Israel National News, by Dr. Stephen M. Kirby
I appreciated reading Rebecca Abrahamson’s recent article titled: A Muslim Counter Narrative. She started her article off with the words, “In the shadow of the terror attacks increasingly aimed at Muslims,” and then proceeded to list three recent attacks in which Muslims were killed by “suicide” bombers:
The March 27th Easter Sunday attack in Lahore, Pakistan, targeting Christians; the March 26th attack on soccer fans in Iskandariya, Iraq; and the March 16th attack on a Nigerian mosque.
Abrahamson concluded this introductory section by writing:
But aren’t Christians “People of the Book”, and who says that soccer is haram (forbidden) and what objection was there to a mosque? No one is safe.
According to Abrahamson, there seems to be a senselessly violent version of Islam out there that is now consuming even Muslims.
But she notes that “some Muslims are speaking out,” and the rest of her article focused on Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, “a Muslim theologian who, at personal self-sacrifice, is spreading the word that there can be a peaceful Islam.”
Is there really a senselessly violent version of Islam? Aren’t People of the Book supposed to be protected under Islam? Is soccer now haram and any mosque subject to attack? Is no one really safe? Can the ideas of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi help address this seemingly senseless violence that is apparently now directed against other Muslims? To answer those questions, let’s look at each of these attacks in the order listed by Abrahamson.
As a framework for examining these attacks, we will rely on an insightful article about ISIS (the Islamic State) by Raymond Ibrahim: But ISIS Kills More Muslims than Non-Muslims! In this article, Ibrahim makes two observations that we will use as our framework:
Observation No. 1: ISIS does not consider its victims to be Muslim. ISIS is a Sunni Muslim organization and views all non-Sunni Muslims (e.g. Shias) as false Muslims.
Observation No. 2: If fellow Sunnis are accidently killed by ISIS, those Sunni victims are considered martyrs, destined to enter Islam’s paradise… Keep reading
Muslims are Monsters. All Muslims are Monsters… even the allegedly peaceful ones.
These six are the key members of the EU, and want to murder Jews, they support Iran and the muslim world, in killing all Jews, and want a WW3 against Russia. Why as IIS not assonated any of this scum, the women is far the most hateful against Jews, and says Hitler did not murder any Jew!.
I wonder how long that one on the right has been a woman ?
lol, but there is very danger between its ears.
On migration, why as Luxembourg, not taken any migrants, all the people in he UK want to know why, before they hang Cameron I the street! It is going to happen, law and order has failed in the uk, it is now time for the people to take matter in hand, for our selves. EU OUT! Obama and Hillary Clinton want the muslim and Islam to kill all Jews, you have got to act fast, and very soon.