to their new slave status.
It is done and over with, the murdering islamic savages have a new province on their caliphate.
All that heavy industry and defense, worrisome…
I’ll believe it when it starts hitting a broader media base and attacks actually occur. It still will not stop me from burning their book of satan.
Two types of Muslims on earth-
First – who does all heinious crimes
Second- who safeguard first types of Muslims.
Both types are enimy of peaceful society and world.
Muslim extremists want to murder all of us; Muslim moderates want Muslim extremists to murder all of us. Peaceful Muslims agree with the moderate ones; but, they just don’t want to know about it…
Muslims types
SO lets see they are 1400 years old and using a 354 day calendar so that puts them what? only 5 years behind everyone in the civilized world? Thats got to be a few dropped zeros on that calculation hmm.
All true, but I disagree with the implication that the Bible is any more consistent because of having been written by multiple people over hundreds of years…
True, its because everybody has its own opinion and conclusion. And many writers has confused the Mass about the real content.
Do you have any solid arguments and verifyable sources to support that claim? Links, references etc
The books of the bible are not consistent because of it’s many authors over several generations, but because of the consistency found in the content (historical, literal, prophetical) while most of these authors never knew each other.
And what about the resulting inconsistencies?
I don’t know of any. Example?
You could have just typed “logical inconsistencies in the Bible” (it’s the third suggested result, even) and gotten more information than even I have time to read through. As a test, I clicked on the first result. Most of these seem to be inconsistencies with reality rather than with other, but there are still entire sites dedicated to this sort of thing. A good example, with many bible versus on both sides, is whether or not salvation is through faith alone or if works matter:
There are also entire sites dedicated to deny the holocaust or moonlanding ever happened. That doesnt mean its true, as I assume you would agree on. You were making the claim of inconsistencies in the bible, so Im asking you about it, not google. And since you are admitting you never took the time to really study the claims made on these websites but merely glanced over them you can’t really make an informed opinion as to weather these claims are actually correct or not. The salvation/works question is easily answered by james 2:18, 2cor 5:10 and romans 8:1. Basicly salvation comes through faith alone, however all will be judged (saved and not saved) according to their works. Remember we have a free will, once saved does not mean always saved, thats where the works come in (james 2:18).
So basically, you’re not curious about the inconsistencies, you just want to find something to feel superior to me about. In that case, why even bother to ask me? I’ve done more research than you have, but don’t let that stop you…
As for the salvation… it can’t be through faith alone, because you just said that works matter as well, so you can be faithful and still be not saved, so works matter as well. I’m fine with it being through both, but at least say that it’s not through faith alone.
Destroy Islam. Trump is right: keep them out, kick them out. Canada should do the same.
Obama is the financier of ISIS…. The new Canadian president knows Obama. Obama has been associated & funded by a rich Saudi Arabian guy since 1985.
Obama & Turkey working with Isis for oil
you deserve it. Do you have a smart foreign minister …
She blames the Jews lol
Seems fair enough. It’s not as if they weren’t given notice and some choice. What more could you expects from nutters. However, the Swedish gummint will no doubt find it to be a racist right-wing plot designed to destroy multi-cultural relations and the takeover of the Swedish state by mus-slimes.
Considering that right-wing nutter who massacred people at a youth camp over immigration a while back, I’d believe them.
Obama is going to be responsible for the mass murders of thousands of Americans in the near future for importing 5.2 million Muslims per year into the USA via B-1 work visa’s, bogus student visa’s, borders, visitation visa’s, bogus refugee visa’s to these Evil reprobate Muslims who follow the Murderous barbaric death Cult of Islam. IF Donald Trump is not elected a lot of Americans are going to tragically die. TRUMP may not have the best character, but his political principals are straight from the teachings of the Bible. They are morally right, just & fair & will help protect our Citizens. IF TRUMP is NOT elected our country & nation will head for a free fall into the Islamic State , 3rd world nations, bankruptcy & terrorism & Hillary Clinton will pave the way to it’s total destruction to finish off what Obama has already done …
“The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.”
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
“Islam has always been part of America”
“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”
“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”
“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality”
” I want to fundamentally transform this country”………
Barack Obam0
Sweden, Germany and the rest of the EU, open the gates, let more in! You curse Israel, you will pay the piper!
In your in own home you can carry a weapon. I wouldn’t hesitate. Be prepared, purchase and learn to use it before you need it.
Never give in to isis. Get your guns and ammo ready. They are saying 5 to 10 thousand rounds of ammo per household.
Vote #Trump is you want a man with real balls to stop this madness.
Terrorists prefer defenseless victims!
Wait! Weren’t these the same types of letters written by Jewish refugees after they emigrated to the USA or Australia right before WWII? I mean aren’t they the same as those Syrian “refugees”?
Is this the same Swedish Government that collects massive taxes from Saab Defense, Oerlikens, and Bofors? Seriously? Try asking the Finns for help, they have plenty of Winter War hardware and fortitude still laying around from living next door to Ivan for so long I am sure.
Leftists import jihadi murderers, in this case the very definition of Stockholm Syndrome. They wish to end their rivals with these inbred savages (thats us people) and be able to wash their hands of whatever the final outcome is. Lets make sure the blood will not wash from their filthy hands.
Offer to pay, then shoot the collector(s).
Wait, that anti-semitic bitch margot wallstrom will probably blame Israel.
Let the heads roll and may the politically correct lefties bow and scrape away the blood.
i guess they’re just following what they’re being told to do from this top islamic scholar:
This is a fake!
Nothing about this in Swedish media, so its a strange “State of Panic” that the Swedish Government are in, that no one know of..
They would think twice about putting something like this up in the US. There are a lot of gun owners who would simple say, “Bring it on.” Then, there are those who oppose guns in civilian hands, who do not have their own who would be shivering in their closets or leave town. OR run to a gun owner and ask for help.
They better start warming up that Viking blood. Bring it to a low simmer, so it can be brought to a full boil quicker if needed. Other wise…..
Not surprising. Sweden’s police are stretched so thin that they are telling citizens to either create or join vigilante groups for protection The police are not coming! Crimes are being committed with impunity. Denmark allowed 190.000 Muslims in. The country’s civilization is breaking down. Citizens are stating that they are afraid to live there. When Muslims think that they have the numbers they try to take over.
all I can say is Americans Lock And Load. keep your guns primed and by your side. This is why OBAMA wants us disarmed he doesnt want his fellow muslims to get gunned down. Well a lot of them are going to die if they start that crap here. You can only push americans so far. We turn the other check just so far.
É assim que tudo começa, eles (os muçulmanos), vem para seu país como coitadinhos, exilados, os motivos eles usam aos montes, depois que devidamente instalados, dizem eles, que a religião muçulmana, o ISLÃ, é da paz, não quer o mal pra ninguém, mais ai, eles no momento certo, mostram a verdadeira cara do ISLÃ.
Como esta fazendo agora na Suécia… Estão ameaçando os cidadão de lá, para se converterem ao ISLÃ caso contrario, irão ser mortos degolados pois são impuros infiéis.
Certo esta a Noruega, cujo congresso nacional, criou uma lei, que determina, que para se construir uma mesquita em seu território, só será permitido, quando os países de fé islâmica, aceitarem que seus cidadãos possam professar outra fé que não seja o islã.,
Welcoming Muslims (Refugees) from Syria or any part of the world is the biggest mistake. What Mr. Trump has said right but people with different breed (seculars) don’t accept the fact. If Mr. Trump will win this would be again a powerful america. I believe.
Yes, great picture worth a thousand words! All they need here is o’dumber sweeping the red carpet for the one coming to the U.S.
Strange….. nothing in our newspapers about…. Just a big fat lie! That is what it is!!
America apparently is already supporting them with tax dollars as they role into our country and they kill us just the same… it is not about money its about submission to Satan the god of this world and his soon coming prince
swedes must get off there asses or its over.
all Muslims must go or your government, in Canada it will be both., they can leave in a body bag.
Where can they pay Jizya? How can they prove they converted?
Converting is actually the safest bet.
It could be that the letter is a joke. Or else this is the beginning of a large scale conversion, where the Islamist can not afford to lose their credibility. So they MUST keep their promise and decapitate.
I proudly fly the Christian flag on my house. They want to come after Christians, I’m making myself easy to find. I don’t fear death because I know where I’m going. They can’t intimidate me
It’s not polite to mention how AWFUL this is!!!! Btw How did they learn Swedish?
Oh yeah obama would like for us to be disarmed because he is mentally ill, imo, and has a hate complex. Actually I dont think he knows up from down anymore and looks like he isnt here in photographs.
Fear. It’s what the puppeteers want, to encourage the people to go to war. If this truly happened, there would be non stop press coverage across the world.
The 3 days have passed has anyone followed through with the threat?
I thought Sweden Citizens were armed to the teeth. I mean they boast more arms per household than Canada and they are considering this drivel a threat? Ya ok. These Bastards come to my house trying to impose this crap they will be leaving horizontal.
Well, for now, threats like that are unheard of in the USA. I mean, if someone would attempt that, there’s very strong chance that their head would wind up on the sidewalk. Part of the head, anyway.
I believe the Swedish, European, American and other Western governments are led by intelligent people, who know precisely what is happening. It is not possible for the “best and the brightest” who operate top secret services in the world to not be able to interpret the handwriting on the wall.
My suspicion is that all of them have been drafted to be part of an international conspiracy (perhaps by the Illuminati or the Black Nobility) to foist a Hegelian didactic on the whole world in preparation for the manifestation of the Anti-Christ. Inject Islam (the anti-thesis) into Western civilization (the thesis), with the expected outcome (synthesis), being some promised utopia controlled by the “masters of the world”, under the leadership of the Devil.
It is not possible for intelligent people of this nature to sacrifice themselves, their families and the destruction of their societies by Islam, as is clear to even the casual observer, without the promise of something perceived to be more valuable than their way of life. What I wonder is what is in this for them; what has been held up before them? The promise of eternal life? This is a deception, because all of them will go to hell, and that is where they will discover that they have been deceived by the Devil.
Sorry, I meant “Hegelian Dialectic”. My error.
Call out the army and prtect your citezans, give these people some form of protection ex army who know how to use a gun ask them to volunteer I certainly would, you have got to do something quickly
Sound like a permission slip for muselmaniac hunting to me.
What’s left arm and defend …… now I understand why US its citizens have guns …. !!! not give them these mobs like ….. and the state must KICK TO THOSE TERRORISTS …. ARAB that’s what the people expect .. fight for their freedom.
FREEDOM AND PEACE IS IN DANGER ….. !!! ALERT PEOPLE … ISLAM IS DEATH …. decapitation …. AND WELL elect their authorities not to accept ISLMA THE DEATH IS EVIL ……. and Authoritarianism , DESTRUCTION AND POVERTY … . !!!
This is terrorist friends ….. we have to defend himself and saw what happens with Syria …. must all have to defend …. these terrorists and they saw that opened their borders …. !!! with God’s help …. the army must patrol the streets and stop terrorists ….
Swedish government have to make an exemple, take 50 refugies men and send a mensage in TV radio and news papers that if in 3 days they kill or behead some one theses 50 will be hanged in tree front of all peoples
muslims are the same the world over and that includes isis
Islam is retards.
1. this is why you need stop importing them, 2 keep your guns for self defense, 3. stop voting in people that let Muslims come in to your nation. 4. any Muslim killed while doing this put them in the ground with a piece of pork in their mouths