Saudi Arabian officials recently arrested 27 Christians—among them several women and children—for the crime of “conducting Christian prayers” and being “in possession of Bibles,” reports Arab media.
The group of Christians, most if not all of whom were Lebanese nationals, were celebrating a Virgin Mary feast day when authorities stormed their residence and arrested them.
Authorities, the dreaded “religious police,” proceeded to strip them of their visas and deport them back to Lebanon. Ironically, this is a much better fate than that suffered by other Christians caught engaging in “acts of Christianity” in the Islamic kingdom, including torture and long jail sentences.
For example, back in 2012, 35 Christian Ethiopians were arrested and abused in prison for almost a year, simply for holding a private house prayer. One of them reported after being released: “They [Saudis] are full of hatred towards non-Muslims.”
As of this time, no Western language media has reported this most recent harassment, arrest, abuse, and deportation of Christians privately celebrating their faith in the Arabian Peninsula, that is, the birthplace of Islam.
Interesting that the Saudis are funding Wahabi mosques in every western world but Christianity, Christian churches and Bibles are strictly forbidden criminal offences in Saudi Arabia.
Interesting….????? More like our Government SOLD us OUT a long time ago!
and moslems hog the streets in their military display and pray their salat that denigrates and bashes. and so many think that is ok and prefer to be useful idiots rather than recognize it for what it is – an invasion.
I’m for this kind of multiculturalism…now let us do the same in Europe and North America to Muslims who pray in Saudi funded mosques. Kick them out…!
Saudis are from a Jew. ..
Pardon read the Holy Quran the Medina period….There is the true. ..Salam
The inhabitants of Medina were Arab tribes. Jews in Persia were persecuted and fled to Medina. Now when the prophet fled to Medina he was welcomed by those jews. Unfortunately he killed them all.
Two questions: 1) Was it because of Abu Afak? And 2) Are only Saudi’s descended from jews or are there other peoples that come from jews? (Sunni vs Shiite?)
Only Saudi Family is from a Jew….no more..
Meaning the muhammad where a Jew?
Yes i do….because Medina was a Jewish city..
It’s just as well that we only need the oil. We don’t need the savages.
So what, we expect irrational behavior in Saudi Arabia. That does not mean we should be irrational. The more we accept religious differences in the West, the more Muslims in the West will see that their governments are in the wrong. BTW, totally inflammatory picture of men with swords. These men are akin to the ignorant, intolerant “Christians” who brandish guns.
So, let’s do the same “reciprocity” in Europe…
Muslims in the west demand total accommodation of their ideology’s supremacist tenets and behavior, under the rubric of “multiculturalism” and “tolerance,” but, observe that there is no reciprocity extended in kind to non-Muslims living in Islamic countries.
I’ve always found the U.S.’s “marriage of convenience” to Saudi Arabia to be deeply troubling. I understand that we need Saudi oil, but, this is a country that funds and supports the spread of a vile and belligerent strain of an already-vile and belligerent ideology, worldwide. And, to think that Yale Law School, Georgetown and other allegedly hallowed institutions of learning in the U.S. have debased and disgraced themselves by taking tens of millions of dollars in Saudi money, in exchange for opening centers on campus devoted to whitewashing Islam’s reputation and promoting it as a benign ideology. Bear in mind that Saudi Arabia won’t even allow non-Muslims to visit Mecca — imagine if the Vatican banned non-Catholics from visiting the Sistine Chapel, or, if Israel banned non-Jews from visiting the Wailing Wall! And, of course, the fact that non-Islamic houses of worship are banned in Saudi Arabia speaks to the surreal level of ideological supremacism, totalitarianism and naked intolerance that is at the heart of Islam. Yet, the Left would rather perenially criticize Israel for its alleged transgressions against Muslims, than criticize the horrific treatment of non-Muslims in Islamic countries.
This may be a good time to remind people to boycott taxi service Uber, in which the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund took a large stake, several months ago. I switched to using rival Lyft, because I don’t want my taxi spending supporting the spread of Islam.