According to the recently published testimony of Karam Sa‘ad—a former sergeant in the Iraqi army who was imprisoned and tortured by the Islamic State in June 2014 but recently escaped—ISIS engages in atrocities that the West remains largely ignorant of. Among these and in the words of the escapee:
They [ISIS] tormented them [Christians] in horrendous ways and many of them died [from the torture] during their captivity…. They used to put them inside what resembled coffins and then set them on fire from the inside.
The Western world was horrified when ISIS set a Jordanian pilot on fire, but as more escapees and former hostages share their experiences, it appears that such savagery is the tip of the iceberg.
Moslems are gruesome! Worse than animals, more like demons! This is incomprehensible, and I hope that Putin soon makes good on his promise to eradicate these monsters! And the MSM doesn’t report on these atrocities. Islam makes one feel sick to one’s stomach..
They are lower than slime bugs and scum of the earth.
Yes, I agree! The West has been sleeping, and thanks to the moslem in the White House and the lunatic in Germany, Europe is being flooded – by the hour! – by sick, perverse and evil Jihadis! Do you know that they have stopped several of critters with images of beheaded people on their iphones, when they cross the borders? This has happened in both Germany, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Greece and Germany, yet, they ONLY check randomly! They are coming here to Slaughter us, and our sick leaders are just welcoming them. You should see Europe today – it looks like an Afro-Arab continent. Not worth visiting.
Dung Beatles come to mind!!!
Hey guys. It’s a Muslim that posted this. I know an Afghan whose burning passion is to find funding for housing for elderly people in his country when their family cannot afford to support them. How many of you have such noble hearts?
“Hey guys. It’s a Muslim that posted this. I know an Afghan whose burning passion is to find funding for housing for elderly people in his country when their family cannot afford to support them. How many of you have such noble hearts?”
What on earth does this have to do with the article?
Sickening!! I also just read a report over on jawa report, that a ISIS militant put his own mother to death in front of a crowd of about 200.It’s Heartbreaking knowing of all the Christian suffering and torture, it’s also heartbreaking to hear of any human being,those of any religion,that have had the misfortune of running into such a demonic group…I pray our Lord will return soon to collect us. God Bless.
NN Fareed Zakaria calls 4 jihad rape of white women to Control white population. … White women better get your guns ready.
isis/islam you will burn in hell for eternaty
Jesus will come soon and all sorts suffering will end
they make hitler look like a boyscout