The very same logic that Muslims cite in their ongoing efforts to criminalize anti-Islamic speech in Western nations would require the criminalization of Islam itself.
Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Mohammed al-Issa argues that “Europe must do more to … criminalize religious hate speech.” In an April 9 interview with Reuters, this prominent Saudi said: “We believe that European countries, where there is much debate now, and other countries around the world … need to … criminalize hatred and contempt for adherents of religions because this threatens the safety of the community.”
The “hatred and contempt for adherents of religions” that Muslims complain of is ecumenical code for “Islamophobia.” Thus, on April 5 Ömer Serdar, a senior official from Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, announced that he and a “group of Turkish lawmakers will travel to the heart of Europe,” where they will “investigate whether authorities take measures against the hostility of Islamophobic discrimination in Muslims’ daily lives.” Afterwards, “they will hold meetings with state authorities during their visits to Germany, France, and Belgium” and “discuss the issue of marginalization.”
All of this is in line with policies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the “collective voice of the Muslim World” and second-largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations. For years — especially after a Muslim massacred a dozen people at France’s Charlie Hebdo offices for publishing satirical caricatures of Muhammad — the OIC has called on the United Nations to criminalize the “defamation of religions,” meaning criticism of Islam.
Everyone — especially Muslims — seems to miss the grand irony. If international laws would ban speech, cartoons, books, and films on the basis that they defame religions, those laws would ban the entire religion of Islam itself.
Islam is the only religion whose core texts actively, unequivocally defame other religions, including by name.
Consider what “defamation” means. Typical dictionary definitions include “to blacken another’s reputation,” and “false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel.” But in Muslim usage, defamation simply means anything that insults or offends Islamic sensibilities.
However, to gain traction among the international community, the OIC and others cynically maintain that such laws should protect all religions from defamation, not just Islam (even as Muslim governments ban churches, destroy crucifixes, and burn Bibles). Disingenuous or not, the OIC’s wording suggests that any expression that “slanders” the religious sentiments of others should be banned.
What, then, do we do with Islam’s core religious texts — beginning with the Koran itself?
The Koran repeatedly slanders, denigrates, and blackens the reputation of other specific religions. Consider these passages about Christianity:
— Koran 5:73: “Infidels are they who say God is one of three,” a reference to the Christian Trinity.
— Koran 5:72: “Infidels are they who say God is the Christ, [Jesus] son of Mary.”
— Koran 9:30: “[T]he Christians say the Christ is the son of God … may God’s curse be upon them!”
The word “infidel” (kafir) is one of Islam’s most derogatory terms. What if a core Christian text — or even a Western cartoon — declared: “Infidels are they who say Muhammad is the prophet of God — may God’s curse be upon them”?
If Muslims consider that a great defamation against Islam — and they would, with all the attendant rioting, murders, etc. — then by the same standard, it must be admitted that the Koran defames Christians and Christianity.
Consider how the Christian Cross, venerated by billions, is defamed in Islam. According to canonical hadiths, when he returns, Jesus (“Prophet Isa”) will destroy all crosses. Muhammad, who never allowed the cross in his presence, once ordered someone wearing a cross to “throw away this piece of idol from yourself.”
Unsurprisingly, the cross is banned and often destroyed whenever visible in many Muslim countries.
What if Christian books or Western movies specifically named the sacred symbols of Islam — perhaps the Black Stone in Mecca’s Ka’ba — as “idolatry” that Muhammad himself will return and destroy? If Muslims would consider that defamation against Islam — and they would, with all the attendant rioting, murders, etc. — then by the same standard it must be admitted that Islamic teaching defames the Christian Cross.
Here is perhaps the most particularly odious form of defamation against Christian sentiment: According to Islam’s most authoritative Koranic exegetes, including the revered Ibn Kathir, Muhammad will be married to and copulating with the Virgin Mary in paradise.
Imagine if anything — from a core Christian text to a cartoon — portrayed, say, Muhammad’s “favorite” wife Aisha, the “Mother of Believers,” as being married to and having sex with a false prophet in heaven.
If Muslims would consider that a great defamation against Islam — and they would, with all the attendant rioting, murders, etc. — then by the same standard it must be admitted that Islam’s most authoritative Koranic exegetes defame the Virgin Mary.
Such defamation of Christianity is hardly limited to Islam’s core scriptures. In fact, modern-day Muslim scholars and sheikhs agree: it is permissible to defame and mock Christianity. “Islam Web,” which is owned by the government of Qatar, even issued a fatwa that legitimizes insulting Christianity.
The grandest irony of all is that the “defamation” that Muslims complain about — and that prompts great violence and bloodshed around the world — revolves around things like cartoons and movies, which are made by individuals who represent only themselves. On the other hand, Islam itself, through its holiest and most authoritative texts, denigrates and condemns — in a word, “defames” — all other religions.
It is this issue — Islam’s perceived “divine” right to defame and destroy — that the international community should address.
And the right to freely discuss and criticize Islam’s penchant to defame and destroy is what the international community must protect.
Typical leftists; they NEVER think anything through to its logical conclusion before demanding it be done.Even if you eliminated the core texts, virtually every Muslim site/ web page, tweet, etc spews hatred for all others, both by groups and individually as well.Christians and Jews are targets of particular venom from Muslims, but no one is excluded, even other Muslims. Unless, of course, it’s a site run by one of the “apologists” practicing taqqiya to convince gullible westerners that Islam is a “religion of peace”.
thanks Raymond! Keep the good work up!! More and more people are seeing the light – its interesting that even pople with the least of education get it whilst many western politicians seem to swallow the false islamic narratives…
Do you not think that politicians that are into the One World Order Plan are contented to let Islamist’s destroy civilisation as we know it? Just another way to Population Control and the destruction of Christianity.
why would they wish the destruction of Christianity by replacing it with a vile ideology like that of islam?
If you do not know about the One World Order, George Soros et al then it is wise to read up on it….plenty available.
you’re preaching to the converted…
there is no population control importing Islam among us. If anything the population will become insupportable. Serious measures need to be taken i.e. enforced vasectomies and tubal ligation. How can we compete with men with four wives under the age of 18 and 20 children x this by the already huge islamic population and anarchy will be worse than it is already. Merkel and the rest of her NAZI backers will be dead the old baggage is already 63, judging by her weight she will be dead in less than 25 years. What has been her legacy? Macron’s wife is beyond child bearing, May is menopausal, Sweden’s women are full of crap, German women are sick of being raped. We need a war Mairin T against Islam and now sooner than later.
What a similarity….Muhammad could not abide a cross in front of him… Satan….
Birds of a feather…
MoHamMad the insane male chauvinist pig, believed he had encountered the Angel Gabriel (Jiberal), when in fact it was Satan himself.
Revelation 12:9 Satan is the deceiver of the whole world.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Mohamed stated that he “listened to the Angel of Light”.
“The Angel of Light” is the Biblical title of the Chief Fallen Angel, Lucifer, who is more commonly referred to as Satan.
All very clearly elucidated. How do we get this message through to our gullible Western leaders, especially that nincompoop, the Pope?
Muhammad is the effigy of a false prophet, every time I see this name the first thought coming to mind is the ‘Temptation of Christ’ Satan appears, and states, “All you see below your feet I will give you Kingship over and the entire world – if only you will bow down and worship me” The dwarf was a maniac precisely why little girls were whom he copulated with, he must have been a particularly small dwarf and due to interbreeding among Arab tribes this is not inconceivable. The Arabian desert was sparsely populated, there is also extinct as well as live Volcanism in the deserts reaching up to Iraq, as well as Iran. Major earthquakes rattle Iran and the last devastating quake I recall was during the reign of the Shah. Earthquakes have happened since but not too the same degree. So I conclude for extensive periods of history Arabs were warring tribes with barbaric practices such as burying baby girls at birth in the sand. After all a warrior bunch of ignorant Arabs don’t need too many women a few can be kept constantly pregnant to produce more male warriors – this is what we are importing into Europe. Some one needs to take a pot shot at all EU members and Merkel in particular.
Precisely the reason flooding of the west with “immigrants” will lead to a police state and one world govt, bc it must all be banned, Christian, Moslem and whatever. It’s an ingenious plan of malevolent powers joined with ignorant people and all it would take is a war like Gog-Magog to depoliticize eastern Moslem nations to kick-start one world.
“Islam is the only religion whose core texts actively, unequivocally defame other religions, including by name.” Really? Ever read what the Talmud has to say about Jesus? Or the satanic souls of us “cattle” who are not one of the “chosen”? There is more than one religion that thinks it has special privileges. He that has ears to hear……….
“…group of Turkish lawmakers will travel to the heart of Europe…,” No doubt the EU politicians will accommodate these so-called Muslim lawmakers because they accommodated the Muslim “refugees” since the beginning of the invasion. I see this as just another step to aid and abet Islam in their take-over of the west and destroy Christianity.
Since most in the West, especially the political elite, have rejected God and His moral law, they have become blind and deaf to the lie of Islam.